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M-ZONE Updated: January 8, 2002

Site News:

That new page you have been waiting for (ha!) is now up and running. With the exception of the photo gallery everything is working great! There are even a few extra things I have added. Here's the new page link:

The M-Zone

Here's another update... I haven't been working on this page much lately. Don't worry it's not going anywhere, I'm just in the process of changing it. I thought I was finally happy, and then I found a whole bunch of stuff that sparked a new fire of thoughts. The new page will actually have "m-zone" in the address and it's gonna have a whole new look. I have been working day and night on it and it is looking great. I'm getting closer and closer to that professional look I have been craving since I started making webpages.

"Madonna is the woman who defined the 20th century. She embodied the ever changing, controversial, sexually ambiguous, self-absorbed yet never ending search for fulfillment that took 20,000 years for homo sapiens to produce. At the same time she represents all people as we look to the future with an eager uncertainty in the world but determined faith in who we are and that there is nothing we cannot handle."

This is one of the best opinions I have ever received from one of Madonna's fans. Thank you for your intelligence and helping me along the way also! (CCMADONNA - you know who you are)

Things come, things go. Trends are there, trends are gone. There's too much to keep up with today, and as soon as it's hip it fades away. Well, here's something that will stay!

Weekly Features

Madonna's Quote of the Week:

"My songs are like a map of my life they all mean something - they are like tattoos. If I listen to them I can go exactly back to that time in my life, what I was doing, what I was feeling."

Go ahead and look around. Hopefully, you'll find what you're looking for!

M-Zone was created by a fan for the fans. This is an unofficial page created for fun and hopefully it provides useful information that Madonna's fans want to know. Some pictures were taken from Sindri's Madonna Page. It's the best Madonna page I have ever seen, so check it out!

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