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The Dating & Relationship Coach of Marin

Dating & Relationship Coach -- 415 339 8131 -- based in Marin County, Teresa Foxworthy is The Dating Coach who helps both singles and couples develop the loving relationships they desire.

"Open your heart to love."

Attract and keep the Love of Your Life!

Teresa Foxworthy

Telephone: ( 4 1 5 ) 3 3 9 - 8 1 3 1

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Let Teresa Foxworthy answer your questions about dating and relationships in this 21st century. Beginning with issues of emotional and spiritual development, principles of attraction and long-term compatibility, The Dating Coach can lead you through today's maze of contemporary issues facing singles and couples. Emotional maturity, stress management and spiritual growth are the internal factors that complement the external tools of image enhancement, dating services and social skills. With a range of techniques and resources , The Dating Coach brings you desired results.

Once you establish your Goal Sheet and Action Plan , you can relax knowing that you are on track with your life. The main topic is staying on track! For different people, this means different things. Some people need to work with one or two topics for a long period of time before going on to the next. Others work over a range of goal topics and keep revising and fine-tuning them every week. Your plan must make sense to you. It should provide you with a sense excitement and pleasure in dating and developing a conscious intimacy with your partner.

Maybe you first need to go on a Vision Quest to do this. Maybe you want to develop a stress management plan like our Throne of Power, to balance the pressures between professional and personal goals. Or perhaps you need to heal some old wounds before you get ready to open your heart again. If so, our Emotional Healing & Development Program might be your first step. If you want to approach your dating experience with a more esoteric or spiritual approach to love, you could try Feng Shui for Romance, or Astrological Compatibility, or The Path to the Beloved Program.

Whatever you choose, remember, you can live the life you want! And a Coach makes it all the easier, plus brings faster results. Call today for your introductory consultation: 415.339.8131



The DATING COACH's Services
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DATING COACH's Calendar of Events
Meet Teresa Foxworthy
New Millennium Events
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