Tenisiran died in Long Silent Sigil by the nefarious magics of the Long Short Word, a baatezu trap designed to lure ambitious spellcasters to their...uncertain fate... The Tale of Tenisiran Born in the Elven city of Qu’esserel, Tenisiran grew up surrounded by books, magic and song. Highly respected, his family had access to areas others were not allowed to go and Tenisiran made much use of his freedom, to learn and explore. He became close friends with the young king, Telardir Rivergaze, and had free run of the royal court. He studied magic under the most powerful of the wizards of Qu’esserel and excelled at his chosen craft. His years of transition from youth to adult were spent at Telardir’s side. He took part in great battles against the orcs. He learned martial skills and honed his battle magic. During a war against the goblins he began to learn the ways of humans, fighting alongside them against their common foe. He was also introduced to members of the other common races, such as gnomes and dwarves. Soon after Tenisiran reached adult hood a new advisor arrived in the king’s court. Vridianis Watersong, a minstrel and mage of some reknown. The young Tenisiran quickly fell in love with the beautiful counselor. Slowly the winsome bard came to feel the same passion for the apprentice mage. She helped Tenisiran with his studies and taught him lore not to be found in Elven libraries. She also revealed her secret. Vridianis was in fact, a Silver Dragon, who had taken the form of an Elf to serve as advisor to the young king. She had served his mother as a mount and confidante in wars past and had always had great love for the royal family. Undaunted Tenisiran continued to pursue her affections and indeed there was talk of a marriage. However, one spring day, Tenisiran awoke to a note from his beloved. Vridianis wrote that there was a great war brewing amidst the dragons and she was needed. She hoped that one day they could be together again but she feared it would be a great many years before she could return to Qu’esserel. Distraught Tenisiran did what he could to find her but to no avail. Finally he decided to accept his fate and devote himself to bettering himself and his knowledge. He departed Qu’esserel to seek out new knowledge and make a place for himself in the world. He soon joined a small company of adventurers travelling through human lands. They had a number of adventures and Tenisiran continued his studies. He was lucky enough to obtain several magic books, including two different Necronomicons, and a book of Transmutation. With that group he fought: hobgoblins, owlbears, bandits, dark elves, werewolves, vampires, skeletons, zombies, demons, evil wizards, dire creatures, imps, kobolds, goblins, and trolls. After a final battle with a foul summoner, Tenisiran ended up with the defeated wizard’s tower. It had once belonged to a clan of gnomes and contained piles of Gnomish goods and magic supplies. There were a few books on gnomish magic and engineering, as well as gnomish language primers. It also had a room full of constructs the gnomes built, and a heating system designed around a minor fire elemental. The gnomes were supplanted by an evil necromancer, who began work on various necromantic items and spells in the privacy of the tower. His life was shortened through meddling in the ways of death, and the tower was only in his possession for a decade. Word of the necromancer’s lab got out and an evil conjuror overcame the tower’s defenses and took up residence. The uppermost story contained a huge arcane library including works on necromancy, transmutation, and the building of constructs. There were also several magic items and evil artifacts. The Conjurer made use of the tower in his reign of terror over nearby townships. He completed the Ebonskull that the necromancer had begun. The conjurors destructive activities drew the notice of Tenisiran and his band, and soon the tower was under siege. Tenisiran played a pivotal role in defeating the Conjurer. Several of his companions were lost in the battle for the tower. The battle done, his companions decided to part ways and pursue their own goals for a time. Tenisiran opted to remain in the tower and study for several months. While experimenting with the portals that led from floor to floor in the tower, Tenisiran accidentally opened a gate that sucked the top three stories of the tower into Sigl. Sigl fascinated the elven mage and he decided to stay and learn as much as he could. While in Sigl he met a Sensate couple in an Inn one night. They became instant friends. Versa Moonwhisper, and elf mage, and Khalla Darkwater, a human bard, both members of the Sensates and adventurous spirits. The two sensates introduced him to the ways of Sigl, and he helped them with their magic. He was distressed to hear, one day, that Khalla had disappeared. He did what he could to help Versa find her, but was caught up in a particularly dangerous experiment at the time and couldn’t spare much energy for the search. Before he knew it Versa had returned from looking for their friend and was in no shape to continue. Versa had experienced a very close brush with death, and assassins were on the look out for the elf. Tenisiran volunteered to take Versa’s place in the party that sought Khalla, and information regarding a dead god. Versa remained, safely hidden in Tenisiran’s abode. Tenisiran vowed to find Khalla and return her safely to Sigl. Tenisiran has journeyed with that group for some time and remains true to the quest. However, his greater goals remain in the pursuit of knowledge and magical ability. His two greatest dreams are to uncover a vast forgotten Elven library and to be reunited with Vridianis.
- Character description provided by Aaron C.