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 Meeting Schedule

 Guyvr Girl
Adam the Alien

Site Information
 Created by: Guyvr Girl
 Layout Version: 1.0
 Created on: 9/16/2002
 Resolution: 800x600
 Š Copyright 2002

Welcome to the homepage of the SIM team, the Enforcers. The Enforcers are a simming team consisting of characters ranging from the comic depths of the Marvel universe, to the unquie characters of Japanese animation, and to the creativity of orginal characters designed by members. Having originated from the Marvel SIM Chat (MSC) the Enforcers use descriptive style role-playing without dice. This webpage is dedicated to providing useful information about the team and upcoming events to members as well as newcomers to the site.

The Enforcers are a team created for the sole purpose of enjoying the fun of roleplaying. The team does not claim rights to characters on this page, excluding those were made originally by members. The majority of pictures on this site originated from other webpages, except for the Enforcer banners and drawings done by members themselves.

~*~Meeting Schedule~*~

~Day of week / Time~

    ~Fridays at 10 PM eastern (9 central, 8 mountain, 7 pacific) time

    ~Saturdays at 10 PM eastern (9 central, 8 mountain, 7 pacific) time

    ~Sundays at 9 PM eastern (8 central, 7 mountain, 6 pacific) time

Invitations to the room will be given at time of the meeting.

~Meeting Objectives~

    Enforcer meetings are a fun way for members to gather to improve their roleplaying skills in friendly spars or participate in creative SIMs (storylines) hosted by fellow teammates. With meetins being held three a week an attempt will be made to hold one SIM and one spar per week (if SIM or spar is not finished it may carry over to the next week), and then leave the last meeting up to whoever shows.

    Spars can be held in several ways, the two most common being free for all (everyone faces each other) or teams (members are split evenly and work as a team to try and outdamage the other). During spars please follow the rules listed in the Roleplaying Guidelines linked to this webpage.

    SIMs can be held by any member, though if you wish to host a SIM please contact me, Guyvrgirl, at least one week in advanced before the SIM meeting you wish to host. SIMs should include creativity and a storyline in which all members can enjoy (please do not exclude anyone). Important Note: SIMs held during meetings will be completely seperate from SIMs held on the message boards.