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Talk in Navajo: for the jobsite
for conversational Navajo
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This page has a few phrases translated into Navajo to provide a few phrases that can be used in conversational Navajo to use to talk in the workplace. Keep in mind the below phrases are suggested phrases. Different parts of the Navajo reservation talk differently.

Not all the details of the phrases are given and an understanding of elementary Navajo (i.e. colors, numbers, etc.) is expected in terms of knowing how to use the phrases properly.

Some of these phrases may seem a little vicious, but it is meant to help the non-Navajo speaking workers know what their Navajo co-workers are saying.

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I'm late!
Ak44d66’ s4l99’, doo h2h n7y1a da!
You're late!
Doo h2h y777n7y1a da!
Don't be late!
To one person: Doo h2h1g00 d77n11[.
(Translation: arrive early!)

To a group of people: Doo h2h1g00 ndah7dookah.
(Translation: arrive early!)


Don't take your time!
T’1adoo na’1hod7lziid7!
Hurry up!
Tsx98[go 1n7t’9!
He/she takes her time.
W1adzoh na’1hod7lziid.
Someone's calling, it's for you.
H17sh99 nich’8’ hoolne’. Ni n1.
Line 2 is on hold for you.
Naaki7g77 ni n1 dah n4ichx8h.
(Translation: Number 2 is lighting up for you!)
How far along are you?

Note: This phrase is meant to ask how far along someone is when they're working on a project. For example, if someone was filing a stack of papers, stocking shelves, mopping floors, etc.

Haa’7gi l1 y7n11[?
Are you getting a lot done?
Option 1: T’11sh nich’8’ hooldoh?

Option 2: T’11sh nich’8’ nahaldooh?

I am getting a lot done!
Dool1 d0’ shich’8’ hooldoh da!
I didn't get a lot done!
T’1adoo shich’8’ hodeesdoh da!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4