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Ił Hodéezyéél Biká Sohodizin
...the Serenity Prayer in Navajo (Diné) language
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   Serenity Prayer


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The following is a suggested translation of the popular prayer created by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. It was translated into the Navajo Diné language by Mary C. Teller.

God, grant me the serenity Diyin Nílíinii, bee 'ił hodéezyéél shaa nílééh
To accept the things I cannot change Doo łahgo ádeeshłíłígíí doo bíneesh'á̜á̜góó
Courage to change the things I can Adziilii bee łahgo ádeeshłíiłgo bíneesh'á̜a̜ doo
And wisdom to know the difference. Hódza̜’ bee áł’a̜a̜ át'éego shił bééhózin dooleeł.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
"Ts’ídá t’áá ałtsoní baa hwiilzhíísh áádóó yádiłhił biyaagi ádahooníiłii t’áá ałtso bá dahwéelzhíísh:

...a time to weap and a time to laugh..."
…atíńdi’nidleeh baa hwiilzhíísh áádóó dloh hasin baa hwiilzhíísh…"

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4