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— Transcript: VOICE LETTER —

Date Received: 218-13-62
To: Parents of Victoria Shintz
From: Sybillance Vancestrance, PhD, LLD CEO Center for Brain Diseases on Planet Medulla in the Ceres Solar System (CBD on PM in the CSS)

Mr. + Mrs. Shintz,

Hello and a fine how are you from the Center! May I introduce myself and say that we are delighted to have received the company of your Victoria Shintz? She has come today just this morning and I feel most confident in saying that at this very moment is how shall I put it? "Settling in."

As the good Commander Shank has informed you, Ms. Shintz is currently battling a grave and highly nasty virus known as salvia foamus L., the "rabid-like itchy fever virus (RLIFV)." The Center for Brain Diseases on Planet Medulla in the Ceres Solar System (CBD on PM in the CSS) has worked with this virus on all sorts of occasions and we have a number of delightful physicians on our staff who know all about the latest scientific what have yous on the disease.

We have wonderful cream-of-the-crop osteopaths and acupuncturists, a couple of not-too-bad neurosurgeons, and a whole host of lovely little nurses. In short, anyone who's anyone in the insanity business is here in our special circle. And are we equipped! We have thingamabobs valued at more money than ... well, an awful lot, I dare say (all insured by Bboyds of Bainbridge mind you), just waiting to be called to duty by your daughter's, what shall I call it? "condition."

I tell you all of this simply because I want to assure you of the intellectual might as well as the superior comfort that your daughter will enjoy during her recovery efforts here at the "CeeBee."

I'd be overjoyed if you'd stay in touch with us. We will be sending you progress reports from time to time, of course, and hope ever so dearly that your daughter herself will soon be sending her own little transies with tales of her upcoming recovery efforts.

Do feel welcome to pop in if you ever find yourself traveling in our cozy quadrant of the universe. We are always welcome family members as that seems to help our charges win a speedy recovery. And we serve biscuits at two each day.

Good morrow.

This has been Dr. Sybillance Vancestrance of the CBD on PM in the CSS.

— End transmission —

Published by Fools Motley Magazine, 2003. All rights are property of the author. Copying and distribution of this work is prohibited. Webpage designed by Sue Lange. Background provided by .

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Issue #1:

July 1, 2003

No Pay, No Pass

by H. David Blalock


The Recruit

by Janice Clark


Adventure or Bust

by Daniel Devine


Fairy Godmothers Anonymous

by Beth Long


The Case of the Devil's Box

by Daniel L. Needles


Letters to the Chintzes

by Susan Lange

