Lord, thank you for all that I accomplished today.
Bóhólníihii, díísh jí̜ ła’ iishłaaii dóó binshíshnishígíí ahéhee’.
Thank you for all the things I’ve learned.
Díísh jí̜ bóhooł’á̜a̜’ii t’áá ałtso nich’i̜’ baa ahééh nisin.
Lord, watch over me tomorrow.
Bóhólníihii, yiská̜a̜go shik’idíní’í̜i̜’ doo.
Lord, give me a restful night's sleep.
Bóhólníihii, nizhónígo háádeeshyi̜h.
I pray that my body would be fully recharged for tomorrow.
Shits’íís éí biinéii dooleeł yiská̜a̜go.
I pray that my mind would be ready and alert for tomorrow.
Shi’initsékees éiyá yiská̜a̜go yiniyé hasht’e’ídiilyaa doo áádóó ha’ídées’í̜i̜’ doo.
In Your name I pray.
Nízhi̜’ bee sodiszin.
T’áá ákót’ée doo.