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More about Me -

bike by D. Clark

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to see a picture of Me at the finish of the "Not the Paris to Robaille, Paris to Ancaster" race. 65 K of freezing rain, hail, bitter cold, mud, stumps and rocks.

My name is Dennis Clark, I was born in October 1961, in Hamilton, Ontario Canada.

My family consists of my beautiful wife Susan, and two sons, Nathan (aka. Nate) 13 and Harlan (aka. Huckleberry) 9, both of whom are wonderful, intelligent, imaginative and insightful young men.

I work at Burlington Technologies Inc. and am a member of the Canadian Auto Workers Local 525. I've been an active member of my union for the last ten years, holding several offices and negotiating two collective agreements, both of which I am extremely proud. I've also been active in numerous social and community groups, working toward creating a better world for all it's inhabitants.

I am also an avid cyclist, logging better than 1,000 miles a year. As I don't own a fossil-fuel guzzling monster, this is my primary means of transportation and recreation. Sue and Nate also love to ride, but we have yet to convince Harlan. He'll catch on soon enough though, when he realizes the fun he's missing.

My other interests include the Martial Arts, the internet and web page design, music, art, poetry and collecting quotes from people I admire. Unfortunately my martial arts training has been put on hold indefinitely because I sustained a debilitating back injury, in the middle of my Black Belt grading for karate. I have trained in Tae Kwon Do and Ju Jit Su as well, but my focus has been on karate. With a little luck, I'll be able to put my back problems behind me and finish what I started.

My interest in computers and the net are quite recent. I simply got tired of this oversized, fancy, paperweight on my desk, just sitting there waiting for me to do something with it. So one day I decided to dive right in and began my journey through the world of web page design. I still feel like a rank amateur at times, however I am learning and one day this site will be a proud accomplishment for me.


Only in Canada you say...Pity

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Click to see Harlan and Nathan

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Click to see Susan and Harlan on the Bow River, Calgary, Alberta

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Click to see Me and my friend Bob at the finish of the Paris to Ancaster race

Unforgettable Love Songs
My wish list (expanded)
Suggested reading, listening & viewing
harlan's monkey house
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