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2002 RULES

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Mini Stock/Rookie 4 (4 Cylinder) Rules



Mini Stock/Rookie 4 (4 Cylinder) Rules


 This is an entry-level class for fun and learning. Strict adherence to all of the rules is necessary and mandatory. Any and all violations of the rules are grounds for disqualification.


Owners and drivers, you are responsible for your actions as well as those of each member of your pit crew and racing affiliates.


You may not compete in this class in 2002 if you have ever been a track champion at Whittemore Speedway.


1.      Body: sedan type bodies, station wagons and pick-ups only. Convertibles, 4-wheel drives and two-seat sports cars are not eligible. The body exterior must remain stock and complete including bumpers and all sheet metal. The body must be completely and neatly painted. 12-inch tall by 3-inch wide numbers in contrasting colors must appear on both sides of the car and on the roof. The number on the roof must face the outside of the track. The body interior must be stripped down to the sheet metal. The driver side door may be cut for safety bars. All doors must be welded, chained or bolted shut. All glass must be removed except for the windshield. A Lexan windshield may be used in place of the stock windshield. All interior panels that have been destroyed during car construction must be replaced by stock panels or patch panels. Three 3/8-inch solid steel struts must be placed directly behind the windshield and directly in front of the driver.

2.   Battery: Only one battery is allowed. It must be located outside of the     and securely mounted in a 16-gage wall steel box. A battery disconnect is recommended and located within easy reach of the driver and track officials.

3.    Brakes:  Factory stock four (4) wheel hydraulic-all in good working order.

            4.    Coolant: Water is the only coolant allowed.

5.     Drive Shaft: Must be factory stock and painted white. There must be a safety strap located on the front and rear to prevent the drive shaft from coming out from under the car. Chains are not allowed.

6.    Drive Axle: Must be factory stock, no welded, posi-track or limited slip  allowed.

7.   Engine: Factory stock engine and components only. The engine must be located in the stock location on stock mounts. Turbo-charged, rotary type

or marine engines are not allowed. Stock Carburetor and Throttle body induction systems only. Throttle body systems OK must have oil pressure activated safety shut-off. No roller or mechanical camshafts are allowed. Any hydraulic flat tappet cam may be used. Compression Ratio; not to exceed 9.5 to 1. Closed stock air cleaner is mandatory. Aluminum or shaved fly-wheels are not allowed. A 2 x 2 inspection hole is mandatory in the bell-housing.

8.   Exhaust: Cast Iron Exhaust manifolds only, 2 inch ID maximum at the outlet. The exhaust must exit behind the driver.

9.      Fire Extinguisher: All cars must be equipped with a working ABC type     Extinguisher, minimum of 3 lb, that is securely mounted and within easy reach of the driver and track safety personnel.

10. Fire-suits: Mandatory and in good/safe condition.

            11. Fuel: Pump gas only. No additives are allowed.

12.  Fuel System: All cars must have a fuel cell securely mounted in the trunk  area. A steel firewall must separate the trunk area and the drivers compartment.   Fuel lines cannot pass through the drivers compartment. Electric fuel pumps are not allowed carburetor induction systems. Minimum of 8-inches of ground clearance.

13.  Helmet: Mandatory. Must be Snell approved and in good/safe condition.

            14.  Mirrors: Not allowed

            15.  Neck Brace: An approved neck brace must be worn during any event.

16.   Radiator: Must be in stock location, sheet metal cannot be altered to locate the radiator. A one (1) gallon plastic catch can must be used for overflow and mounted on the firewall in the engine compartment. Any reinforcement to protect the radiator must be located behind the grill. Made for racing radiators are not allowed.

17.  Roll Cage: All cars must have a minimum six (6) point roll cage      made of 1 ¾-inch round, .095 wall thickness tubing welded to the car frame. If the car does come with a frame, a 6 x 6 x 1/8 or larger plate must be bolted to the body and the roll cage welded to the steel plate. All roll bars near the driver’s head must be padded with roll bar padding.

18.Seat: Any seat is allowed. The seat must be securely fastened to the body and roll cage.

19.  Seat Belts: Mandatory. Five (5) point minimum, with quick release on the lap belt, securely mounted to the roll cage or car frame. The belts must be coded and dated and not older than 5 years old.

20.  Suspension: Adjustable spring spacers are allowed. Screw jacks are not allowed.

21.           Shocks: Stock Shocks only. Made for racing shocks are not allowed.

 22.  Tires: Made for racing tires, such as Hoosier or McCreary are not allowed. The tires must be D.O.T. radial passenger car tires.

23.  Tow Hooks: Mandatory on the front and rear of the car. Must be securely mounted to the car. Must be made of 5/16 chain only.

24.  Weight: Based on the size of the car engine. If the cars engine is less than 2000 cc the car must weigh 105% of the engine cc value. If the car engine is over 2000 cc the car must weigh 1 pound per cubic centimeter. 55% maximum left side weight. Example: 2.3 liter = 2300 cc which requires 2300 lbs. Weight is measured after the race with the driver.

25.Wheels: Steel wheels only. Maximum of six (6) inches wide wheels. Wheels can have a maximum of three (3) inch offset. Aluminum, Magnesium, home made and drilled wheels are not allowed. Wheel studs must be ½ minimum in diameter.

26.  Window Nets: Mandatory. Must be securely fastened and in place during all events. Must be approved for racing purposes.






                                           Engine Claimer Rule

             You can only claim two engines per racing year. The claimed engine must be in a car and compete during the next night of racing. Any engine may be claimed for $300.00 US funds plus an exact bolt in replacement of the claimed engine. You cannot back of a claim once it has been made. The claim must be presented to the Tech Inspector within 5 minutes of the completion of the feature event. A claim can be made by a competing driver or car owner from that same feature event. The Tech Inspector will inspect the claimed engine and the replacement engine to insure compatibility and insure that the replacement engine is in sound running order. If all issues are found to be correct the Tech Inspector will present the claimant with the claim. If the Tech Inspector finds anything that does not meet the requirements he will deny the claim and return the money. If the claimant declines the engine claim, he or she will immediately be disqualified from the points and money from the racing events of that evening. He or she will also loose all accumulated points to date and be barred from two (2) consecutive weeks of racing. If anyone refuses to sell an engine on two occasions during the year he or she will be disqualified and loose all points for that season. Engines can not be claimed by the top five in the current points standings as of the date of the claim. Engines cannot be claimed one week prior to Mid-Season or Seasons Championships.