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Welcome to the clan [50C] website. This is my second web site, and it is under construction as we speak. If you find any major problems, please contact me. Also, when you are done here go check out the Counter-Strike web site to download the Counter-Strike patch, and get tons more Counter-Strike info.

Please sign my guestbook so I can know what you think of my site. To sign it, click here.
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Nov 3 2004: Just a quick update to keep the site going. College has been tough, so not only have I been unable to work on webpages, but I've also be playing less and less Counter Strike. However, Half Life 2 is going to be released soon. When it is, it will include a revamped version of CS. Hopefully I will be able to start playing again.

Jan 7 2002: Linked all the weapons pages today. All I have to do now is the map pages.

Jan 4 2002: Finished all the individual weapon pages today.

Dec 14 2001: Today I started working on the individual weapons pages.

Dec 7 2001: The top 10 list is done, so everyone go check it out. It's under "What is Counter-Strike."

Dec 4 2001: I started my top 10 list today, which I urge you all to read when it is done. I also did the clan info page today.

Nov 29 2001: I did the rules page today. It's under "What is Counter-Strike."

Nov 27 2001: "What is Counter-Strike" page is done now.

Nov 16 2001: Today I started working on this website.

Clan Info
What is Counter-Strike?

Link to my Warhammer 40k website HERE