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Oour letters

Good job, Master. You've found the first part of the scavanger hunt. Now, here is clue #2. ~Go to the place where images are made~

*Smiling gently.* First I should mention I've missed O/our little chats, and that I'm glad things are going well for you. I'm starting to pull myself back together, bit by bit. I've let things drift by for far too long. I guess heartbreak doesn't make distinctions for distance as in this case it's been worse than any before. *Dropping the capitol bit for the moment as it can be a bit annoying, besides, we both know about it anyway.* I hope your day goes well, and I look forward to hearing from you. *Grins.* As for not being lovely, I think I'll be the judge of that, thank-you. ;) I take it to encompass far more than just looks, and so far your soul is one of the loveliest I've ever seen. Talk to you soon, Jonathan

well, hey there...look at me, replying the next day as requested, Sir.... ~+~ proud smiles ~+~ i guess this is the time when i should tell You that i enjoyed last night... i'll have to admit that some of those thoughts, well ~+~ closing my eyes, tilting my head back an letting out an "mmmmm" sound ~+~ well, i again....i’ve missed You, Sir ~+~ smiles ~+~ i hope Your dreams were pleasant and Your day goes well with love lauren
*Laughing softly.* Very well done, lovely one. I was thinking you ~might~ be tempted to see what I could come up with should you not send Me an e-mail. *Appreciating your proud smile, and returning it with gentle tenderness.* Well I'm happy to hear you enjoyed last night, as I did as well. *Watching your head tilt back and the 'mmmm' sound with appreciation.* Well as I said, those were just two that sprang to mind at the time, and there's far more where they came from. Considering how quickly you sent this, you deserve a reward. Therefore next time W/we meet in the Pork you'll receive one of those two ideas. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your son, and all those nasty surgeries. I do hope all is well now that they're done, as I'm sure you would make an excellent mother. *Smiling gently.* I've missed you, too. As for My dreams, I'm not sure as I can't remember last night's selection. After seeing you last night, however, I have the feeling that they were all wonderful. The day I shall just have to see about as it goes. I hope your night was filled with the peacefulness of a sleep filled with dreams beyond description. Love, Jonathan
~+~ soft smiles ~+~ Well, i went to check my email this afternoon and was pleasantly surprised with a long email from You...thank made my day ~+~ thinking about the next time Wwe meet ~+~ Well, then, i do look forward to the next time Wwe meet for more reasons than one. As for my son, thank You for Your concern...i'm doing much better, now that his ashes are spread, and my surgeries are done....Darian was perfect, even if he was never born alive ~+~ nods ~+~ And my dreams, they were peaceful...those kind of every day dreams where everything is normal...the kind where you cant tell the difference between fantasy and day was similar...breathe in, breathe out, sing, bow, exit, remove makeup, return...repeat next day but thank You i hope to hear from You soon with love lauren
*Lips quirking.* Well I certainly enjoy the thought of surprising you. ~_^ you're most welcome for the length of the e-mail. I deeply enjoyed sending it to you, and am very happy to hear it made your day. *Smiling gently.* I'm sure I can come up with several reasons beyond one to look forward to O/our meeting again even without My promise of 'rewarding' you for sending an e-mail so quickly. I'm relieved to hear you are doing much better, and quite sure he was quite as quite perfect as his mother. *Tilting My head slightly while considering.* I'm glad your dreams went so well. I didn't know you sing, however, let alone perform on stage. Perhaps I shall see one of your performances sometime. So far My day's gone fairly well, though I'm about to study for a couple hours before perhaps slipping into the Pork for a bit. *Amusement forming within My hazel eyes.* This quickly enough to hear from Me? Love, Jonathan
*Laughing.* Oh, you did, hmm? Well as it happened you were right. *Taking a short break from the studying for ten minutes before getting back at it for an hour.* Well I suppose I could have replied quicker, though I'm not quite sure how. ~_^ I do hope to talk to you later, Love, Jonathan
lol i had a feeling You were online yes, quickly enough...i suppose with love lauren
you're most welcome. *Hazel eyes dancing with mischief.* Though I tend to think the performance in other areas is far better than what I do upon e-mail. ~_^ Though your own quick replies are very impressive. Thanks. Actually so far they've gone pretty well today, and I anticipate they shall continue that way until I quit for the night. Love, Jonathan
well, thank You for the speed that You did perform enjoy Your studies with love lauren
~+~ brown eyes gleaming as well, with right brown cocked slightly, i tilt my head and smile ~+~ Yes, i am very sure that Your spectacular performance is not only limited to that of the literary fields...although, i'm not sure if i could come up with several other areas on my own ~+~ angelic eyes ~+~ Anyways, i thought i'd write You to wish You a happy fourth. and then i realized, i don't know a whole lot about You...would You mind telling me a little about You in Your next letter? pleeeeeeease? Alright...i should be leaving...i'll tell You about me later...k? with love lauren
*Laughing softly at the picture forming in My mind at your stance at this point.* Uh-huh. you have lovely eyes, and that angelic look looks well-used, but I seriously doubt that it's true in this case. ~_^ My thanks for the wish on such a day, however, I'm afraid it doesn't apply to Me since I'm a Canadian. *Lips quirking.* However, I do hope your Independence Day was a wonderful one. *Chuckles.* A very good point. I'm afraid W/we really don't know that much about each O/other. *Tilting My head to the right slightly and brushing My right hand along the bit of stubble on My face at the moment.* Where to start? I'm 24 years old, born and raised in southwestern Saskatchewan on the family farm - well born in the nearby city but raised on the farm. ~_^ Went to a small town school where I hid in books reading due to shyness and was pretty much on outsider. Started coming out of My shell in Grade 9, but changed schools in grade 12 when I ran into a bit of trouble learning from some of the teachers there. Started going to the nearby city - 40 minute drive in and out - where I was once again the outsider for the most part but at least most of My grades improved significantly. Including a couple classes retaken from the year before. After high school I took first year classes from a local community college for university. *Lips quirking.* I think I'll skip a bit forward to the fact I worked for almost two years at the local McDonald's due to failing at My second year of university away from home due to a few good reasons - or not so good depending upon O/one's point of view. Since then I've been working on a PC Support Specialist course out of a branch of the Academy of Learning. Part of which is A+ certification so I can open up a computer's casing without voiding its warrantee so I can work on it. I graduated with honors from the diploma part and just working on the two A+ tests now. Reworked My resume and started sending it out for a few jobs as well. Now as for other things like hobbies: I enjoy reading and writing various things, enjoy long walks, love most kinds of music other than really heavy metal and since I haven't been exposed to opera much I've no opinion for it yet. I've played AD&D, Rifts, Shadowrun, and Star Warsfor RPG systems plus about ten different collectable card games - an example would be Magic: The Gathering. Video games, and a couple table-top war games round things out mostly - the latter being War hammer 40k and Babylon 5 Wars. Many kinds of movies are also enjoyed. Some examples would be Disney cartoons, Starship Troopers, Star Wars, Patch Adams, Sweet November, Serendipity, etc. Hmmm...I think I'm out of things to say at the moment, though I'm sure you'll likely have more specific questions that will bring more out as W/we go. *Eyeing up what I've written here and blinking.* I think I've satisfied your request for a bit about Me, somehow. ~_^ I look forward to hearing more about you, and as for My last name you already know it as it's part of this e-mail address: Bollman. Take care, and safe journeys until W/we talk again. Perhaps next time I'll send you My website address so you might learn a bit more still about Me. I think I covered a couple more things in the part about Myself there. Love, Jonathan
~+~ i pad my way through the room carefully, my hand clutched tightly below my breast, my teeth not biting but chewing on the puffy part of my lower lip, revealing the scar i the shape of a cross that resides in the center and just below that puffy piece of flesh ~+~ my dog gave me this scar years ago...i don’t know why, but i love telling this story, so bare with me?...she was sleeping on my bed quite peacefully, so i leaned down to kiss her on the head; that’s when she jumped...i must have been having a nightmare because she bit that lip all the way through and i swear to You, it didn’t hurt a bit...all i remember is kissing her, being startled, and then walking down the hall to a woman...i would moments later find that woman to be my, after bloody murder had been screamed, and i had been prayed over at least a thousand times with ice packs, towels, and gauze being shoved at me with barking orders in accompaniment, I found my way to the hall mirror where i stood, proudly looking at my battle scar...i will spare You the gory details...just picture blood and a wide grin... my mother then dragged me to the doctor’s office where i was then able to tell the story of my battle to multiple audiences (embellished of course after every telling)....and when finally in the doctor’s office, he just laughed and said it needed a stitch and he could do it right now, no problem...oh my goodness, did i cry when he said that...and in the next few minutes, i desperately attempted to convince my mother and myself that i didn’t need to have stitches, i could just live witha hole in my would be "cool." i failed miserably... the doctor stitched me right up, didn’t even sedate me...i went to cheerleading practice that evening. ~+~ at first sight of the table, i tilt my head like a puppy in the window and grin ~+~ So, 20/30 min away from town? that is so funny, that’s exactly how Grass Valley is...actually, i live in kind of a suburb, if You can call it that, called Altia’s a 30 minute drive, unless You need like a corner store (bubble gum type place), in which case, its only 15 minutes...but i love Grass favorite part is sitting on my front lawn, or even camping out on it and staring at this massive painting of stars....and the rain...mmmm, i miss the rain... ~+~ i begin to shift my weight and clench my thighs ~+~ i think it was my senior year in high school, but my boyfriend Dustin and i camped out on my front lawn was his birthday, August 30th, and i had prepared it before he got there... just below out lawn we had a gravel pit, so i had covered it in candles...and placed a row leading on either side of the drive looked like a path of fireflies, i had decided...and we slept there, on that lawn, cuddling under the stars, perhaps doing a few things, but mostly kissing and sleeping...while i seranaded him with a custom-written son for him....i made him muffins in the morning, i don’t know why i’m telling You this... ~+~ i then extend my flattened palms downward towards the table, placing my right just on top of the white box...curling my fingers around it, i slide it into the palm of my other hand and push the pox up to my face ~+~ i became a submissive just when i went off to college, ithough it seems life forever ago...i met a wonderful Man who taught me the ways, taught me patience, endurance, and the beauty of service...but halfway through my training, i hurt Him....i really hurt Him...and Wwe never finished, and rarely speak since.... since then, i have decided to do as much as i can to learn about submission, i was trained, but never collared... submission ~+~ happy sigh ~+~ submission is a gift that has helped me through so much...and a gift that i continue to give back always, in gratitude... ~+~ my face disappears behind the box as i open it with my thumbs, my right hand then pulls the beanie-baby out and the left places the box to the side for a moment... ~+~ my mother is Roman Catholic, by tradition only, and my father is Agnostic...they are about to get a divorce ~+~ ironic chuckle ~~ like that can’t be seen from a mile away...\\i however...was raised Catholic, Baptized and Confirmed... my freshman yeah in high school, i turned to wicca...way to go, lauren! way to find the completely rebellious thing to do, right? lol so, yeah...i was wiccan which led me to depression ( at least the way i practiced it did).... my grades got horrible, i started skipping classes, and my parents pulled me out of school.;..this of course, was the year my choir was supposed to go to sing in Carnagee i was a bit angry, as You can imagine... i did my entire sophmore year in a semester, homeschool with just tutors...i had one tutor for English and History and antother for Math and French...i did the rest on my won...and my junior and senior years, i was sent to a private Christian high graduating class was 53... (imagine going to a Baptist high school as a Wiccaan, bisexual femanist who always spoke her ~_~ i cradle the beany baby in my hands, curling it into my chest, i lower my scruntched nose into it, nuzzling it and purring in satisfaction ~+~ i have a collection of stuffed animals, so thank You, it has found a good home, i promise You. ~+~ i then walk into the other room for a moment, bring back with me a card...on the front is simply a black and white photograph of a little girl sleeping with a teddy bear and balled tightly but contently with it...from my bag, i take out a crimson pen and spend a few minutes scribbling on it, then place it in a white envelope and seal it ~+~ i suppose this is the time when i get to stop babbling and You get to start...sorry, its just that my mind goes of on tangents at times.... ~+~ moments later, i take a stick of red lipstick out, the name of it is "love" and i slather love on my lips before bowing my head and kissing the seal, leaving a mark...smiling proudly, i lean the card against the vase on Your table so that You see it next time ~+~ i look forward to hearing fro You again and i how Your day, evening, and life goes well ~+~ the card, when opened is scented with has a red rose petal in the center, and my cursive writing as follows: Jonathan ~ For Your thoughts, You smiles, Your presents, and Your laughter; for Your friendship, Your modestly, and Your kindness, i thank You. This is just a little note to let You know that You have a friend in me ( save the song). with love, lauren ~+ Talk to You soon. PS. i am a diehard Disney fan, especially the cartoon movies... Wwe have something in common
>~+~ smiles ~+~ > >Very well, thank...i believe it is my turn to tell You about me then? Here goes nothin... > > i was raised in a small town called Grass Valley in California; the kind of town where FFA (future farmers of America) is a regular part of the High School curriculum. Alright, so it’s not a regular part, but it’s a very avid elective. i will be 19 on August second of this year, and a student. If You were to ask me what i’m a student of, i couldn’t tell You, because i have no idea. > *Smiling softly.* Perhaps you're simply a student of yourself at the moment, and of life. Trying to figure out what you want to do for a career isn't an easy thing, especially when your dream has been tainted by reality enough to make it seem not worth doing after all. However, I am sorry things haven't worked out as you dreamed. Perhaps a bit of support is all you need from the right source. I am pleased to hear that despite everything you're still at least participating in things on your off-time. I'm not sure when I wrote My first poem...around grade 9, I think. My first attempt at a story outside of school was about the same time. It was developing into a novel. Still haven't finished it. Debating on starting it again since I've changed both in writing style and in experience a great deal since then. In the meantime a couple others have come up. *Chuckles.* Isn't small town living fun? Well I didn't really live ~in~ town since we were 20-30 minutes from the nearest one. I don't mind living in this small city, but I'd prefer something a bit bigger I think. Or at least live near one. I'm sure things will work out, but in the meantime the best thing to do is keep the flame of hope lit. Without it there's nothing truly left in life. On the plus side, I seem to have stumbled upon an excellent person to learn a bit about opera from. ~_^ One other thing. ~Never~ think you're not good enough in something. *Smiling gently.* If you get something like that stuck in the mind it doesn't come out again - at least not very easily. I'm sure you're an excellent singer, writer, or anything else you care to set your mind to. *Smiling gently.* Perfection, as with many other things, depends upon the eye of the B/beholder. From what I can see of your picture, you're one very lovely lady. *Chuckles.* Besides, the media isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when it comes to the body. As for Myself...well I'm certainly not within the media-established figure limits, either. I'm afraid I've nothing ~too~ recent for pictures, but I do have a few up on the website: The more recent two in the page about My personal history are from last year. I've got a bit of updating to do in that area still, but at least I've cleaned the place up a bit so a lady such as yourself might go through it without stumbling into a mess. ~_^ >there are so many Wwomen out there who lower their standards of Tthemselves because someOone told Tthem that Tthey had to wear makeup and be skinny with big breasts to be loved...and i think that’s horrible...absolutely horrible...and i refuse to do that... > > >i suppose i’ve talked You to death enough for the night...thank You for listening > >~+~ placing a single white rose on Your chair for the next time You return, with this note beneath it ~+~ > *Moving to take up the rose with a gentle smile. Taking a deep breath of the lovely scent. Finding a vase filled with warm water for it and setting it within on the table beside My chair.* My thanks, this is a wonderful present. *Tilting My head and considering for a few moments before wandering into another room for a few moments. Coming back in and placing a white box upon the table for you with a snow leopard Ty Beanie Baby within it.* Never worry about talking My ear off or something, since I both enjoy leaning more about you, and O/our conversations in general. May light flow within your life and dreams become reality. I'm sure W/we'll meet again soon. >~+~ blushing ~+~ > >see, i didn’t even know that You’re Canadian until i know > >lol *Lips quirking before kissing your reddened right cheek.* No worries, dear one, I certainly wasn't sure you were an American until you mentioned the July fourth bit. It happens, until O/one gets to know the O/other. ^_^ Love, Jonathan
~+~ my eyes glitter a bit as i notice an envelope waiting for me, i pick it up and stare at the seal for a spell ~+~ i’m actually not one for big letters either...actually, its very rare for me to write anything much longer than a paragraph in email, so be proud that You can squeeze this incessant babbling out of me... ~+~ my fingers slide along the wings of the pheonix as i grin softly and push the lip open carefully, daring not to tare the paper the wrong way ~+~ my life, i have had many relationships...several of which were online and on the phone...i think its because i’m not much for excitement....i mean, besides being on stage, i’m basically a shy little girl...i love one on Oone conversation, being with just One and only One... i’ve been engaged twice, if You can believe it...and a girlfriend to several men and women... that’s enough about my love life, or lack ~+~ i slide my fingers into the envelope to pull out the bud, resting it in the palm of my hand, i gingerly stroke it with my fingertips ~+~ As for reliegion, i’m not Wiccan any more...after Wicca, i became (believe it or not ) a born again Christian...i was pretty active in it too...i guess it took Wicca for me to really believe in God...i don’t believe in doing anything half-heartedly, it’s just not my style... now, i don’t know what i am..i guess i’m a nondenominational Christian with a mix of everything else... ~+~ my fingers then slide the card out, smiling at the picture...biting my lip and blushing to Your words ~+~ basically, i’m just a bullheaded girl-next-door with a lot to say...actually, i can’t think of another story to tell You at the moment....i’m too tired... ~+~ bowing my head into the palm of my hand for a moment, i close my eyes and inhale the buds aroma before tucking it in my auburn curls ~+~ You brighten my days with Your letters as well...its great to be in contact with You, to have a friend to babble with... Tell me a story? ~+~ i think for a moment for the perfect thing to leave You nest, the bud now placed in my hair...finally deciding, i lower myself to my knees before You chair and curl into a sleepy ball beneath a crimson blanket and drift off ~+~ Until next Wwe meet... with love lauren
*Stepping into the room casually, since I know pretty much where ~everything~ within it is placed. One of the few benefits of bad eyesight is the fact even after a few days there's a picture of things within O/one's mind of such things.* *Smiling gently.* Well that's quite a battle scar story, I must admit. O/our dogs generally haven't lived within the house as My mother wouldn't stand for their fur...though the current one has been an exception during the last eleven years. She's a Doberman Pincer/Alaskan Malamute cross. I'll add a picture of her to this letter, I think. As for a battle scar story...My slightly younger brother and I have caused many scrapes and bruises to each O/other over the years due to "play-fighting". It's gotten much less in the last nine years or so, however. Now we just bug each O/other a fair bit. ~_^ On the other hand...when I was around five or six years old we were over at our neighbor's and My older sister was using a shovel to dig a hole in their garden area. The rest of us were helping out, and I was silly enough to stick My head over the hole to see how deep it was getting. As a result I ended up with the tip of a spade landing in the middle of the skin just between My upper lip and My nose. It cut into the skin, naturally, and I was rushed home ASAP to the parents. Really it wasn't that bad other than the blood and a wee bit of pain. I didn't get stitches, and if I crinkled the skin up in the area it didn't bleed that much. I still have the scar, however. Another 'battle scar' rests upon My right arm and was received whilst working at McDonald's. I'd worked there for several months without any major mishaps - well other than once spilling about a third of a bag of the milkshake milk in the fridge where such products were stored. I ended up cleaning the floor for that one since it was obviously My mistake. I also had the rather bad habit of somehow ending up sticking My right forefinger into the vat used for cooking hash-browns once a morning shift when I went to fish out those that had escaped the rack. The only lasting scar I received while there, though, wasn't even My fault. I was moving from the back area to the front counters to take My till, but had to stop and wait a moment due to congestion in the area. While standing there the woman taking care of the fries brought back a fry basket to put it in the machine to fill up again. The one part of the metal - which was still quite hot and covered a bit in grease - touched My arm and burned it. None of those really hurt that badly, however, and I simply continued working. I even was working full time there plus going to My classes at the college for about five months before finally giving up on the job to concentrate on school. Since I graduated with Honors, I think that was a very good decision on My part. ^_^ Though, overall, the classes were pretty least I think so. Hmmm...a wiccan in such a place, along with those personality traits, I'm sure made things rather interesting. ~_^ *Smiling gently.* However, since you and they survived the experience all would appear to be well. As I said, I wouldn't mind living in the suburbs or something similar, as long as it's near a fairly decent-sized city. *Noting here that decent sized for Me is 50-100 thousand people.* That way O/one can get the convenience of the city and yet still retain the peacefulness of the country. *Moving towards the table, while My lips curl into a grin upon catching sight of the fact the box has been opened and an envelope leans against My vase.* Hmmm...I wonder W/who in the world could have left this for Me? *Glancing around and moving to search the room a bit for a bit of comedy. Then blinking and sneezing as My investigation stirs up a bit of dust unexpectedly.* *Smiling gently.* That's a lovely bit of preparation work you made upon that front lawn area. I'm sure it was absolutely beautiful in the night. The kissing and cuddling under the stars sounds especially wonderful...though I'm sure anything else that may have happened may have added even more beauty to the scene. *Lips quirking slightly.* As for why you told Me this, I do not rightly know, other than perhaps I'm a good listener and Friend. *Hazel eyes dancing.* I've discovered that such things makes for some interesting conversations that pop up unexpectedly. It sounds like you were lucky enough to find a good Man in receiving your training from, though I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out in the end. I haven't been into the Lifestyle that long, Myself, though some of My fantasies have tended towards it for years. *Considering for a moment.* Perhaps I should mention the fact that due to shyness and a few other things, I've yet to have a rl date. Though I've been through four 'net relationships so far. I'm tempted to perhaps leave that to friendships only, but My more...optimistic/idealistic side likely won't give up that easily. Two of those relationships have been with subs, but in the was in a nosedive of negativity and I couldn't pull her out. The other is the most recent, and again I haven't been able to hear from her in what seems like forever. I am sorry to hear about your parents' eminent divorce, but as you say, it was fairly evident that such could happen. *Lips quirking.* Actually one of My cousins is a practicing wiccan. W/we've never truly been close - what with her living in Edmonton and being much older than Myself - but W/we've had a couple interesting conversations upon the subject. The most memorable was during a family reunion where several other cousins asked her to tell them a bit about it. She politely refused, and I backed her decision since I doubt they would truly have listened with an open mind upon what she had to say. As for your speaking your mind, that is a rare but precious thing as far as I'm concerned. After all, I'd much rather know what a person is thinking rather than have them spew out a bunch of crap. Even if it's something I don't particularly like. *Chuckling a bit as I reach out to take up the envelope. Looking over it quietly for several moments while enjoying it's elegance and added decoration. Then glancing around conspirationally before whispering.* I'm very glad you enjoy My gift, dear one. Don't tell anyO/one, but I've a rather small collection of stuffed toys as well. ~_^ A Beenie Buddy sized version of that same snow leopard, a Cheer Bear Carebear, a Michealangelo TMNT I won at the local fair years back, a pink with purple dots stegosaurus, a black pig, All-Star the Snorkel, and a couple others that simply aren't coming to mind at the moment. *Carefully opening the envelope after delighting upon the sight of the lipstick impression you left upon it. Enjoying the sweet scent released by it as I pull out the card. Taking a few moments to appreciate the picture on the front before reading the words within.* *Pulling out an envelope with My personal phoenix symbol upon its center, and then opening the drawer to lift out a black pen and a card with a bouquet of flowers upon it - some red roses, tiger-lilies, and tulips. Opening the card and writing a message upon it for you to read later.* Being such things with you is easy, as I feel inspired by your intelligence, laughter, beauty, and warmth. I thank you for your friendship, understanding, and brightening of My days whenever W/we are together or when I read one of your letters. *Smiling tenderly as I place the card within the envelope along with a rose bud that's unopened. To symbolize the beauty of one that is still budding without sight of being lost to time.* Take care, and I look forward to reading your next letter. Especially the tangents of your thoughts as I do such things as well. ~_^ Love, Jonathan P.S.: I believe My letters to you are the longest I've ever written consistently, and I am deeply enjoying it. I'm not huge Disney fan, but I do enjoy their work very much - especially the cartoons. I'm sure that if W/we look there's much more for U/us in common than just them.
~+~ my eyes sleepily open when morning dawns as i roll gently to my back, nuzzling into the leopard that i’ve clutched in the middle of the lips curl to a smile at sight of the Handsome One sitting in His chair...i yawn and stretch, careful not to wake You ~+~ When i was 12, i noticed my sexuality really budding, This was the time i began to explore. This was also the time the internet first came to our home, It was when i first began to chat, it was totally clean. Mostly, i was just playing out my shyness, using it as my stage. This was when i became addicted. i spent all my time in this virtual escape; it stayed that way until one day, one man changed my mind at its cleanliness. i liked cyber-sex because it was a way for me to stretch my writing abilities, and it gave me that damp little buzz that i liked so much. i was 12, pretending to be 14, that was when i met Corey. Corey was an 18 year old man with no self esteem who appeared to be quite arrogant. i don’t remember much about him really, just his pictures and things he said to hurt me; but i remember that we were a couple for eight months. Eight months seems to be the cut offs for my relationships. Wwe’ll speak nothing more of Corey, i don’t wish to bash him. ~+~ i raise carefully to my feet, quietly padding my way to the kitchen as You sleep, my fingers sliding along the ridges of the countertop...i giggle softly to myself as i see You sleeping and immediately walk to the coffee pot...i walk then to the sink to fill the pot with water ~+~ After Corey, i became more daring, finding my way to the Adult section of the Park, and i went there. i said that i was a 24 year old music teacher at the local high school. There, i met several men and had several relationships, many of which were on the phone. There was my cyber sex, my obsession. i ran up several hundreds of dollars of phone bills. You can imagine how much trouble i was in then. Later in the years, i was banned from the computer and later the phone. ~+~ opening the flap at the top of the maker and pour the water all the way in...turning then on the balls of my feet pushing the freezer open to get the coffee, i turn again, grabbing a spoon as i go, then scooping the coffee into the filter, i flick it on... ~+~ i’ve done a lot of things i’m not proud of, a lot of things, but that’s beside the point. i’ve stopped my obsessive ways for the most part, though i admit to having an addictive personality still. While i enjoy sexual things quite a bit, i limit the experience to ones with Tthose i care about. ~+~ as the coffee brews, i drum my fingers on the countertop while sliding my hand to the cabinet above, opening it to reveal several mugs, taking time to select the perfect one...i nod in satisfaction as i find a simple black one with a silver pheonix painted on the front.... smiling, i place it on the counter beside the coffee pot... ~+~ i started writing this letter this morning, and finished it tonight, sorry about that... ~+~ i curl my leg to a bending as i kneel against the counter...Your mug in my right hand, i slide it along the softness of my thing, checking carefully for any knicks...why there are none, i put it on the counter and pour the freshly brewed coffee into the cup, being careful not to spill a drop ~+~ The most influencial man in my life is my father, the first runner up ins my ex-boyfriend. His name is Kevin. We dated for, You guessed it, eight months before i took him aside and told him we should just be friend. In my opinion, he was just not ready for the relationship i needed from him. Goodness, he’s a great friend tough. Anyways, about 4 months after Kevin and i broke up, he called me to talk. iactually had thought we were going to get back together. i was wrong. He called to tell me he was gay. i fainted. lol anyways, after i got over the initial shock of checking out men with him, we became even better friends and now, he’s my knight in shining armor. My Kevie-Pooh. ~+~ i turn once more on the balls of my feet, bending carefully into the fridge, i grab a saucer of cream...placing it beside the mug alongside a sugar bowl and spoon...contented, i reach beside the fridge and grab my oak serving tray with daisies hand carved into it...i place it on the counter then begin my situating ~+~ As for You being a hermit, i do that too. In fact, of ten times my Ffriends and family have to drag me out of the house. But i always say, watch out for the quiet Oones, Tthey’re always the Oones with the most to say, right? ~+~ wink ~+~ ~+~ i bite into my lip and smile, fixing my hair to bounce carefully on my shoulders and my face to look just right...i bend at the knee to pick the tray from the counter, and turn to tip toe into the room where You sit...just in front of You, i lower myself to my knees, crossing my ankles behind me, and straightening my back head cocking to the side to rub against Your side, my eyes wide and smiling up at You, i nudge Your leg awake "i thought You could use some coffee. i don’t touch the stuff, but i thought You might" ~+~ with love lauren ps...i’m sorry this took so long to send You...i was in the hospital last night...feminine problems
*Crossing My fingers that you won't be getting this letter multiple times.* Ran into a bit of 'net difficulty so sent it a couple times. I don't know if they made it thus this sending. *Lips quirking slightly.* Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only O/one that doesn't tend to run off at the fingers that much in e-mails out of U/us. *Bowing slightly.* I shall take it as a mark of pride that I have that effect upon such a wonderful woman. For Me it can vary for length depending upon the P/person I am talking to, and how sleepy I am as things can vary along with My thought processes when tired. ~_^ *Accepting your next words with a small nod.* I can quite understand such things, as I'm not the most extroverted Person Myself. Especially when I hit a patch of My 'hermit mode' - where I hide out in My home and pretend the outside world doesn't exist for a while. Doesn't work, but O/one can always try. ~_^ I'm working on fixing it so that no longer happens but so far with mixed success. I figure once My course is done and I've got a job things will get easier for getting My butt out into the world again. Some excitement here and there is a healthy thing, but too much too often I don't know if I could really take for long. I'd likely go a bit batty...well more so than S/some might say I already am, at any rate. *Lips quirking.* O/one on O/one seems much better both in terms of relationships and getting to know S/someone initially. I can handle large crowds, but I do admit to feeling a bit uncomfortable within them. Another thing I mean to fix a bit more. I am a bit surprised to hear you've been engaged twice, though I suppose that's a bit silly on My part. you're more than ready for such things, I'm sure. I am also sorry to hear they didn't work out. *Chuckles.* I will also admit here that I'm a romantic at heart. The whole 'love can conquer all' angle and a bit more, perhaps. Though I freely acknowledge that life is never easy, and relationships certainly can be one of the hardest things to manage - especially when O/one is depending upon technology to establish and maintain the relationship. I can certainly understand the experience with Wiccan leading to becoming a reborn again Christian. Personally I've never really been too involved with religion. I don't see organized religion as a truly good thing given the many atrocities that have come to pass with its 'blessings'. I believe in a being or beings such as God, and in His opposite number, but also that each of U/us must take O/our own path. After all W/we were created to be unique, so why shouldn't O/our spiritual relationship be the same? However, I will also say that I'm not totally opposed to such things, either. It may well be My own stubbornness kicking in a bit, and given a chance this opinion may change. *Smiling gently.* I'm pleased you enjoyed My card and envelope so. I couldn't come up with anything else at the time, though I'm sure there may be something even better coming in the future. *Leaning forward to kiss your right blushing cheek.* Perhaps, but I would say that it makes for an overall wonderful presentation for a personality from what W/we've talked about so far. ~_^ I feel the same way with you. It's very relaxing to have someone I can 'yack' at for a while about something. *Chuckling.* Don't worry about a story if you can't think of one. I'm sure W/we'll be exchanging many in the time ahead. *Blinking, tilting My head, and considering for several moments.* Well let Me see...once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away... ~_^ Hmmm...I'm not coming up with much of a story either at the moment due to sleepiness. However, I didn't wish to go to bed without replying to your message first. I'll sleep on it and shall send you one when I awake in the morning. *Blinking slightly at the sight of you laying by My chair, and then smiling gently as I move to lower Myself enough to brush a light kiss upon the top of your head.* Sweet dreams, dear one. *Making sure you're warm enough within the blanket and that you're properly tucked in. Then pausing and considering what I might give you next in return. Moving to retrieve My Sneaker - the Beanie Buddy snow leopard - and placing him within the blanket with you. Then caressing your left cheek slightly before settling upon My chair for a rest. Pulling a blanket with My phoenix symbol out to wrap around Myself before closing My eyes to rest. The last sight of the day being your angelic beauty.* Safe and happy journeys until next W/we meet. Love, Jonathan
~+~ my hand immediately goes to my right ear, feeling the petals of the rose in my lashes lower and i blush, giggling just a bit ~+~ Thank You, but i don’t look...i mean i’m sure the rose looks... ~+~ biting my tongue ~+~ It amazes me lately how much Wwe appear to have in common, coffee for example: i remember that in high school, it became a fad to drink coffee particularly it was in my school because it started at 6:30 AM. So, every day my father, my older sister, and i would go to this bakery on the way to school. My father would order his typical triple shot espresso, my sister, a cappuccino (double shot) and i, a single shot mocha. i had found that coffee wasn’t so horrible when it was watered down with milk and chocolate. But as the years progresses, i came to the realization that i don’t like coffee, and that it was alright to not like coffee. It’s silly, really, how such random things can lead to self-revelation. Anyways, when my sister got her license, the three of us stopped going to school together. And we got out own espresso machine. So now, every morning, i get to smell that triple shot espresso in the home. And i must say, on an empty stomach, it’s quite putrid of a smell. ~+~ i sigh softly, looking down at the tray, but shrugging...i raise to my feet, turning on the balls and curling my way to the kitchen again, dumping the coffee, washing the mug, and returning each and every thing to its original place ~+~ Besides the coffee though, there’s more that Wwe have in common. When i’m not here in Grass Valley with my parents, i am living with my grandparents as i got to school. During the day, i do school, and during the nighttime, i cook, clean, and care for my grandmother. i love it. It is so rewarding. Ok, so she’s not the easiest woman in the world to deal with, but i love here. i was born on her 50th birthday about a block away from her house. As long as i can remember, she has said "Your parents were too cheap to get me a real present, so they got me you." Up until about 3 years ago, my grandmother was well, not pleasant. She used to hit my grandfather, drag me by my hair, and emotionally abuse each and every one of us. And when she was sorry, or had calmed down, she would cook for us or take us shipping. That was supposed to make it all better. Around five years ago, her brother was diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease, which had progressed so far, the he is in a home now. That was when we knew grandma had it too. So her favorite son said that until she got help, he wouldn’t come to see her anymore. And he didn’t. So two years later, she got help and he came to stay with her for an entire weekend. Now, she takes 14 pills a day. i know because she won’t take them unless i give them to her a certain way. Before i moved there, she weighed around 90 lbs, but i got her up to around 110 with my cooking. And now, she is my sunshine. She calls me up every few days just to tell me how much she loves me and how proud of me she is; and my favorite: how much i sing like an angel. ~+~ i sway my hips back to You chair, kneeling and putting my heaed back on Your lap...i purr and smile as You caress my face ~+~ When i say You online the fires time before last, You were just mentioning that Your relationship was over. i was worried about You. i really was, bt i’m very clad to hear that You’re ok. i promise that the emptiness will be filled. i don’t know how or when, but have patience, it will be. ~+~ i crawl into Your lap for a moment ~+~ When Darian died, there was nothing i could feel but empty. You see, when you’re pregnant, you know everything and anything that the baby wants and needs, because you want and need it too. i swear i knew what he was thinking at times. When i went to the hospital and they told me i’d have to have a still birth, i ran. i’m not kidding You, i picked up my things and i ran. They literally had to catch me and hold me down. i’ll spare You the gorey details again, but lets just say they wanted to take him out like an abortion, and i wouldn’t let them. So i gave birth to this beautiful tiny little baby boy that i could never hold. i have never felt so empty, deflated, guilty... You see, Darian was conceived by rape. He would have been something beautiful to be born of something little miracle.... ~+~ sighing and crawling back to the floor, kneeling head high, lashes lowered, and lip bitten ~+~ i...actually don’t know what to say now. i went into the Chamber of Teality today because Your name was in it, but You had gone. Oh well, maybe next time. and yes, red would be better it seems You’ve figured out that my favorite color is red lol i wonder how You could have done that. ~+~ from behind me, i take a velvet teddy bear, perfect hugging size out, and place it on Your lap ~+~ his name’s sugar bear treat him well with love lauren
*Quietly moving around the room for a few moments, and then settling once again upon My chair.* I do apologize for this being a bit late in coming today, fair one, but My brother was here and then I started cleaning up a bit of O/our mess. Still got a wee bit of work to do, but I've decided tomorrow morning that shall be finished. Then I studied a bit, and now it's time to send you that story you requested. I'm not sure what story you might like, but I've decided that a bit of a recounting upon the trip I took last weekend might suffice for this particular endeavor. To start, My grandmother - whom I'm semi-living with as she lives upstairs and I in the basement - came down on Wednesday, June 26th and asked if I'd accompany her to a cabin up at Moose Lake owned by some relatives for the weekend as she wasn't sure when she'd get home otherwise if she traveled with My one aunt and uncle that live around here that were also heading up for the weekend. This was a bit of a surprise, and the fact it came into conflict with My parents' plans to brand their calves during that same weekend. However, My father, when phoned and asked about it said I could go to the cabin as they'd ask a neighbor for help to do the cow chasing, sorting, and then branding. I felt a bit of guilt over not going out there to help as they are My family, after all, but then again grandma needed My help as well. So in a flurry of activity I started preparing for the trip. W/we left the house by 11am or so, and stopped at a bank for grandmother to get a bit of money out along with the one mall for Me to grab a couple snacks plus some mosquito repellent. That latter part wasn't as easy as it sounds as most of the stores were out of the stuff given that the local summer fair had also started the day before. Luckily I did find some, and W/we were out of the city by 12pm or so. Seeing as it was around a seven or eight hour drive or so My grandmother packed a few of her 'oreo' style cookies, some water, and a few egg salad sandwiches for lunch. W/we pulled over from the highway to eat at around 1:30pm, and since she'd been driving up to that point I took over for the rest of the trip up. I must admit that W/we may have done a bit of speeding whilst I was at the wheel since I've something called a 'lead foot'. ~_^ My other aunt and uncle plus their children (two girls and one boy), two grandkids, and the boy's g/f all arrived later that night. They stayed at a motel in the nearby town, however, since it was a bit easier. I myself pitched a tent and used it for sleeping within during the trip. First time in years I've done so, and despite the rain on Saturday it went pretty well. I ended up playing three rounds of golf over Saturday and Sunday. Again something I've not done in years, and really didn't do too much of before. However, I didn't do that bad, and got several compliments from the relatives when I did hit the ball well. I shall definately have to work upon My driving and putting form, however, since I'm pretty shaky at both. I would have gone another round on Monday but for the fact My hands were a bit miffed with all that golfing the previous two days since they weren't used to it. I also went out on the first fishing expedition on Saturday morning - before the rain came later that day. I should mention that first round of golf took place at 6:14am. A time I would normally not wake up for unless ~absolutely~ necessary. However, I was up already since I didn't sleep that well that first night due to not being used to sleeping within a My one cousin and his fiancee brought their dog along. It wasn't exactly a quite one that night, and the fact it was tied up right by My tent certainly didn't help. I still appear to have slept some that night, however, since I went two rounds of golf that day, plus a few other things and didn't feel sleepy until 11pm or so. W/we started a fire in their pit that night for warmth while the rain came down - even though there had been a fire ban on. My cousin had tried calling the local RCMP, Forestry Service, and in the end talked to a friend that works with the fire department and a few other jobs in the area. he said it would likely be alright if W/we started one since it was getting pretty wet at the time. It was nice sitting under the tarp set up above the pit and talking around the fire, though the occasional breeze blowing the smoke into P/people's faces was a bit of a distraction. It was fun watching the two young children running about and having fun during the weekend though keeping track of them could be a bit of a job at times. *Chuckles.* Sunday was fairly warm, but a bit windy. As I went with My uncle to get a few food supplies from the nearby town the rest took the raft out for another fishing expedition. When W/we got back and saw they were gone he and I jumped into the speedboat to see how things were going. Some had tried swimming, but said the water was too cold since the wind caused the water to stir so much that the sun didn't get a chance to warm it as much as if it were still. My uncle and I returned to the cabin where he went out into the water a bit to test out his seaweed scythe to get rid of some of it near the shore. In turn I popped back to the tent for a pair of swimming trunks and went for a short swim. It was cold, alright, but not that bad if O/one gave the body time to adjust rather than just jumping right in. The waves tired Me out fairly quickly so the swim was perhaps half an hour long at most. Once I got back to the cabin I went and read a bit from one of the books I'd brought before lunch was ready. Then W/we all gathered and chatted a bit more. Plus there were a couple games of horseshoes after they were set up down on the beach. Then an hour or two before dinner another aunt along with one of My older sisters that live in Edmonton - which is a couple hours from where the cabin is - arrived to join in the fun. Since My sister and I have taken courses dealing with computers W/we discussed a few different places W/we should look for jobs in along with catching up on other things. Since the fire ban was back in place again that night W/we didn't light a fire or firecrackers to celebrate Canada Day. When Monday rolled around it was even more windy, and a wee bit cooler to boot. This caused the group to start breaking up a bit earlier than had originally been planned, with most gone by 2pm. My grandmother and I were last to leave around 3pm. After passing through the town My grandmother was having a nap and I was fighting off a small bout of sleepiness Myself - most likely I should have pulled over while this happened (something I intend to do in the future), but I did not that day. Due to this I missed the fact the highway W/we wanted to stay on zipped down south on at a junction and instead kept on the eastbound one instead. W/we were just under an hour from Edmonton when My grandmother awoke and confirmed My suspicions that W/we weren't on the right road. I'd noticed the last few towns didn't seem that familiar from the trip up, but put it down as the fact I was heading in the opposite direction which can tend to make things look a bit different. W/we caught a secondary highway south, but were running out of gas. Since it was a big holiday most places were closed - especially in the smaller towns or villages W/we passed through. Eventually, however, W/we reached a bit larger center and got fueled up. That unexpected side-trip added another couple hours to O/our getting home. W/we stopped for a bit of dinner in Lloydminister - a city that is half in Alberta and half in Saskatchewan, and once W/we'd passed through pulled over so My grandmother could take over driving for a bit. Since the highway up there isn't fully twinned there were several spots were W/we were stuck driving behind semi-trucks, or campers going fairly slowly given that passing wasn't really a great option given the traffic going the other way plus it being fairly hilly around there. Once W/we reached the Battlefords, however, and turned truly south the traffic was much less. About an hour after that I took over driving again and W/we zipped along the rest of the way home - again a bit above the speed limit most of the way. ~_^ W/we got home around 12am, and other than pulling out a few essentials W/we left everything in the car for the next day to bring in. I stayed up another hour or so, and then went off to sleep. *Smiling softly.* Well, I think that should be about it...*Noting the length and chuckles.* plus definately long enough. I do hope your day's been a wonderful one, and I look forward to O/our next meeting along with your reply to this letter. *Standing slowly up from My chair, and pulling out a red tulip to place upon the table beside it for you to find later.* Take care, and sweet dreams. Love, Jonathan
Wow, it sounds like Your allergies are serious. And i thought mine were bad. i’m allergic to penecilin, amoxacylin and sulfa. Sulfa is in almost any type of cleaning product, and the other two are in almost everything else. The thing about sulfa is that it’s so impossible to avoid, i need to take benedryl every day so i don’t end up waking up in the middle of the night with hives. Penecilin and amoxacylin, however, make my throat close’s very painful. ~+~ laying my head back on You lap and closing my eyes ~+~ i’m very sorry that i had to leave so quickly. i tend to have a lot of rti’s which is frustrating, because i was really enjoying Your company. especially in my forest. i must admit, however, that i can’t think of anything to babble at You about today. i promise i’ll make it up later. in the meantime, enjoy Your day...and know that someone somewhere is thinking about You with a smile on her face with love, lauren
*Growling softly due to the thunderstorm causing a second-long blackout and thus destroyed My first attempt to reply to this lovely letter.* Oh I go again. ~_^ *Waking up slowly at your head rubbing My side, and then blinking a few times before looking down at you with a large smile of pleasure forming.* Well good morning to you, dear one. *Catching sight of the beautiful serving tray.* Now what have you made for Me? *Catching the scent of coffee and blinking for another moment before leaning down to kiss your right cheek and smile regretfully.* While I do deeply appreciate the wonderful serve, dear one, and the thoughtfulness behind it...I'm afraid I don't have a fondness for this particular beverage Myself. *Lips quirking.* I've always thought of it as a cousin to tar given the awful smell. *Gently caressing the right side of your face with My left hand as I tilt My head and consider for a moment.* My own sexuality flared up around 12 years old as well. However, it was a short one as it was pushed under My love for reading books. It popped back up to stay when I was 15 or so, and I made do with reading various sexual scenes from books...until I found a small stash of old Playboys under My father's bed. He never did notice my 'borrowing' them to read the articles. ~_^ I actually still have them, but haven't looked at them in the last couple years since the 'net is far better than them any day when I do look for such things. W/we didn't get a 'net connection until around five or so years ago, and initially I didn't do too much exploring on it. That is until I left home for that try at second year university, where I made a few good F/friends. As it happens My best friend Ryan introduced Me to the Park's RP room, and I was hooked shortly afterwards - though My initial appearances within it were still pretty sporadic. My shyness initially meant I only popped in for a short while and stayed in character throughout. After a couple months I made a couple friends in there and the rest, as T/they say, is history. ~_^ Since I could only access the 'net through on-campus computer labs I didn't do too much snooping for adult content. Not long after My shyness started ebbing I met My first online g/f within the RP room. W/we were together for around five months before she dropped a bombshell in the form of an e-mail that basically said she loved another at the same time as Me. W/we tried to recover from that for a few weeks, but it didn't work. Shortly after her 'net access was cut and I've not heard a word from her since. The second relationship was again with someone I'd met in the RP room, and W/we were together for about nine months before breaking up. she was going through serious bought of depression being home again for the summer, but W/we're still good F/friends. W/we even popped into the HC a couple times, but I wasn't truly ready to start looking into it at the time. Shortly after W/we broke up she suggested I go back and try it since I was going through a major sexual urge episode at the time. I learned I truly enjoyed the place, and thus made it My second 'net home next to the RP room. I met jaime in there about a month after starting to seriously look into things, and W/we were together for about ten months before breaking apart. she's the one that was nose diving in depression during most of O/our relationship, and in the end nothing I did seemed to make her happy. Other than a brief ICQ chat unexpectedly a few months after that W/we've not talked since. Though on the plus side she did find a rl boyfriend and her new job was going well so I was happy for her. Finally W/we come to My latest relationship with another sub I'd met in the HC and been friends with during My time with jaime. W/we became close quickly, and despite various technical problems love grew. However, much as My heart is pained to admit it, things are likely over. I've not heard a peep from her in over three months. So at the moment I've got a soul that feels half-empty at times, though chatting with F/friends helps - and My talks with you along with O/our e-mail exchange even more so - I'm not quite sure yet if it will be filled anytime soon...or even if I'm truly ready for that to happen. *Lips quirking.* However, I am not One to refuse love should it come knocking upon My door. *Chuckles.* I, too, have enjoyed cyber sex a great deal over the last few years. I can hardly wait for the real thing, but I won't cheapen that first experience until the time - and person - is right. As for your fainting when your ex-boyfriend told you he is gay, I can sympathize. Two winters past I was driving with one of My older sisters to the family Christmas Eve dinner when she told Me she was/is a lesbian. she says I almost drove off the road after she told Me that, but I don't remember such a thing. Looking back on it there were several telltales that pointed towards her sexual preferences over the years, and other than that initial shock I fully support her. My parents are still trying to get past the denial stage, but majority of the family have accepted it fairly easily. Since My self-esteem's only been truly on the rise the last six years or so - other than the occasional dip, and My lack of rl relationship experience I'm still a bit shaky where relationships are concerned. Also, despite My enjoyment of the HC and Chamber of Reality plus various associated reading, I'm a bit unsure how I'll do as a Dom in rl. I guess I'll simply have to wait and see, though I'm eager to try it as well...for various reasons. ~_^ However, I'm sure that My confidence will be on the serious up-rise once I've got the A+ certification behind Me. *Laughing softly.* I ran up some pretty hefty phone bills Myself when I was with Jaime, but have kept them down pretty well since. I've also been a 'net addict for the last couple years, although recently I've been trying to get back into other hobbies that I've neglected plus concentrating on those final two exams. Also been updating My resume and sent it out for a couple jobs in the last couple weeks. Sending it for another one at the University of Saskatchewan's IT department, in Saskatoon, tomorrow. Though since the job doesn't actually start until September I may end up going back to McDonald's soon until then so I will have money coming in other than that from the parents. They're getting a bit anxious for Me to get back to living My life without having to depend on them. ~_^ At the same time, I rather dislike 'mooching' off of them. *Smiling gently.* I can quite understand your limiting sexual things to only T/those you care about. I've tried to keep it that way from the beginning, and other than one brief bit with a sub I've managed it. *Looking a bit concerned.* I'm sorry to hear about the trip to the hospital. Everything alright now? As for your starting this morning and then finishing your reply tonight, I don't mind. I'm just happy to hear you're alright. I'm also glad you enjoyed My little friend Sneaker during your sleep. *Reaching over to a nearby vase to pull out a lovely white rose to slide in your hair just above your right ear.* There, that looks simply fantastic, though red would be even better... Love, Jonathan
~+~ nodding softly and backing off a bit, sitting beside Your chair and smiling warmly ~+~ Please don't be afraid. Wwe will not do anything Wwe're not ready for. And i'll let You know when i'm uncomfortable. One day at a time? ~+~ smiling ~+~ i hope to see You again soon with love lauren
*Chuckles softly and enjoying both your being tongue tied along with that lovely blush upon your cheeks.* Ah, I was wondering if there was a way to make you speechless, dear one. It would appear I have. *Kotc.* Plus you're quite welcome. *Lips quirking.* An excellent point about O/our having so much in common. *Chuckles.* As it happens, noO/one in My immediate family likes coffee, so the only times I've really been subjected to that smell is outside the home. Especially when I was working at McDonald's. Yuck. ~_^ I am glad you don't drink coffee, however, as it is another thing W/we have in common. I am sorry to hear you have to put up with it every day now, however. *Smiling gently.* Sounds like a serious bout to deal with your grandmother back then, alright. I'm glad she got help as it's certainly improved all your lives. My own grandmother is 80 years old, and while she is slowing down a bit she still has her garden, drives herself around for the most part, volunteers at the local SPCA used bookstore, is part of a bowling league during the winter, and swims as well. *Chuckles softly.* I pray I'm half as spry when I reach her age. I do gladly help her out on things she can't do by herself around here, however, and I'm pleased to hear you help your own grandmother while there. *Watching your movements as you return to the kitchen to clean out the various things used in making the wasted coffee. Enjoying the gracefulness in each move you make.* Actually, that one sister I mentioned before also happens to be allergic to caffeine. It would appear she drank far too much Coca Cola and ate too many candy bars while a teenager. These days if she has even a little bit of she'll either have a reaction shortly after or the next day where her inner ear is screwed up so she can't stand properly. *Lips quirking.* Often she jokes about being a 'cheap drunk' since that's what she looks like when having that reaction. My own allergies are a bit different. I'm allergic to grain dust, large amounts of regular dust for that matter, so that whenever I am exposed to it My skin begins to itch where ever it lands on Me, My eyes become red and achy, and finally My airway begins to close off. Naturally this caused Me to be excluded from most things dealing with handling grain upon the farm, though it didn't start appearing until I was thirteen or so. My sensitivity seems to vary from time to time, but I'm not about to go and thoroughly test this hypothesis somehow. ~_^ Besides that I'm allergic to sunflower seeds, where My airway again begins to close off when I eat them. I didn't know about this one until about four years ago when that same sister and I were traveling up to Edmonton after attending a cousin's wedding. W/we stopped at town where she'd graduated from college earlier that year to visit one of her professors. He had happened to have made some bread with sunflower seeds in it and offered me a slice. I took two or three bites before I could feel my airway closing. *Chuckles.* As you can imagine I stopped eating it at that point. *Smiling gently with pleasure as you return from the kitchen and your head again rests upon My lap as I caress your face lightly with My hands. Savoring your soft purring.* I'm very grateful for your concern on My behalf upon the relationship front, fair one, and I'm pretty happy Myself at weathering things fairly well under the circumstances. I still miss her, and I think I shall for a while yet, but I'm just as certain that you're right about someone coming along to fill that void again. Not in the same way, as everyO/one is different and thus so is O/one's love for T/them, but still it will more than suffice. *Wrapping My arms around you and holding you close as you relate the story about your son.* I am very sorry for your loss, but I can certainly understand your reactions to what they said and wanted to do to get him out. I would likely have done the same in your position. *Blinking in surprise upon hearing about the rape part, and then smiling gently.* I'm sure he would have been a wonderful miracle, indeed, and even when things turned out as they did I'm sure that he helped your soul recover from such a horrible event. *Releasing you slowly when you move down to kneel upon the floor again.* I am sorry W/we only had a short time within the RP room, and hope O/our paths shall cross again soon within those walls. *Lips forming an impish grin.* Oh, I'm not about to reveal My secret ways of knowing such a thing. *Tilting My head to the right slightly as I watch you pull out the teddy bear, and then brushing the fingers of My right hand along his fur a bit as you tell Me his name.* That's a very good name for him, I think. *Hugging him gently before leaning down to kiss the top of your head.* Thank you, and I'll be sure he's very well taken care of. Love, Jonathan *Noting your reaction to My growl, and grinning a bit.* would appear I've found something else out about you as well, dear one. *Hazel eyes dancing.* Now I'll just have to decide what to do with said information.
*Shrugs slightly.* I've been uncomfortable due to the allergies, but I've never been in any real danger. I've become used to them and as such they don't affect Me very much anymore. *Blinking and smiles gently.* Ouch, those do sound bad in their own rights. I'd almost say worse since I'm not having to take benedryl every day. *Tilting My head to the right slightly.* An allergy shot won't work for them? It lasts a month, after all... *Reaching down to caress My fingers through your hair as your head lays upon My lap.* That's quite alright, dear one. It happens, and I had a similar situation with RTI's not so long ago when I was still on the farm. It was driving Me nuts, which is one of the major reasons why I moved into the nearby city to live in the basement of the house My grandmother lives in. Hoping to be out on My own in the next month. I deeply enjoyed your company as well, especially in your forest. *Lips quirking slightly.* Especially the delightful surprise after the spanking session was over. *Frowning slightly as I consider.* Not sure if I can think of anything to say at the moment either, to be honest. So I'll have to give you a rain-check. Though if I do think of something later I'll send it to you. Enjoy your day, and I'll likely see you soon. *Smiling gently.* Take care, and know that I'm thinking of you with a smile on My face as well. Love, Jonathan
~+~ biting my lip to a smile ~+~ it's alright...i love trouble ~+~ winks ~+~ i'm sorry to hear that You lost sleep
~+~ thinking ~+~ two hours, i can try to be ~+~ releived that You didn't lose sleep coz of me ~+~ i...enjoy school while You're there i was going to send You a poem i wrote in the middle of the night last night, but i'm afraid You might take it the wrong i wont see You later?
~+~ sighs ~+~ i always feel so bad just leaving You like that, but i rarely have warnings when i need to go. i'm really sorry, i mean, i know You're ok...but... ~+~ eyes wide and a bit sad ~+~ well, i will try to be on later tonight, though i can't promise i'll be able to. my sister will be home tonight, so...Wwe'll see ~+~ chewing on only the corner of my lip, i sigh once...then crawl into Your lap and rest my head on Your shoulder ~+~ i guess...Wwe'll talk later? take care of Yourself with love, lauren ps. as for Your lengthened responses, it's gets a bit frustrating at times, but i'll survive...You're worth the wait ~+~ soft kiss ~+~
*Sighing softly as you back off a bit, and reaching out with My right hand to gently caress the left side of your face.* I'm sorry, dear one. I didn't mean to sound afraid, but perhaps I am a little. *Lips quirking slightly.* I guess I'm still dealing with a few issues from the last relationship. *Leaning down to kiss your forehead lightly.* My heart knows W/we well only do what W/we feel is right, but I guess My head got a bit nervous. I do not wish a whirlwind relationship that's wild, passionate, but ends all too soon. However, I am happy to hear you say that you will tell Me when you're uncomfortable...though given what I know of you speaking your mind, I would expect nothing less. *Gently teasing.* *Smiling gently.* I'm sure W/we'll see each O/other again soon, I promise. Until then, take care, and have a good day. Love, Jonathan
~+~ waking up from a long evening's rest and curling up in Your lap, purring softly ~+~ morning just...wanted to tell You that someone somewhere cares ~+~ laying my head on Your shoulder and drifting off again ~+~ with love lauren
*Chuckles, kisses the tip of your nose, and smiling with gentle tenderness mixed with amusement.* I'm sure I smiled in that last letter, lauren. *Meeting your eyes, and delighting in your leaning into My touch. Sweeping My thumb along your cheek lightly.* Alright, I can quite understand what you mean. *Tilting My head to the right slightly.* I'm sure everything will be fine, and W/we shall simply have to see what happens. Alright?
i just realized that if this is Your day off...this may be Your only way of receiving emails are You online, Love?
*chuckles at the long email* Goodness, it's been ages since You've sent one of those, Love...well, i'm glad You got that off Your chest...seems like quite and interesting call *winks* as for the seems that You're always on from around 9AM my time to around 1130 AM...i can do that the only problem is...most of those days, You'll have to meet me in TTB (including this morning) as when i'm at school, i haven't any MSN which leads me to this morning i'm waiting in TTB eagerly for You...hoping and praying You'll show up...which reminds me about the prayer...remind me in the room and i'll tell You, ok? *soft kisses before running to curl in Your chair to keep it warm for Your return* with love Your woven-dream kitten
*Smiling with pleasure as you kiss the tip of My finger, and brushing it along your lips lightly before brushing the back of My fingers along your cheek as you lean into it.* Everything is fine. Had a little trouble sleeping last night again, but I feel much better now that W/we've had this discussion. *Meeting your concerned eyes with My hazel ones filled with gentleness.* I do hope I've not caused too much trouble. *Lips quirking a bit more in amusement.*
*she thinks for a looking at the time and grins...slipping softly from His chair and curling her toes against the cold ground...she wiggles her gown to cover her body perfectly and decides to pad to the servery* *her hips sway then, like the beat of a ceremonial drum, her curls shaken perfectly to her shoulders as she slides carefully behind the servery, her lower body disappearing behind the soft wood* *there her fingers slide along the countertop, feeling the gentle ridges smoothed to a polish and cold to her touch...she smirks a grin like the icon.. moving about the servery as if she owned it* *looking about the room, her brown gems flicking every which way...she smiles and flicks the cabinet open, standing on her tip-toes to peer at the glasses above her* *there her fingers search hungrily for the right vessel, flicking along the dozens of polished crystals along the way... she stops at one...with a smile and nods, running her fingers long the ridges of the carved pheonix...she nods again and pulls it to the countertop, placing it beside her and flicking the cabinet closed* *she takes a moment then to slide her right glove from her hand, and to wrap her fingers around the crystal again...holding it up by the window to the light... she twirls it around like a dance, squinting to scan for any imperfections that may be visible... in finding none, she smiles and nods, before gliding the glass now along her forearm...hoping that it still remains smooth and perfect as it should be* *and it does, perfect in its imperfections, shining in beauty...she nods in approval and places it on the countertop... there she pivots on the balls of her feet, moving to face the fridge and bending down as she wraps the door open and pokes her head inside, she finds a tall carton of orange juice, no pulp and pulls it out of the fridge, placing it then beside the glass, and pushing the door shut* *she pivots once more on the balls of her feet to face the countertop, unscrewing the top to the juice...she lifts it with both hands and leans to pour the glass to filling, careful to leave enough room to move the glass without spilling, but also careful to fill it high enough that He won't lack* *screwing the top back on, she turns with juice in hand to face the fridge and pushes it open, placing it in the exact same place as before before shutting the door and moving back to the juice behind her* *grabbing a cloth from beneath her, she twirls the glass with it, careful to wipe any spills, condensation, or fingerprints...smiling in approval as the glass is left clean... she bows downward to find her tray* *she finds it there, a solid oak tray with carved daisies along the sides and she pulls it to rest on the top beside the drink...shutting the door closed... she stands erect, peering downward at what's before her* *taking the cloth then in her hand, she glides it along the wood, careful to polish it of any imperfections as well before tossing the cloth aside in the laundry bin... she smiles sweetly and readies for presentation* *she grabs from the drawer beside her a navey blue coaster, placing it in the center of the tray...she pushes the glass on top of it, centering it in the diamond... * *from her hair then, she grabs a daisy and a crimson rose, placing them in a bud vase on the top left of the tray, she pours water, wipes the spills...then nods as the tray is complete* *replacing her glove on her right hand now...she shakes her curls to perfection, peering in the mirror a moment to make sure she looks presentable... and there she bends at the knees, sliding the fixed tray from the countertop...and cradling it in outstretched arms... she wiggles her hips from behind the servery...approaching His chair carefully, making sure not to spill a single drop... her eyes then scan the room, sighing softly as she does not see Him, but knowing He will need the drink anyway...she slides the tray perfectly onto the table beside Him with a note that says "i was hoping to catch You, hopefully i still will. but please accept this orange juice as a little reminder that someone cares." * *there she nods, looking back at the presentation of the tray before placing her palms on the center of His chair and curling into it quietly, peering at the door in hoping*
*Laughing and watching you bite your lip on a smile.* Ah, I should have figured you would, given the trouble you've tried to get yourself into last night by looking in My toys like that. *Gently teasing while amusement floats throughout My voice before returning your wink.* *Smiling gently and lightly kissing your forehead.* Now before you go and assume I lost sleep just because of what I was writing to you about last night, don't. I had an absolutely wonderful time with you, and quite look forward to more. I've just got a wee bit on My plate right now to deal with and it's what kept Me tossing last night. From what I remember many of My dreams last night were with you in them, and were quite pleasant. ~_^ *Considering for a moment.* I'll be in school for another two hours or so, and then I'll be home. Will you be around then or later tonight?
*grinning and squirming a bit as i'm tied to Your chair, twinkling eyes in mischief for when You return* grrrr...You'd better make this worth my while, Love lol *huffs and waits all hot-and-bothered for Your return*
Well, it appears as though there was a period of time where i had to delete some of Master’s the arrangement is a bit are the rest of the letters that i have...followed by the rest of my own letters.
*Smiling gently.* Well I will quite understand if you can't be here then. *Had thought you might have thought that, so knew I'd best put you at ease.* *Quirking and eyebrow slightly at your hesitating sentence.* I am and will, though I will be looking forward to seeing you during all that time. *Shaking My head and cupping your face between My hands while smiling gently.* Now don't worry about something like that, dear one. I would love to read the poem you wrote, and I promise *Taking a moment to cross My heart with My right hand's fingers.* that I will not take it the wrong way. Alright? *Staring deeply into your eyes for a long moment before placing a light kiss upon your lips.* And you will see Me later. That I know with all My heart.
*Reading it over slowly as it certainly deserves such attention.*'re right. I enjoyed it very much. *Smiling gently.* Thank-you for showing Me it. Love, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* Actually, lauren, I somewhat expected you would need to go. *Holding you gently within My arms for a moment and kissing the top of your head.* It's alright. I'm a little frustrated, but W/we'll make up for it next time, or the time after that. I am deeply delighting in O/our time together, despite the interruptions. Don't worry about it. Much as I'd prefer it not happen, it does. I will miss you. Love, Jonathan P.S. I'm sorry for My posts taking so long. If I'd have been a bit faster, W/we may have been done before you had to go.
*Smiling gently and lightly pressing My right forefinger against your lips to stop the sighing.* There's no need for that. If you have no real warning there's not much you can do. Life is what happens when W/we're busy making other plans. *Smiling gently and kissing your forehead lightly.* I'm fine, so don't worry about it right now. I'll see you if you're on, and I'll miss you if you aren't. However, F/family is very important so if you need to spend time with your sister and the rest of your F/family, go right ahead and have fun. *Wrapping My arms around you as you crawl up to settle upon My lap, and trailing My right hand's fingers up to brush through your soft hair as your head rests upon My shoulder.* I'll see you soon, dear one. Take care, and have a good day. Love, Jonathan P.S.: Perhaps, but I'm still going to do My best to shorten the times involved as much as I can. *Returning the soft kiss with tender passion.*
*Smiling gently as you curl up in My lap and enjoying your soft purring as My arms wrap around you.* Well hello there. *Kissing your forehead lightly.* The same goes for you, dear one. No matter what may come to pass, someOne here cares for you. *Gently gliding My right hand through your hair as you rest your head upon My shoulder and drift back to sleep.* Love, Jonathan
*Placing a white rose upon the table for you to find and frowning a bit with concern as My hazel eyes sweep the room.* I'm sorry I missed you yesterday, dear one. It was an interesting time. I got to help My father take the front-end loader frame off of a tractor. *Lips quirking.* he bugged Me about the fact I had to get My hands dirty. Really, I don't think I'm ~that~ bad. I can handle dirt, etc., being on My hands. Just not half as used to it as he is. Then I got home around 7:30pm My time, with My brother already here since he came over after visiting his friends the day before. *Closing My eyes and holding back a yawn.* Unfortunately I didn't sleep that well last night so I'm already a bit tired. Perhaps I'll have a nap in a little while. Oh, and just out of curiousity, why did you think I might not take the opportunity to call you when you offered? Seems like I would have to be crazy when there was a perfectly good calling card involved and all. Plus the fact W/we've gelled so well in O/our talks online so far and what not. Talk to you later. Love, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* I do hope you're not avoiding Me, kitten. I missed you greatly today. As for the other night, I'm afraid I had to go pretty much at that time Myself to make that phonecall I told you about, so there's no need to feel guilty. I do hope to see you again soon, Jonathan
*Smiling softly.* I can quite understand things being busy, kitten. I guess I just miss you so much I forgot for a moment about your parents. For that I'm sorry, and hope things are going...well I'd say "good" but that doesn't seem right given the area of conversation. Don't be sorry, as reality does come before this. *Tilting My head to the right slightly.* Though you didn't give Me any time to reply this morning, I love you, too. I hope to see you for longer soon, but will be here whenever you do return. Love, Jonathan
*Sighing softly.* I'm sorry for the lack of quick reply, love. My brother distracted Me plus I had a phone call. Right now I need a small computer break, so I'll talk to you soon. I love you, Jonathan
*Sighing softly as when I finally do get to where I wanted you're not online.* I'm sorry I missed you, love. It turns out My car's battery was also quite dead when I went to start it up. So I had to get My grandmother to help jump-start it then waited about 20 minutes for the battery to recharge. Since My dad wanted to check over My car before I head up to Edmonton I decided to bypass the school and just come straight out with My monitor in tow so I could check to see if it would work out far it has worked well. Other than one time when I moved things about a little. It still may be the problem, however, as electronic things can act very odd. I'm not sure if I'll be home tonight or not yet. I may simply remain upon the farm for the night and go back tomorrow. On the plus side My monitor is still under warrantee so if it is the problem I should have a new one as soon as I get into town. :) If it isn't the problem...then I may be in a bit more trouble. I'll send e-mails from school if necessary to keep you updated on things. I miss you very much, and I love you. Hopefully W/we shall see each O/other again soon... Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* I'm very sorry I haven't sent any letters to you lately, love. Been having a very busy last couple weeks. My computer's been causing all kinds of problems lately. I believe you know about the reformatting problems I had, but after that My monitor started acting up. Right now I'm using a 15" loaner from the company that My computer came from in the city here while they look Mine over. Since it's still under warrantee I won't have to worry about buying a new one at least. However, I'm still thinking I need to start building a new one as soon as possible. I thought you should know that I may be moving within the next couple weeks to Edmonton, Alberta. It's eight hours north and to the west of where I am currently. I'll be heading up there on Wednesday or Thursday to start preparations for applying for a job at the company My sister got a job at last month. From what she's told Me I should be able to get accepted easily enough. They only pay $10/hour but I'll get some pretty good experience and in a year I should be able to find a much better job. Though it's a much bigger city I should be able to survive - going from around 15,000 P/people to 500-800k P/people instead. At least I've driven in there a bit before plus have relatives living there. Also, I'll be writing the A+ Core exam on Tuesday, and that will leave the final exam for either if I return here or I can finish it up in Edmonton at another Academy of Learning. Oh, I should mention that I'll have access to the 'net all during My trip and if I do stay in Edmonton as I'll be living with one of My aunts and My sister for the first little while. My sister has a computer plus 'net access. :) Hmmm...*Considering for a few moments.* I think that about covers everything right now. *Smiling softly.* I miss you very much, and love you. I hope things are going better with your mother and that W/we might be together again soon. Love, Jonathan
I'm sorry about having to disappear, kitten, but I've got that test tomorrow and there's still a fair bit of studying to do for it. I will look into the Pork's RP room from time to time in the hopes of spotting you but that's the best I can do at school. Take care. Love, Jonathan
If you did return yesterday and found Me gone, lauren, then I must appologize. I was busy scrambling to get things ready for My trip, went to the bank to find My money was still frozen, and had planned on leaving today for Edmonton as a result. However, My grandmother was kind enough to loan Me a bit of money until I could get My money today and then booted Me out the door again. I arrived in Edmonton around 11:30pm My time last night, and since My sister has limited 'net access I've only had a chance to get ICQ up and running so far. I know you're moving today so I likely won't see you, but I'm sure W/we'll talk soon. I miss you and love you very much. Love, Jonathan
*Quirking My right eyebrow slightly as you've vanished as quickly as you appeared on MSN.* Hmmm...wonder if I'm smelling bad or something? ~_^ I'm going to take a short hour-long break from the computer, love, as I've been sitting in front of it for a fair amount of time today and My head wants a bit of a rest. My other day off this week is Friday, and then next Thursday and Friday are the ones off for the week after that. I hope to see you soon, Jonathan
*Chuckling softly.* So it would appear, sweetheart. However, change is a part of life and I'm sure this too shall change for the better. Well My own Pork full membership is passed, at least until Thursday. Have to love payday. ~_^ I could renew it now, but since I only got paid for one week's work on the first check I'm almost out due to various things. Thursday, though, I will fix that. As for a time frame...*Considering.* On Friday I can be on at any time. Mostly I start during the mornings at around 10am - which is now Mountain Time - My time and depending on what's going on I pop off again in an hour or so. Then I might pop on again a bit later that day around 5-6pm. Oh, and one other thing...they've blocked off Hotmail at work - most likely due to all the viruses that tend to be put on it. However, I can still access My Yahoo mail account. The addy for that is "/cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=5d9cb52e8c4e9d03a53bf5369993036c&mailto=1&". *Smiling softly.* I would pop into the Pork, as I've discovered they haven't blocked it yet, but I could only do so during My 15 minute breaks or half-hour lunches. Not too much time to talk in. your telling Me about your habits online help a lot, kitten. Just the timing to get down now is all. I miss you very much, love. The One brightening your dreams, Jonathan P.S.: I really liked the "Your kitten" ending for your letter. Just a tad unsure what to put in reply at the moment.
*Whistling quietly at the last pick.* That I would certainly say is a very wonderful pic, period. The first one I don't believe I'd use, and the second...well that's a possibility, no doubt. I like it's simplicity given it being only black and white in drawn form. *Siling gently.* Thinking of you constantly, and what I will say on Friday. Talked to Mys~T via ICQ for a few moments, and She gave Me the results of a search for a collaring search in Google. I don't have the addy here, but I'll send it to you as soon as I get home tonight. Also She gave Me her old website addy to look over for possible pic styles I like for the icons to be used that day. I love you and miss you so much. Your Master, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* I do hope I didn't keep you up too long last night, My love. Though I did very much enjoy claiming you again. I just thought I'd warn you I'll be home later tonight. I started at 2:15pm today rather than 1:30pm. I'll be home around...10:30pm your time I hope. Talk/phone you then. Loving, thinking, and dreaming of you, Jonathan
My cherished one, *Smiling gently.* I quite understand what you mean, and perhaps it's simply the fact W/we should have saved the "Master" part until after the collaring. However, things are as they are, and so are W/we. The day you called Me that for the first time made My heart My "ego" throb. Perhaps given a bit more Thought W/we might come up with something. *Tilting My head to the right slightly.* Speaking of which, I've been wondering if perhaps your sending that part on rituals may be a hint W/we need a few more. I think of you constantly: you're the first Thought I have in the morning, the last I have before sleep, and even in My dreams you're right there. *Chuckling.* It has been a while since W/we wrote one of those ~long~ letters, but I'm sure it'll happen again at some point. I've got several things that happened today at work - not to mention getting turned into more of a pincushion by My chiropractor this visit with seven needles. Perhaps after the ceremony and O/our time T/together this weekend your abilities for speech will return. ~_^ *Smiling gently.* I'm very pleased My claiming you last night had such an effect, My heart, as I dreamed of it as well. Not quite as vividly, perhaps. I do appologize for not making it on before you needed to sleep it turns out I got out a bit late from work, and arrived home to find My sister RPing on mIRC and fighting a battle with her group that lasted until just past 12pm My time...and by the time I slipped into TTB I saw your posts about sleeping. However, tomorrow's another day and I'll be in the room bright and early in the hopes of seeing you there. W/we've still a ~lot~ of planning to do and not much time left. I also thank someOne up above that I have you in My life every day. I did and still do enjoy that stage in O/our relationship but even more so what it's become. I can hardly wait to collar you and show A/all the world that you are Mine from that day forth. Thank you for being you, and surprising Me at many points so far. I look forward to several more. ~_^ Loving you with all My soul, Soon to be the One that collars you, your Master, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* I am very sorry for having to zip out this morning, My heart. Though it did have the interesting consequence of leaving someone wet and frustrated I'm sure. Now, as to the rest of your instructions...*Considering for a few moments.* I want all the clamps on with their chains ASAP. Every half-hour you're to pull on them off and on for two minutes. Also, I want that pussy stuffed full with your vibe for the rest of the day. Do not turn it on for now, but it better stay in or someone will earn another punishment. At the top of every hour you're to turn it on medium and thrust it in and out with one hand, the other moving the butt plug. The chain for the clamps in your mouth so you can pull on them that way. I will e-mail you later with more instructions. However, you are ~not~ to cum without My express permission. *Tilting My head to the right.* Now, I believe My love mentioned belle being in the room/class with you at the time before I left? If she's still about you're to take her with you when you perform these actions for Me so that she may witness. *Lips quirking.* However, she isn't to play with you at all nor is she to touch herself without sweetpea's or her Master's consent. If I'm wrong at what I read, then you may ignore that last order. *Smiling softly.* I'm already missing you very much, and love you more and more every time I think about the ceremony tomorrow. Thinking and dreaming of you, your soon to be officially confirmed Master, Jonathan
*Smiling softly while mischief dances in My eyes.* By now I expect you're getting very wet, perhaps a little sore, and needy. For the rest of the night you're to only follow what I told you for the top of every hour, but for four minutes. No you may not cum yet. I want you to send Me a description of what you did today to follow My orders from the last letter, and if you do it well enough I'll write another e-mail during My final break. If not you'll have to wait. *Winks.* I do hope your day has been going well and also that I'll see you later tonight. I love you so very much, My heart. Thinking of you, Jonathan
*Smiling gently as I read your words, and My hazel eyes dance with pleasure as My penis stirs as I go.* What a small world that she should happen to be in your class, My love. I'm sure she enjoyed the show you put on for her while following My orders. The question is did you enjoy it more while she was watching? I'm very pleased you've not cum yet during all this, Mine. *Smiling softly.* I'm very proud of you. *Considering for a few more moments.* When you receive this e-mail you are to first replace the vibe and butt plug with one of your double-penetrators for your ass and pussy. Then put the vibe in your mouth to clean it while moving said double toy between thrusting into your pussy and anus. At the same time you're to pull again on your clamp chains. Do this for two minutes without climaxing. At that point you are to wait five minutes, then start again...but at the end of this two minutes you are to pull hard on the clamps and ~cum~ as hard as you can. *Smiling with pleasure.* I'm glad to hear you're a puddle of goo, My sweet. Don't forget to clean up your mess after you cum, either. When W/we meet after I get home I expect to hear about how this went, and also that you'll be wearing your vibe panties. you may remove the clamps after you cum if you wish but they may be put back on later tonight. I'll be giving you instructions for preparing for tomorrow's events when W/we see E/each O/other as well. Talk to you soon, your soon to be Master, Jonathan
*Smiling gently and brushing My right hand along your left cheek.* Hello, My love. I do hope your day went well. Overall My time at work wasn't too bad. My last call of the day started off rocky but ended up turning out alright for the most part. Of course it felt a bit odd going back to work after three days off but on the other hand the rest appears to have done Me a fair bit of good in that My nerves got a fair chance to get settled. Now, unfortunately I do have a bit of bad news...I've decided that until the ADSL is installed I will not be getting onto the Internet in the mornings as My doing so has pissed off My aunt a fair bit the last couple days. There was a solution offered besides that of one hour on and one off but I somewhat blew that one this morning so I'm taking this step to correct it. *Sighing softly.* This means that W/we won't see each O/other nearly as much for a short time but since I'd really prefer to keep My skin intact it seems the wisest course at this time. I will miss you terribly, of course, and I love you deeply. On the plus side I should get home at pretty good times this week from work - except tomorrow due to My sister suddenly switching to a 7:30am-4pm shift to repay an earlier favor. she'll be using the car in the morning, and then likely also using it to come home since she has to have a bit of time in the sun-tanning machines tomorrow before she gets her back worked on again Wednesday. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you tonight, but do hope you're feeling better. I tried to call around 10pm your time but couldn't get through. See you soon, Your Master, Jonathan
*Smiling apologetically.* I did get home on time, My heart, but I'm afraid that I'm just about to leave again to see a movie tonight. I do hope to see you tomorrow morning before I must leave for work, however. *Blowing a kiss.* I love you more and more with each day. Your Master, Jonathan
*Blinking and cursing Myself a bit for being so tired this morning I didn't wake up until after that time and couldn't check the e-mail until at work.* I'm very sorry, My heart. On the plus side I should hopefully be home by 9pm your time tonight so W/we might talk then. I miss you very much, and think of you constantly. Oh, and I just got the CDs with the programs W/we discussed earlier today so W/we'll be exchanging addresses soon so that I can send them to you. :) Take care, and I hope you have a good day. your Loving Master, Jonathan
*Getting it and writing it down ASAP while smiling softly.* Also here's the results of an Emode Love Personality test I just took a few minutes ago. Jonathan, when you're head over heels, you are an Essential Companion You respect and value the people in your life, but you also make your romantic relationships a top priority. You are not typically the type to try to impress others with fancy romantic gestures. Nor are you someone who obsesses over your appearance. If that special someone is willing to take you as you are, you will happily do the same for them. And if they're not, chances are you should keep on following your heart to a new love for your life - one that might be right around the corner. Love does change you. Whether it simply enhances who you already are, or makes you a completely different person, finding someone whose love personality compliments your own makes for the longest, happiest relationships.
*Smiling softly.* I hope you slept well, My heart, as I know I did...for the most part. The dogs started causing a ruckus earlier than usual this morning and while I believe I got back to sleep I'm not sure for how long. Overall I feel pretty good, though. I'm sending the conversation Steph, Danielle, and I had last night with this. *Chuckling softly.* Hope you find it illuminating, My slut toy kitten. *Blowing a kiss.* Take care, and I'll see you later. your Master, Jonathan
*Smiling softly.* I am sorry for not having been able to send an e-mail until now, My love, but the computers were busy the times I tried before. Now, I want you to turn the vibe up another notch, and then begin thrusting both it and the butt plug in and out of My holes for five minutes at the top and bottom of every hour - and for five minutes when you first get this letter. At the same time I want youto slide the clamp chains into your mouth to pull on them with greater strength as the sessions go on. Or if you're at home I want your upper body draped over your desk and rubbing forward and back to move the chains in place of pulling on them the other way. I'll see you soon, and ~no~ cumming without My permission, My sweet slut toy kitten. your Master, Jonathan
*Chuckling softly.* Well now that I feel a bit silly, here's the file, My heart. I do hope you enjoy it, Mine. Your master, Jonathan P.S.: I love you more and more each day.
*Smiling gently.* I do hope your day has been going well, My heart. As for My own it's been going alright...though I did get to work slightly late due to a couple different factors, and I've found out that I won't have tomorrow off after all. The reason for this is that I was volunteered/asked by My team leader to be one of a select group of P/people getting training for a new series of laptops that are coming out this month. The training will be from 3pm-11:30pm tomorrow. I'll be getting Saturday off, instead a trade-off. I am very sorry that this means W/we likely won't get much time T/together before you travel to your dad's, but then again W/we will have a lot of time T/together soon while I'm on holidays. I love you very deeply, and think of you constantly. your loving Master, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* Well so far the day's gone pretty well, love. Getting to learn to use two more tools for taking care of the new series that are coming out for laptops. Then in January we'll be switching everyO/one over to a ~new~ system. *Shaking My head.* Though W/we'll have to wait and see how that goes when the time comes. I hope your day has been going well, and I miss you deeply. *Chuckling.* One day is bad enough, but I'm not looking forward to seeing how bad the next few days without you will be. I love you more and more with each passing day. *Hazel eyes dancing with mischief.* I've been considering giving you a set of assignments during your trip...still haven't decided yet, however. Thinking of and loving you. your Master, Jonathan
*Smiling gently.* Just remembered someone wanted to see this, and so I'm sending it right away, My love. It was wonderful hearing your voice again tonight. Thinking and dreaming of you always. your Master, Jonathan
*Sighing softly and closing My eyes for a few moments.* I'm sorry I haven't been on since O/our talk this morning, My heart, but right now My allergies to dust seem to have kicked in pretty good...while W/we were talking I was also doing a bit of vacuuming in the basement and it appears to have stirred things up nicely. Right now I think I need to get out of the house for a while to let things settle...and give My poor nose a break. I will be back tonight, though not sure precisely when. Probably around 5pm My time or so...perhaps later. It depends on what I find at the local mall. *Wrinkling My nose as it's feeling very close to another sneeze, but controlling it for the moment.* I miss you very much, and hope you're feeling better. Thinking and dreaming of you, your Master, Jonathan
well, seems the TTB server died just in time for goodbyes... so, i just wanted to tell You to have a wonderful day at work...ok? i love You deeply ~* little purr as i kiss You, drinking Your soul deep within *~ i hope to see You tomorrow, Love until next Wwe meet with love Your kitten
*grinning and squirming a bit as i'm tied to Your chair, twinkling eyes in mischief for when You return* grrrr...You'd better make this worth my while, Love lol *huffs and waits all hot-and-bothered for Your return*
~* smacks Your bum a little as You leave, licking my lips *~ hurry back to me, Love
~* my teeth sink softly into the flesh of my lower lip as Your hand moves along my stomach, pushing my skin in to Your touch before pinning eyes to Eyes as You flick my hardened responds with force, pushing lovingly into the air, whimpering for Your touch as i gasp lightly and nod *~ mmhmmm, You have no idea how much i think of much i miss You, and those thoughts and feelings seem more frequent now, and blurted out just as easily ~* my fingers curls into the sides of Your chair as i sit still, staring straight to You...loving the feeling of my binds caressing my skin before dragging my tongue softly over the pink of my lower lip *~ i wanted to make sure to write You before i head off to dreamland tonight...though i’m not sure of the time i’ll be able to send this letter, i just wanted to send You off to work knowing that somewhere, someone wishes You the best day in the world. so here it is, my Love...i hope Your day will be wonderful and filled with thoughts of wanton kittens meshed with Hungry Phoenixes. i’ll be watching You with my darkened gems from behind walls and windows and from beneath desks...and i’ll be reaching out to brush my fingers along the backs of Your hands in tender caress... and when You have a rough moment, my hand will cup Your face, and my eyes will peer to Yours... and i will help You remember how to breath... even though i take Your breath away ~* winks *~ my day tomorrow will be interesting, it seems... i have class at 11 until 12...after which, i believe my mother and i will be going shopping, then i’ll be back home to take care of the baby and to cook for grandma...and to deal with the soap opera that is my life The Dr prescribed me to bed rest for the next 17 days... but as school is a necessity, i’ve been going to get assignments during the day before going home. The chance that my hysterectomy will need to be preformed is still 95%, however, i am clinging onto that ever-lasting 5%. Don’t get me wrong, if it comes between my uterus and my life, i’ll chose my life in a heartbeat. i just...i just ~* biting my lip, lowering my head and sighing *~ i know, whatever happens at all...i know i’ll get through it... i know i can handle it, i know... i guess there’s just no way to describe what a girls organs mean to her. They mean children, life, sexiness...womanhood. i don’t know what i’m saying...i understand that You probably have nothing to say to that, there’s not much You could say...i’m just babbling. The good news, however is the man who raped out of quarantine and in the slammer for the rest of his life. Life without parole, that was his sentence. i don’t remember what i’ve told You...but after i pressed charges and they took the lab tests etc... he confessed not only to my rapes, but to 5 others... a total of 7 rape charges, three of which were minors. Not to mention, the second girl he raped, who just happened to be a minor, died that night. When he left her alone, she had passed out, and because he had make her drink too much, she choked on her own vomit. ~* shakes my head *~ So, he was charged finally with 7 rape charges, 3 misconduct with a minor, 7 assault and battery charges, 1 murder charge (1st degree), and with man slaughter (for my son). ~* proud smiles *~ But the son of a bitch still stole my uterus: (don’t read this if You don’t want...its vengeful towards him) Go ahead! Stare at me with your ice blue eyes And leer at my Ample bosom Get a good Long Last Look And i’ll look right back with my slate black gems And wipe your scum off my polished shoe. i’m no longer your slut your whore your yesterday’s paper you just try and make me quiver and cower and cry and bleed just try to hurt me! Because i am woman strong powerful unforgettable beautiful i am everything you never wanted me to become. And after tomorrow you are a myth erased forgotten used beaten tossed into a pile of the rotting garbage that you are And i guarantee, slut you will never forget me. ~* sighs *~ Doesn’t matter now...i was just venting, don’t listen... Anyways, dear One... i should be heading off to my dreams, as the Dr told me that i should be getting 16 hours of sleep a day...i don’t have any idea how i’m going to do ~* tilting my chin high, my head just beside You, i press my lips firmly to Yours, drawing in a shallow breath as You take it from my limp body...and i drink You in whole...moaning softly as the kiss breaks before heading to bed *~ i will see You soon, my never-ending dreams “Llet’s go dancing in the rain tonight? Let Your wings take flight? And Wwe’ll go where noOone can Take one hand in One hand... Llet’s disappear into Oour Neverland~ Ton ange” till next Wwe write, my Love Your starry-eyed kitten PS.. looks like it was my turn to write the long the real question is...Wwho will be next? .
i figured Your reactions would be as such. Send Mys~T my love a bunch of Uus are in The Forest of Dreams as i consider preparations beams and i cant stop Thinking of You...i love You Your kitten lauren
looking at Mys~T's site for blanks as well lol
already picked my "sisters"
My Darling Master~ In these transitional times, i'm never sure what to call You any more. You are now and always will be my Master. But somehow, i don't know. It seems like after Friday, i should call You something twice as amazing, but i can't pinpoint what that would be. i'm not making any sense, am i? my heart swells at the Thought of You, do You know that? i wake up ever morning to the Thought of You, and i fall asleep with the same dreams. When i sat down here, i had decided to write You one of those long letters that Wwe used to write eachOother, just for old time's sake. But...i'm speechless. That's been happening a lot this week. Your claiming me last night, sent shivers all through me for hours and hours to come. i dreamt of the very same event, i felt You pounding into me. i felt You cum inside of me. i thank someOone every day that i have You, even when Wwe were friends i did. i never told You that. And now, Wwe're nearing that day when be get to be ~Oone~. Thank You so much for being You. loving You with all my heart Your soon collared kitten
=little sigh= Would You wake me up in the morning, Master? With a call? i have to leave the house by 9ish. =nods= So, if You woke me up like 8, Wwe'd be able to talk? let me know..ok? otherwise i wont see You in the morning, i'm afraid i love You and hope to hear from You tomorrow love Your kitten
It's ok, Love. Oour luck will change eventually, i know it. Hopefully Wwe can talk tonight when You get home, ok? i love You always and forever Your kitten
ummm...Master, i don't know how to say this but crystal's kidney's failed...she passed this morning =sighs= i am reserving the Dungeon for Saturday night for a memorial service =nods= i love You...and i miss You like crazy with love Your kitten
hey, You...i was waiting up for You, but i'm Thinking that either You're not home yet, or You are home and trying to call'm going to slip into the bed but keep the phone nearby. if You get home before too late, feel free to call me. if not, i love You, i miss You, i need You always and i'll see You in my dreams. i know that Wednessdays You take Your sister to her doctors or something, right? So, if i don't talk to You tonight, it won't be till tomorrow night most likely, right? Well, i'll try and be on in the morning really early for You. Or, You're welcome to call and wake me up...whatever i guess that's all, love. ~* leaning up to kiss You with all that i am before tugging You into bed with me, nuzzling into Your shoulder, purring softly as Wwe drift into dreamland where Wwe are together forever *~ with love Your ~slut toy kitten~ ~* exposing my tummy for You *~
hey You...i love You more than anything i cant be online tonight so call me when You get home miss You love Your kitten
Ok, well, not sure as to whether or not You will have time to instruct me, Master. i am doing the things i know You will want. ie: Steph is placing the clamps on me. i will be inserting the plug and vibe...but i will not put the vibe on till instructed to do so. i love You Your kitten
i read Your letter just now and it made me tingle inside. my mind drifted back to the days when all Wwe were to eachOother was a passing memory; a series of words on a page; a rhythmic tapping of keys on a board. There was a time when "hello" was all Wwe new. It's horrible to Think that. i hate to Think that there was a time when i knew You, but i had no idea what You would become to me. i hate to Think that i didn't see You for Your face value. But then i look back, and i miss those days; i miss sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for my next letter from You. i miss the mystery of what You would do next. i miss never knowing if You ever felt the same way. You weren't etched into my brain then. i didn't know You, not really. Now Wwe know. i feel like i could look at You and You would know what i am Thinking. Wwe have a systematic rhythm past the "hello's" and the "goodbye's". Wwe have Uus. Uus. Uus. Uus is strong and powerful. Uus has no choice but to exist in spite of everything. Uus is simply that; it is Uus. Even though You are etched into my brain. Even though there's no immediate excitement of learning about You, there's the thrill of learning more. There's the adventure of finally understanding, and the joy of waiting for a new life. So i'm back to that day where i'm sitting on the edge of my chair, waiting for Your next word or movement. You are not now, nor will You ever be words on a page, Master. You are a part of my life, an active part of it. You are the first thing that comes to my mind in the morning, and the last thing during the nighttime. You inhabit my dreams and my Reality. You truly are the Master of all of me. Never, ever forget that. i will miss You while i'm away, You can be certain of that, but the memory of You will burn bright. i will still be able to feel Your touch along my spine as it curves for You, and i will still be able to hear Your laughter. You are my Christmas, Master; and i love You. Yours always lauren
oops i forgot to sign it sorry the letter was so short...i wasn't sure what else to say do You do that? make me speechless? with love Your kitten
~* lil giggle *~
~* lil giggles *~ well it appears as though Wwe are back to where Wwe started in Oour frequent communication: the daily emails of incessant babbling about God knows what ~* lil laugh *~ my day today is fairly busy...i was in the hospital this morning to get something sewed up...long story, but yeah (i'm ok) and now i'm school hmmm...what else? i'll be going to work later this afternoon, then back online time will be periodic, but i will be checking my email i guess that's all i really have to say ~* leaving a red tulip on Your chair for when You return, placing a kiss on the petals and slipping out *~ with love Your kitten ps it's a tender fist of steal
~* i enter quietly, a smile curling my lips as i notice the tulip is gone from Your chair and replaced with a rose...i giggle softly and padd to Your chair..curling my fingertips around the rose, smelling ot softly, and then holding it close to my heart... in the backround, i hear the water running, and my grin changes to mischeif as i padd over to the bathroom to watch You take Your shower *~ oh...the surgery? well...they found another tare in my uterine wall...sewd it up this morning ~* giggles a bit and hiccups *~ i'm so drugged out, i'm feeling noooo, i have a string comming from my belly button...and i dont know why but it's really cool As for work...i work at a small video production company ~* lil nod *~ nothing special...just something to allow me to pay my bills i hope Your day is fantastic, Love talk to You soon with love Your kitten ps ~* lil giggle *~ well, i am quite enjoying Your wanderings of the mind as You search for the perfect thing to call Yourself in response...i'm glad You like my words, though
~* chewing my lip and tilting my head as i watch You carefully and seductively dry Yourself, my tongue almost drags across my lower lip before i quirk a smile *~ enjoying myself? well, i suppose i am...i was just waiting for You to be done ~* i chuckle and slide the garments off my body...feeling them wiggle to the floor...stepping out of them...before curling my body into the shower i decide to bend forward first to clean those hard-to reach places...pouring the body wash on my thighs and kneading it into my skin...i chuckle as You stand there *~ as for the string for my belly button, actually You're right. They said it should dissolve and fall off...kinda like an umbillacal chord...but it's really cool lol ~* pouring some special wash in the palm of my hand...i part my thighs and work it into my pussy softly...working up a harsh lather...whimpering a bit*~ ~* laughing at Your second email *~ yes, Love...You did reply...i however couldn't reply until just now...appologies ~* turning around to face the shower nozzle...tilting my head back and allowing the water to pour down my body...taking the bubbles with it to my feet *~ as for my day today...i'll pretty much be on the computer all day...till around 3pm my time (i still haven't figured out Oour time difference yet) i hope Your day goes wonderfully, Love until next You write with love Your kitten
~* yelping lightly as You snap the towel against my ass and close the door...whimpering as the sting rises through my body...dulling to pleasure *~ mmmmm...playful today, are You ~* wiggles brow and continues teasing You in my shower for a moment before stepping out and wrapping a towel around my body...shaking my reddened curls to my shoulders and smiling at You *~ i was thinking...perhaps You would like to join me in Ties that Bind? ~* smiles sweetly *~ my nickname there is peircing*eyes mmmm...You have Your day off today...i'm excited how are You doing, Love ~* kissing You softly before turning and wiggling off into my room to prepare for the day *~ with love Your kitten
yes, You did i never got a reply to my last letter
Darling Worry Wort~ Well hey there, Handsome One. i'm glad Your days have been going well. mine, for the most part have been, challenging but good it seems that there is a new chaper every day to the soap opera that is my life, but hey, what else can Yyou expect for a drama queen, right? ~* snorts and laughs *~ i quite agree that Oour time in TTB was wonderful...i can't pinpoint exactly why other than the fact that Wwe were together ~* rubbing noses with You for a moment before kissing You deeply *~ as for my day is kind of up in arms, i wont be working today i'm thinking my mother and i might go see "Sweet Home Alabama" but i'm not sure i hope to hear from You soon, Love with love Your redheaded kitten
mmm ~* closing my eyes and dancing in the rain *~ Sweet Home Alabama was soooooo just tugged at my heart strings...gotta love Tthose small town Ffolk ~* winks and kisses You tenderly *~ well, how dare Tthey interrupt Your almost nap...why i have half a mind to somethin really really think ~* laughs and runs to hop in bed *~ as for my day, it was uneventful still, but good just another day of drama to add to this queen's life...not much else to say, i suppose other than the obvious i love You, i miss You perhaps i'll see You for a brief moment at least before Your days off those seem forever away until then, my Love...i will see You in my now beautiful dreams until next Wwe meet ~* wiggling over to the bathroom to slip out of my clothes before slipping back under the covers beside You and nuzzling in *~ mmmm with love Your smart alecked little kitten
just in case You dont check Your hotmail any more...i left You an email to meet me in TTB when You get online this morning
i'm glad to know that You're safe at work, as i am safe at school, pining the days away for You ~* lil blush *~ as for tomorrow morning, oh well...i'm sure i'll survive, after all, You do need to be there for Your sister...please send her my best wishes i wont be on long on Wednesdays anyway...but Thursdays are great for me...with my luck, You'll be busy though ~* laughs *~ as for today....i'll be at school for another couple of hours...and i'll be checking my email losts i guess not much more needs be said...oh yeah...i'll be working tonight as well, but only a few hours...i need to get the books caught up well then, until next Wwe meet...i pray Your daydreams and night ones as well will be filled with bountiful redheaded kittens...ties in Your chair i love You Your wanton kitten
well they there, Handsome i am just sitting here, and unwinding from my day of's been quite fun, lots of pampering me coz i deserve it lately... but anywho...i quite agree that yesterday was a day of growth in so may ways for Uus...and i pray it will continue on its current path and far beyond it's...about 920pm...and i'll be heading off to bed soon...but tomorrow, a friend of mine is in town, so Wwe'll be off galovanting around doing God knows what *snorts* i miss You, Love...and i had lots of dreams about You...guess that's why i'm the dreamy one *winks and kisses You softly* until next Wwe meet with love Your kitten
Awww...Love, i'm so sorry to hear that You are not well ~* sliding into bed with You to place a cold compress on Your forhead...ginger ale and soda crackers in hand, strokign Your hair softly as You sleep, kissing Your forehead *~ well, i do hope that You made that call, it doesnt sound like You're doing well at all ~* nods and sighs, curling up tightly to You *~ well, get some rest so Wwe can meet in dreamland and do all those wonderful things You talked about ~* blushing deeply...biting my lip...concidering for a moment...then speaking *~ my day was fairly friend and i went to the park and had a picnick all day... poor thing had to take care of me when i was in pain and throwing up...but hey...what are friends for, right? lol ~* wiggling my nose, kissing Your forehead, then nuzzling in *~ Well, my Love...i'll be online in the morning tomorrow to see You hopefully, but if i don't...i'll assume You're in bed, and i'll understand ~* nods *~ as for myself...i think i'll head off to dreamland pretty soon...i'm exausted ~*grinning at Your list, licking my lips *~ mmmm...Llets do those...soon alright...sorry it was a short letter, Love...but i'm pooped till next Wwe meet with love always Your kitten
*reading my instructions carefully and nodding to each, placing each item in my bag...carrying them with me until told not to...and doing as told once in school* yes, Love...i will put them in the respective places and not cum until i am told to do so *squirming in anticipation...before leaning forward and whispering* i love You...i miss You...have a great day at work *slips out really quickly* sorry so short with love Your kitten
~* pressing the vibrator in and out of my pussy for 2 minutes...biting hard into my lip to hold back, clenching my muscles as tight as i can so i dont cum *~ ooo...Wwe get to talk tomorrow, dont Wwe? woohooo i'm so excited. it's crazy how much i miss You when You're gone ~* nodding sweetly, purring and kissing You *~ not much else to say...i'm back from school...we had ourselves a little mini crisis, over here at the gazzano residence...but all is well, i think i love You talk to You soon Your kitten
i...had my surgery, Love just this morning i was released from the hospital around 11 tonight...when i hopped online to look for You i'm sorry i didn't return Your email, but i'm afraid i hadn't read them until now i love You Wwe'll talk tomorrow morning, i hope, ok? with love Your kitten
Mmmm...i was not expecting so many instructions in one letter each time i read that i could cum, i exploded, doing instructions dutifully as told...i left messes everywheere, which i cleaned with my tongue at a later time *purrrrrrrrr* my ass is a little sore now, but mmmm it feels so good i don't know what to tell You...i came 12 times today....i'm beat lol and Wwe have allll day tomorrow i miss You so much *hot, steamy, sexy, dreamy kisses * You're in my Thoughts and dreams with love Your kitten
my Love Well, Saturday was splendid when i did get Your email, i was teased to the very verge until i couldnt hold it back any more and when i came, Love, i shot all over that vibrator. my ass, i must admit was a bit sore for a day or so... just a little info Your way though...writing "Master's kitten" just send waves of erotic Thoughts and feelings rushing through me... mmmm...god i wished You had been there As for Your calling later tonight, i'll be waiting, Love...i can't wait to talk to You as Wwe might not have a lot of time to talk the rest of this week, i'll be fairly busy. :( i love You so much, did i ever tell You that? until next Wwe meet Your Thoughtful kitten
giggles You sent taht email twice, Master ~hurrying offline so i can wait for Your call~
i miss You...we're in The Forest of Dreams discussing the event and i'm planning as much as i can without You lol sweetpea and Animal Lord and belle made Uus and invitation... it's still a work in progress but here's the url
my breath catches at Your very words, causing tingles to run through my body, my thighs pressing eagerly apart in response. my fingers clamp each jaw on my nipples and clit, swollen in anticipation of each movement, her eyes piercing mine as she watches intently. A smile curls on her lips, a mischievous one, and a knowing glance as she sits back and watches me play in the middle of the room. Watching the clock eagerly as each minute ticks to the top of the hour, my heart racing at a minute till, and i thrust the vibe in and out, twisting the plug furiously as ordered, remembering Your voice and command steady in my mind as i do so. my muscles clamping involuntarily around the toys as i watch the clock till the minute is up, releasing my held breath in satisfaction that i did not cum accidently. And i am left, helpless, Your slutty kitten...and a pile of goo. =giggles= i love You Your soon to be collared slutty kitten
Master mine Hey You. i waiting all morning for You online, i guess You slept in or something. Could You maybe call me when You get home? i need You. Wwe need Uus time right now. i guess i don't know what else to day. i'm hoping You'll be here before i need to go love always Your kitten

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