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January 7, 2008 - Monday

Clear and reasonably warm.


A pretty good day today. Yay. I got up when my alarm woke me up this morning. I was really surprised that it was morning already! I wanted to sleep more, but I didn't. I hoped to watch news, but it wasn't on. It was just American Football. So, I rewatched Project Runway from Saturday night, then the two CSI shows that I taped on Saturday. So, I was entertained this morning.

In the early afternoon, I went out. I had a bill to pay for my school, so I did that, then came back to S-Mall. I didn't do much there. I had lunch, then I hacked around the 100 yen shop. I only got a few things there. I had coffee in Doutours downstairs and then realized that it was getting dark. I decided to just go home.

I got home just before 5 and Fumihiko came home quite soon after 5. He didn't feel very well, he said. We snuggled for a bit, and then went out for dinner.

We went to Bronco and had fairly good steaks. It's an okay place, nothing fancy, but the food is usually good. After our dinner, we went over to the school where I dropped off a small laundry basket and then set the heater for tomorrow.

We bought groceries for tomorrow's dinner at the grocery store. We were in and out quite fast. Fumihiko let me lead for a change and I didn't waste time like he does. Obviously a sign that he isn't feeling well.

We came home and I watched the third part of the Albert Kahn documentary. Tonight was about the Balkans. Honestly, not an area that I knew a lot about, so it was really interesting to watch.

Fumihiko said he was going to go to bed as I channel-surfed, but I found a strange show with William Hurt being set upon by toy soldiers. It was quite scary and interesting, so he got sucked into staying and watching it! It was based on a story by Stephen King.

And that was about it. Fumihiko went to bed around 11, and I've been playing computer games and reading blogs. Now, I'm listening to CBC news by podcast.

Anyway, I should get to bed too. I'm a bit tired, and I need some sleep too. I've got two classes tomorrow night. Wish me luck!

Night night!


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