Not all the details of the phrases are given and an understanding of elementary Navajo (i.e. colors, numbers, etc.) is expected in terms of knowing how to use the phrases properly.
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Did you watch the Olympics last night?
T[‘44d33’7sh Olympics n7n7[‘99’?
Yes, I saw it.
Aoo’ n4[‘99’.
For the following phrases, the English name of the event can be inserted, such as gymnastics, diving, swimming, Opening Ceremony, etc. More Navajos speak Nav-lish than speaking purely in Navajo, so inserting the English name sounds more natural to native speakers. Where you see the * indicates that the English event name can be inserted here or be lefft out entirely.
When does (event name) start?
Hahoosh (event name) baa ha’ald44h?
It is about to start.
Hod77n1ago * baa ha’ald44h.
It's starting now.
K’ad * baa ha’ald44h.
It already started.
T’11 77d11’ * baa ha’ooldee’.
What day is * being held?
Option 1:
H2hgosh2’ * aleeh?
Option 2:
H2hgosh2’ * baa ha’ald44h?
* is being held on Thursday.
Option 1:
Thursday g0ne’4 * aleeh.
Option 2:
Thursday g0ne’4 * baa ha’ald44h.
They are going to run a race.
The runners are going to race.
N11dadiilwo’7g77 47 a[ghadik11h.
The swimmers are going to race.
Nda’a[k0’7g77 47 a[ghadik11h.
They ran a race.
The swimmers raced.
Nda’a[k0’7g77 47 a[ghadeeskai.
Who is winning?
If one person:
H17l1 hon0o[n44[?
If a team:
H17l1 dahon0o[n44[?
Who is losing?
If one person:
H17l1 baa hon0on44[?
If a team:
H17l1 baa dahon0on44[?
Who is next?
H17l3 n11n1?
Is he next?
$7sh k’ad n11n1?
Ricky Berens won a gold medal.
In Navlish:
Ricky Berens 47 gold medal yoozb3.
All Navajo:
Ricky Berens 47 yoo’ 0ola bee 1lyaa7g77 yoozb3
Dara Torres won a silver medal.
In Navlish:
Dara Torres 47 silver medal yoozb3.
All Navajo:
Dara Torres 47 yoo’ b44sh [igaii bee 1lyaa7g77 yoozb3.
China is in third place.
In one person:
Chin1 t33’ g0ne’ yig11[.
If 3 or more in a team:
Chin1 t33’ g0ne’ yiikah.
Michael Phelps is a champion!
Michael Phelps n1honi[n44h!
He/she made a mistake!
Yi[ asiih!
He/she made another mistake!
{ah an11’1siih!
He/she fell.
He/she fell over:
He/she fell from a height: