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Welcome to the clan [50C] website. This is my second web site, and it is under construction as we speak. If you find any major problems, please contact me. Also, when you are done here go check out the Counter-Strike web site to download the Counter-Strike patch, and get tons more Counter-Strike info.

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Counter-Strike is one of the most popular multi-player online games in existence today. It is a mod for the popular single-player game, Half-Life, by Sierra. The mod Counter-Strike was actually made by a couple of guys in their spare time, not by some big company. A mod is basically something that uses the basic graphics engine of another game, but changes all the in-game models, like guns, characters, and maps. It is effectively a whole different game, without having to create every aspect of it.

The actual game Counter-Strike is a fast-paced first person shooter just like Half-Life. You play as either a Terrorist or a Counter-Terrorist, and the two teams go against each other in a variety of situations. This could range from rescuing hostages to just eliminating the other team. It uses realistic weapons and damage to make it unique from other game. The game involves teamwork, as well as personal skill, to make it more fair.

Clan Info

What is Counter-Strike?

  1. Basic rules.
  2. The guns and their uses.
  3. The maps and tactics for them.
  4. The top ten things I do that let me win.

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