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Favorite Quotes From The Show: 1. Brooke to Lily- "Style and Substance Abuse"....."I'm not going to sink to your level of bitchory." 2. Nikki to Sam- "Style and Substance Abuse"....."Pull your floppy ears out of the dog dish and listen to the grape vine....." 3. Nikki to Josh- "Joe loves Mary Cherry"...."The biggest taboo of all is being unpopular..." 4. Harrison- "Joe loves Mary Cherry"......."You can't make someone love you....." 5. Sam to Brooke- "Citizen Shame"......"You stole a car?" 6. Nikki to Harrison- "Two Weddings and a Funneral"...."Buck up geek, I wrote that." 7. Harrison- "Two Weddings and a Funneral"....."oooooohh Ms. Glass....." 8. Mary Cherry to Nichole- "Style and Substance Abuse"..."Hope you win Nik, you deserve to win...." 9. Mary Cherry to Nichole- "Queen B"..."Hope you and salt water taffy win you deserve to win..." 10. Brooke- "Style and Substance Abuse"...."You guys, lets do it for Wendall!" 11. Harrison- "The Consequences of Falling"..."I never get the girl, I never get the brass ring its the story of my life!" 12. Carmen- "The Consequences of Falling"..."We've already seen the made for tv movie mommy may I sleep with danger and we know how it ends." 13. Clarwence- "The Consequences of Falling"..."Is all this drama stimming from the fact that I didn't get a hampster cause I'm not taking it personally dude." 14. Mary Cherry & Nikki- "The Consequences of Falling"..."WORD" 15. Sam- "The Consequences of Falling"..."Were sorry Harrison, we'll go out right now and buy you a Clarwence."