smile.gif (241 bytes)The Corner for Laughs, Moans, and Groanssmile.gif (241 bytes)

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Welcome To "The Corner For Laughs, Groans, and Moans"!! E-mail Me With Any Jokes You Have And I Will Post Them!!!

WARNING!!! Surfing this site may be hazerdous to your health as it causes splitting of your sides! For best results take small doses of this site daily. Or you can just have fun... laugh at the jokes...and spread the word!!

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Since February 19, 1999!

Email: dropmail.gif (19636 bytes)

aniconstruc.gif (906 bytes) constructionbar.gif (3966 bytes)       aniconstruc.gif (906 bytes)


updated.gif (168 bytes) February 21, 1999 dogrun.gif (12972 bytes)