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January 9, 2008 - Wednesday

Rainy, cloudy, not a nice day.


I went to bed quite late last night, and as I went to bed, poor Fumihiko started coughing. He coughed so much that he woke up, and got out of bed. I felt really bad for him, so I got up and gave him one of my cough suppressant cough drops. He stayed on the couch for a bit, but I think I was asleep by the time he came back to bed.

This morning I got up to watch the news, and surprisingly, there was news! In English too. Bonus day. I sat on the couch with my cup of coffee and watched. Then, I took a nap. I told myself that it would just be for a few minutes, but woke up more than an hour later. Oh well, today was my day off anyway!

I finally got up, made the bed and dressed. I didn't do much all day. I was really feeling tired.

Fumihiko came home around 5:30 and after a bit we went out for dinner. Tonight we went to M's Dining. I had their mega burger again. It was nice, but tonight the fruit that came with it was apples and bananas. I've never tried putting bananas on a hamburger, and didn't start tonight either. They'd also put the nice sour pickle in with the fruit, so the banana smelt slightly of pickle. I had the soup bar tonight too and tried their minestrone. Usually I don't like tomato based soups (I tend to be a little allergic to any tomato-y sauce type things), but this was quite nice. They had big chunks of veggies and chicken in it, which was an interesting taste sensation.

We came home via the school. I had to set my heater for tomorrow. At home we had a lazy kind of evening. Around 10:20 I got up from my computer and took a nap on the floor. I was really sleepy. Don't know what it is with me these days! Fumihiko turned on the TV and channel-surfed. He found a channel where I heard a silky voice asking, "Who put you in charge?" Even though I was half asleep I answered, "You did, when you killed (sic) my boss." Yes, it was on, just then, the best action film ever*, Die Hard. So, I got up off the floor and watched it. I love that film. And Alan Rickman.

When it was over, we switched channels to Desperate Housewives. Tonight was good! Bree's in the hospital, Orson is going to be, and Mike got his memory back. Ooh. Fun.

A bit later, Fumihiko took his bath and I started blogging. He's feeling a bit better, but not great. His back is still bad, and he has a bit of a cough. Poor thing.

Anyway, that was my day. It was quite nice, and quite quiet. Night!

*In my humble opinion.


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