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Attack List --Desciptions K-Z--
A-G | S-K | M-T| T-Y | attack descripitions |A-K | K-Z|

Kamehameha: It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up held behind the fire in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.
Capable of performing move: Cell, Goku, Goten, Gohan, Majin Buu, Tien, Yamacha, Master Roshi, Klyin
Kiai: This technique is used simply by yelling really loud which disperses weaker Ki attacks.
Capable of performing move: Tien, Goku
Kiaiho: An invisible force attack that knocks one's opponent back. It can be shot either from an open palm or from the eyes.
Capable of performing move: Goku
Kienzan: It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target with deadly accuracy.
Capable of performing move: Andriod 18, Cell, Freeza, Klyin, Vegeta
Kikoho: You put the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "O" between his fingers and his thumbs. Then you shoot a very powerful Ki blast through the "O" at his opponent.
Capable of performing move: Tien, Cell
Ki No Tsurugi: A Ki beam that shoots out somewhat as an extention of the hand and can be swung and stabbed to cut or pierce enemies.
Capable of performing move: Veggeto
Koshoku: You can eat light using this technique
Capable of performing move: Yakon
Kyodaika: It lets you grow your body to a huge size, making the range and strength of your blows much more effective.
Capable of performing move: Piccolo
Kyoken: You act like a mad dog, barking and charging at your enemy to scare him, then jump over him and kick him from behind.
Capable of performing move: Goku
Mafuba: It is a swirling blast of energy shot at the intended demon. Once caught in the blast, the blast is directed into a jar, bottle, or other imprisonment container, thus imprisoning said demon. However, if the container is opened, whoever is trapped inside will be freed.
Capable of performing move: Kamesinin, Roshi, Mattatio, Tien
Makankosappo: A penatrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough.
Capable of performing move: Cell, Piccolo, (All Nameks)
Makosen: It gathers Ki into both of your arms, then fires a blast from each one after the other.
Capable of performing move: Piccolo Daimo
Masenko: It powers up a blast over your head with both of yout hands, one palm behind the other, then you bring your hands down in front of you to fire the blast.
Capable of performing move: Gohan
Mystic Attack: Using the Namek ability to extend their arms, Nameks extends their arm at the enemy from a distance, thus surprising them.
Capable of performing move: Kamesenin, Piccolo, Piccolo Daimo (All Nameks)
Papparapar: This is a magic spell used to teleport people in Babidi's spaceship.
Capable of performing move: Babidi
Rogafufuken: Preparing yourself in a special stance, attacks with many "claw-like" punches and kicks, finishing off with a double-fisted "claw-punch."
Capable of performing move: Yamacha
Rolling Satan Punch: Satan curls up into a ball, rolls along the ground, then punches his opponent.
Capable of performing move: Mr Satan
Renzoku Energy Dan: The user of this technique can shoot Ki bolts continuously from their hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect.
Capable of performing move: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta
Renzoku Shine: This is Gotenks' adaptation of the Renzoku Energy Dan technique.
Capable of performing move: Gotenks
Rikum Kick: A charging knee blow.
Capable of performing move: Recoom
Rikum Mahha Attack: A charging punch.
Capable of performing move: Recoom
Ryu Gen Explosion -or- Dragon fist assault: A punch or charge that changes into a golden dragon
Capable of performing move: Goku
Saiko No Kogeki: A Ki blast that is shot out of the mouth.
Capable of performing move: Nappa
Saimin Nno Jutsu: Used to hypnotize someone and affect his or her mind.
Capable of performing move:
Saruken: a distract and avoid technique.
Capable of performing move: Goku
Satan Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch: Really just a normal punch.
Capable of performing move: Mr Satan
Sekikatsuba: The person's saliva will turn whatever it hits to stone.
Capable of performing move: Dabura
Shishin No Ken: This technique is used to split a person into four different parts. Each person created is not just an image like that created with the Zanzoken, but can fight and be attacked. The only problem with the Shishin No Ken move is that each person has only has a quarter of the power and the speed than if there was only one.
Capable of performing move: Krillen, Tien, Piccolo
Shiyoken: It sprouts out an extra set of arms from the shoulders.
Capable of performing move: Tien
Shogekiha: Is an invisible blast shot from the eyes or hand.
Capable of performing move: Kaioshin, Majin buu, Piccolo
Shunkanido: The user places two fingers on his forehead, searches for a Ki he wants to go to, then when he finds it, can teleport there.
Capable of performing move: Goku, Cell
Sokidan: This is a round energy ball shot from the palm of the hand.
Capable of performing move: Yamacha
Suiken: The person acts drunk and wobbles around. Thereby, he confuses his opponent, and hits them when they are off guard.
Capable of performing move: Master Roshi
Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: It spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling the person. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast.
Capable of performing move: Gotenks
Taiyoken: The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Taiyoken," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent.
Capable of performing move: Krillen, Goku, Cell
Tenkubekejiken: The user of this technique jumps high in the air, then on the way down, face forward with his arms in an "X" position, landing on his opponent with the arm "X."
Capable of performing move: Namu
Time stop: This is an attack when used freezes time for his opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in.
Capable of performing move: Guldo
Tsuihidan: It is a Ki blast, and it tracks its enemy.
Capable of performing move: Picoolo
Udebunrikogeki: The user of this technique pulls a piece off of his body and controls it to attack his opponent in some way.
Capable of performing move:
Yoikominminken: It is a hypnosis technique used to put people into a deep sleep, by using a strange voice and hand motions.
Capable of performing move: Master Roshi
Yokaieki: This is a technique used by the Saibaimen. They split their head in two and shoot a stream of acid from it, which is very dangerous if it hits its target.
Capable of performing move: Saibaimen
Zanzoken: The user can move so fast he leaves an after-image, while attacking from another standpoint.
Capable of performing move: Tien, Master Roshi, Krillen, Goku

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Super Sayians Realm
Saiyan Sector
Gohans KI

Animated Gifs : 4004
Images : ???
Movies : ??
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Info Pages : ??
Highest Day : 7472
Lowest Day : 406

Dragon Ball Z is airing twice a day until the premiere Dragon Ball it is released on August 20th -planetnamek

Season 5 is currently in Productionand will be released September 20th - planetnamek

Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Theatrical release is possible. - planetnamek

Infogrames, INC, reveals the first new Dragon Ball Z Game, The Legacy of Goku, which is to be launched this winter on Gameboy Advance

Newly Released 

Frieza: Clash
Frieza: Desperation
Frieza: Super Saiyan Goku
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Rivals
Movie #4: Lord Slug (EDITED)

Newly Released 

Tournament: Fighters Begin
Tournament: Semi-Finals
Tournament: The Final Test

Dragon Ball Z
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Showdown

These animated gifs are not to be used:

Evil Shenlong
Android 18
Trunks hd
Gohan hd
All W.I.P
All Long Battles

Coming Soon....-_-
The Gif Of The Moment is........BulmaHD, By Pheonix!!!
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