~Roleplaying Guidelines~
Only one attack should be performed per sim post.
      Multiple actions can be stated within one simming post, but it is asked that only one attack be performed per post. In rare cases, such as a follow up attack, two attacks can be stated in one sim post, though if possible please include them in seperate posts. Multiple attacks cannot be performed per line. Avoid use words as "and" within a sim line.
Be descriptive.
      Do not use one or two word posts.
      Concerning attack posts always try and include your target, what attack is being used, the power or damage output the attack can do, distance, speed, and try to describe how the attack looks (do not use a special word for the attack as many may not know exactly what it means).
      Concerning simple sim posts describe in detail what action your character is acting out. Remember that the other person needs to have a good idea of what you are doing in order for a spar or sim to be effective. As you enter a room try and include a descriptive post of what you character looks like... gender, height, composure, attire, visible weaponry, etc.
Do not post damage on your opponent.
      It is godmoding, incorrect, and cheating. To avoid posting damage include such words as "at" or "towards". ( Example => ::moving quickly forward within arm's reach of [target], [character] swinging [his/her] right fist up in a high arch delivering a hard uppercut towards [target]'s chin with bone shatter force::.) This gives the opponent the opportunity to dodge or take the hit respectively.
Wait after you have put in three posts of simming action onto the screen for your opponent to type his/her response.
      Remember this is simming, not a typing contest. Your opponent may not type as fast as you or might be suffering from computer lag. After three posts of action do not type another in before your opponent has a chance to reply.
      In connection to this to not have your second and third posts act as if your first attack post was successful. That would still count as posting damage since it is then expected for your opponent to take the hit. Please avoid this. The idea is to have fun, not to cause arguments on moding and speed simming problems to arise.
Stick to your character's powers and abilities.
      Do not perform physical abilities beyond your capabilities. If you character is heavy and slow he / she should not have very good maneuvering abilities. Likewise, if you play a character with human strength you should not be able to inflict much damage in a physical blow with a much higher strength and power. You should also not be able to dodge every attack if you opponent is significantly faster than yours.
Follow to you character's background and personality.
      Characters should not automatically appear with great wealth or technology unless your background on your profile supports it. Also if you prefer weapons instead of powers a list of weapons and their abilities should be made before a spar or sim and not be created as a spur of the moment action. Along the lines of personality if you play a character who keeps his/her cool and can't be ruffled then don't start yelling at everyone who happens to walk by. Stay in character. Doing so will allow you and others involved to have more fun.
Seperate OOC (Out of Character) and IC (In Character).
      If something happens IC do not let it affect you OOC. Remember that if your character get hurt in a sim the opponent is not going against you personally so don't start an argument OOC. Likewise, do not let IC actions affect your OOC character. The ability to keep OOC and IC separate is one of the trademarks of a good simmer, one that other people will enjoy simming with and one that will have a lot of fun simming.
Killing is not allowed between member spars, though in a sim character deaths may be acceptable if it follows the storyline.
      Being a team requires respect for fellow members and members would not like their character killed in a friendly spar. Be respectful of you fellow teammates. Character deaths in sims are also only decided by the host of the sim and the person themselves.
Respect your fellow simmers OOC.
      Respect your fellow simmers OOC, this is a very important, and very necessary to a good healthy simming experience. In order to earn respect, you must give it as well. While IC characters might not get along and want to string each other up, there is no reason the people sitting at the keyboard can't get along.
Godmoding (moding) =>
      Cheating. Doing things that your character would be unable to perform or posting damage on an opponent. An important term to know.
Out of Character (OOC) =>
      Out of Character, or OOC as it's known to most, is defined by talking by using double parenthesis (( )) around a conversation. While playing IC, double parenthesis (( )) distinguish OOC talk from IC. OOC means that you're not talking, speaking, or acting as your character. You're acting as yourself, talking as you would normally. Yourself meaning the person sitting at the computer typing into the chartroom.
In Character (IC) =>
      In Character, or IC as it's known to most, is when you're simming as your character. What you type in :: :: is viewed as a character action and what you just type is viewed as your character speaking.
Action Marks =>
      Marks used to denote a character's actions. These marks are used at the beginning and the end of action posts. The most common actions mark is a series of colons (::: :::), although some people also use asteriks (* *).
      These are some common online terms you may see often. AFK stands for "Away from Keyboard", BRB for "Be Right Back", BBL for "Be Back Later", BTW for "By The Way", FYI for "For Your Information", and GTG for "Got to Go".
      Less-common terms include: IIRC (If I Remember Correctly), AFAIK (As Far As I Know), IMO (In My Oppinion (or IMHO, In My Honest Oppinion), and WTF (What The....uh....Fork?).
Newbie =>
      A newbie (or newb, or for those who enjoy leet-speak, n00b) is a person with little simming experience. While not really an insult, some rude people insist on using it as such, whether the person in question really is a newbie or not.