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-About Me
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  -Movie Clips
-Music Vids
-Image Gallery
-Animated Gifs
-Attack Lists
-Power Levels
-Character Profiles
-Story Summary
-Gif Tutorial
-Episode Summary
-Tenkaichi Budoukai
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-Pheonix Of Fire
Welcome to Kiss Dragon Ball Z site ver. 3.5. Your source for animated gifs.This site has been purposely made for animated gifs, and I will try my best to entertain all who come here.If you have any further ques please e-mail me. Be sure to visit my gifs page for future character updates.

::::Moving ::::  ::::  -8/21/01- SSJ4 Vegeta72_
if you been wondering why theres no updates it's cause we moved to a New Server just go there.
::::New Server::::  ::::  -8/21/01- Kiss72dbz_
I Finally found my  New Host!!!!, today or tommorow you should experience some kind of change since I will be switchin servers.....I will finally be able to upload all 4000+ gifs....I will put up a notice when Im done switchin...
::::Redesigning::::  ::::  -8/16/01- Kiss72dbz_
Todays My Last day for my Summer Job Yay!!!!!!....With my last paycheck I decided to buy my own server with it...So say bye, bye to anglefire..Im just going to give it one more day...I redid the buttons and the banner cause I was bored -_-. Hope you like them....Okay lets cut the chit chat...For Todays Update I added 31 new cels of Goku ^_^....I updated Ubuu, fix the gifs on Gotenks Pg.4, and added an new gif section "others" thanks to Pheonix...The Gif Of the moment is a Bulma an edit of my android 17 by Pof...The Last thing I did was update the News Finally!!!...Thats all for this update...
::::Small Update::::  ::::  -8/11/01- Kiss72dbz_
Well for this update all I updated was Ubuu HD and the WIP section with some more gifs Im working on...I fixed all the broken links on the addon pages. For this following updates I will fix up more of the gif pages, if you urgently need a page fixed...please e-mail me...
::::Im Back....::::  ::::  -8/9/01- Kiss72dbz_
I just finish recovering from 3 W95.CIH Virus capable of erasing a Harddrive like 3 days ago so i have very little gifs made be me done...But I have good news I may not have that much gifs to update on but I have 21 new movie clips up ^_^....Just check out the dbzclips section I put up Majin Vegeta's Fight Between Goku, and some clips during one of the movies. There Zipped up so make sure you have WinZip...Other than that I updated the Trunks section, added 2 more donners Hotskates and Nyk1. Zvegeta added his Goku Vs Freeze gif in Long Battles, and Mega Android 16 has added some Music Videos (Note: Its his 1st attempt at making music videos so there aren't that good)....Thats It for this update....
::::A Few Cels...::::  ::::  -7/27/01- ssj4vegeta72_
Yo im makin another update i put up some Cels i only got to put up 4 or 5 of um my computer cept freezing(very crapy) and i edited it from another page so if theres any other images that show up besides the cels ignor um. i hope you enjoy if i keep updatin often ill be runnin this place within a year j/k. well smell ya later
::::Gifs Finally...::::  -7/19/01- Kiss72dbz_
Well I manage to finish another part to Super17 returns, Part 6. I also put up some new Android17 gifs I manage to wip up. Sorry for the lack of gifs. Ive been working on my game alot. Im trying to get a part and the intro done (which is made with gifs) so I can release a demo....
::::A Small Update::::  -7/15/01- ssj4vegeta72_
Well well well my first update well not a big update infact a small one. basicly i just added a ChatRoom but you will see me updating every once in a wile this was just a sure of the moment update so.
Smell Ya Later 
::::The Winner Is....::::  -7/14/01- Kiss72dbz_
Here are the Final Results after I have voted, and my staff members....
Ozzylives- 4
Dougakavegeta978- 1
Jit- 6
Adidasvt- 0
Oreo9O- 2
XxSilverdbzxX- 1
and the Winner is Jit, the second runner up is Ozzylives, since Im a nice person I will give Ozzylives something once I can think of it....heh. Jit will recieve the layout, and I put his gif in the gotm. I have those screenshot on the game I am working on Project A.R,| Title Screen | Screenshot | Screenshot 2 | ScreenShot 3 |, those are pics of my custom battle system. Okay now for the update, I updated on Long Battle section, with Krillen VS Piccolo. I also updated the donated gif section, VegettoHD has donated some very good gifs, hes the best doner yet, SSJGTGohan has upated his section.
::::Results.....::::  -7/11/01- Kiss72dbz_
I know alot of the contestants are wondering who won, and how many votes did they get, well now is the time for it.....
Ozzylives- 3
Dougakavegeta978- 1
Jit- 2
Adidasvt- 0
Oreo9O- 2
XxSilverdbzxX- 1
Now that they have finish voting its time for me and my staff members to vote. I will go first for now....Well I really did like Ozzy Lives entry (Dark Transformation). He made the animation great, but the bad thing about it is that its not really a fanfic charcter its just like a new level or something. Other than that its a great gif....The Best actual fanfic character is Jits, its well detailed plus its made from scratch..Now Im done voting its time for the rest of my staff members to vote. I will display there choices tommorow. Okay For todays update I got the Music Vid section up thanx to Pheonix, and I added some more movie clips, sorry no gifs today, Im working on my RPG project (A.R).I will show some screen shots of it tommorow.

Untitled Document
Super Sayians Realm
Saiyan Sector
Gohans KI

Animated Gifs : 4004
Images : ???
Movies : ??
Sounds : ??
Info Pages : ??
Highest Day : 7472
Lowest Day : 406

Dragon Ball Z is airing twice a day until the premiere Dragon Ball it is released on August 20th -planetnamek

Season 5 is currently in Productionand will be released September 20th - planetnamek

Movie #5 expected in January 2002, #6 to follow shortly thereafter. Theatrical release is possible. - planetnamek

Infogrames, INC, reveals the first new Dragon Ball Z Game, The Legacy of Goku, which is to be launched this winter on Gameboy Advance

Newly Released 

Frieza: Clash
Frieza: Desperation
Frieza: Super Saiyan Goku
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Rivals
Movie #4: Lord Slug (EDITED)

Newly Released 

Tournament: Fighters Begin
Tournament: Semi-Finals
Tournament: The Final Test

Dragon Ball Z
Babidi: Descent
Babidi: Battle Royal
Babidi: The Dark Prince Returns
Babidi: Showdown

These animated gifs are not to be used:

Evil Shenlong
Android 18
Trunks hd
Gohan hd
All W.I.P
All Long Battles

Coming Soon....-_-
The Gif Of The Moment is........BulmaHD, By Pheonix!!!
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