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Talk in Navajo: Discussing Computers
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This page has a few phrases translated into Navajo to provide a few phrases that can be used in conversational Navajo to use to talk about working with computers. Keep in mind the below phrases are suggested phrases. Different parts of the Navajo reservation talk differently.

Not all the details of the phrases are given and an understanding of elementary Navajo (i.e. colors, numbers, etc.) is expected in terms of knowing how to use the phrases properly.

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I'm trying to log onto my computer. (Source: SB)
Option 1: Shicomputer ch’44h biih hiish33h!
(Literally: I'm trying to enter my computer.)

Option 2: Shicomputer ch’44h ‘22’ 1sh[44h!
(Literally: I'm trying to open my computer.)  

Did you upload the pictures into the computer? (Source: SB)
In Navlish: Picture 47sh computer biih h77n7nil?
Check out David's profile.
In Navlish: David biprofile b88h did77’88[.

Is your laptop getting wireless signal?
Nilaptop7sh n1yiil11h?
(Literally: is your latop collecting?)
Is your computer running?
Do0sh dah diilyeed da?
It's not running.
Doo dah diilyeed da.
It froze.
Option 1: Dah hayiizt[‘=.
(Literally: It tied itself up.)

Option 2: Sits’33’ dah hidiiy3.
(Literally: It got cornered.)

General enter or download term:
Computer biih yidz00h.
(Literally: writing it into the computer.)
I'm entering it into the computer.
Option 1: Computer biih bik11’ 1sh[44h.
(Literally: I'm putting it into the computer.)

Option 2: Computer b88h yis00h.
(Literally: I'm writing it into the computer.)

Insert it in here.
(In reference to a memory stick, cord, etc., into a computer, USB port, etc.)
K0ne’4 baa anits44h.
I disconnected it.
(In reference to an interet connection, cable-to-cable connection, etc.)
In Navlish: K’ad hazh0’0 disconnect 1sh[aa.


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4