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Welcome to the clan [50C] website. This is my second web site, and it is under construction as we speak. If you find any major problems, please contact me. Also, when you are done here go check out the Counter-Strike web site to download the Counter-Strike patch, and get tons more Counter-Strike info.

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The clan [50C] was started about 4 years ago by a group of friends, including myself. Actually it was started by two of us, and soon two others joined. We only have 4 members because we wanted to keep the clan comprised of local friends. Also, we wanted to make sure any members we have are as good as the rest of us, which you don't find online all the time. Technically I am not the "leader" of this clan, but I am the most senior member who plays regularly, and depending on the day, I am the best player. This is why I decided to start the clan page. So here's all the other info:

Member name

Screen name Started playing Skill ranking in the clan
Brian Worden Ezekiel[50C] Beta 1 1 or 2
John Maddaus Flak[50C] Beta 1 3
Kyle Maddaus Strawberry[50C] Beta 1 (later) 1 or 2
Jay Stelmach ShadowsAce[50C] Beta 7 4

You might say we have a clan of specialists. Where as some clans have a hundreds members all over the US, none of who know each other, and are all only average players, our clan only has 4 good friends, who all work well together, and are all excellent players.

Clan Matches: As of yet we have not played any official clan matches. Also, because we only have 4 members, we cannot be registered on OGL. We are hopping to find 2 more local players worthy of joining, so we can join OGL and show everyone what its all about...:)

However, if your clan, (or at least 4 members of it,) want to play a hard game, and get some good practice, contact me. We will be glad to teach you some tricks, or if your good enough, you may teach us some stuff!

Clan Info
What is Counter-Strike?

Link to my Warhammer 40K website HERE