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Dating & Relationship Coach -- 415 339 8131 -- based in Marin County, Teresa Foxworthy is The Dating Coach who helps both singles and couples develop the loving relationships they desire.

Teresa Foxworthy


Telephone: ( 4 1 5 ) 3 3 9 - 8 1 3 1

--Attract and keep the Love of Your Life!

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Learn both the Ancient and today's Modern Dating Techniques!

There are seemingly countless ways to eliminate the obstacles in our path, especially the emotional blocks. Techniques range from esoteric to very concrete. There are emotional release sessions, lists to write and carry with you, collages, workshop activities, re-positioning your bed, incantations, regular coaching sessions, creating a buddy system to help you in your pursuit, meditations, oh, the list really goes on and on...

But let's begin with some fundamental questions we can all ask ourselves:

1 What are my deepest dreams?

2 How does my schedule reflect my core values and top priorities?

3 What kind of mate would bring out the best in me and I in him/her?

4 Do I speak to myself in ways that inspire and motivate my efforts?

5 How might my negative attitudes be actually serving me now?

6 What are the pay-offs to maintaining these attitudes?

7 What are the costs to my dreams if I persist with them?

8 Am I choosing consciously or unconsciously to live my life today?

9 Am I afraid to have what I want? Why might that be?

10 Am I afraid of intimacy? Why might that be?

11 Am I ready to heal the wounds or let go of the fears that limit me? How shall I do that?

12 Am I ready to focus on my personal fulfillment? Where shall I begin?

13 Am I balancing my professional goals with my personal goals?

14 Have I invested the same amount of time and energy into my personal fulfillment as I have my professional success? Why or why not?

15 What one area do I most want and need to focus on now? Can & will I?

Now that you have a sense of where you are and whom you'd like to meet, it's time for some coaching. Coaching is a wonderful way to stay focused on your goals, eliminating obstacles as they arise. Everyone one wants to succeed, but success requires courage and commitment. This is courage and commitment is revealed as you face your objectives and fears and remain faithful to your program, of course revising as necessary. The point is that whether we are looking for a relationship or a better quality of life, our efforts bring desired results when we stay relaxed and focus. A coach is your mentor for this aim. Just like in other fields of endeavor, a coach can bolster your confidence, point out your blind spots, and trouble shoot the issues that threaten your serenity.

Life Coaching definitely take many forms according to individual coaches. Here is the general outline I use:


a. define goals;
b. define action list and resources as success plan;
c. implement plan;
d. weekly check-ins to guage progress;
e. monthly sessions to release accumulated stress and emotional blocks;
f. re-evaluate plan and re-focus;
g. acknowledge progress and successes;
h. reward yourself for successes;
i. stay on track with your total life vision for self, marriage, career and home life;
j. take on one goal after another with rests in between.

Coaching for Dating and Relationships is a courageous and exciting pursuit that paves the road for your deepest level of fulfillment.
Are you ready?


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