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Letters to the Chintzes

by Susan Lange

(Note from the editors: This story's format differs from the others in that it is written as a series of communications back and forth between the main characters rather than being a standard narrative. As you can see, it's also presented differently to help strengthen this distinction. At the end of each letter you'll find a link carrying you to the next. For your convenience at the bottom of each page is a set of links to the rest of the pages the magazine has to offer. Enjoy.)

— Transcript: VOICE LETTER —


Date Received: 218–13–49
To: Parents of Lt. Victoria P. Chintz
From: Desk of Cmdr. Jun Shank, UPSE
Subject: Lt. Victoria P. Chintz


Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? (high pitched squeal of feedback) Oh, guees so. Right.

(throat clearing)
Mr. and Mrs. Chintz, This is First Commander, Jun Shank, speaking to you from the headquarters of the United Planets for Space Exploration. The UPSE wishes to extend its official, uh, concern and profound regret in regards to your daughter, Lt. Victoria P. Chintz. As Lt. Chintz's commanding officer, I'd like to add my personal sympathies to you for the fact that, although your daughter is alive and physically healthy, I am sorry to have to officially inform you that she will not be returning home to you at the end of her tour as per the official plan in which she had previously been ordered to operate in...uh...under.

(throat clearing)
At 1500, on 13–35, while performing official reconnaissance maneuvers on far planet Angiospur, Lt. Chintz encountered a small mammal-like animal, known on said planet as a "stony-eyed lesser thorax," which upon said encounter, immediately carried out an unprovoked attack. Lt. Chintz responded appropriately and efficiently and fought off the animal to the best of her abilities, which, I would like to assure you, are commendable. Unfortunately, during the, uh, ensuing altercation, Lt. Chintz sustained multiple skin wounds inflicted through the use of the Type 1 incisors with which the thorax is armed. Through said infliction, said thorax, which was suffering from a disease known as "rabid-like itchy fever," transmitted the viral component (salvia foamis L.) of said disease to said daughter who has now contracted said RLIF herself. Upon said transmission, she was immediately remanded to the Center for Brain Diseases on Planet Medulla in the Ceres... Solar... System (CBD on PM in the, uh, CSS) and is there now as I am speaking.

As per information ascertained from officials at the CBD on PM in the C... uh ... SS, in precisely the same manner a virus causes plain old-fashioned rabies, "POR," on Earth, the salvia foamis L. contracted by your daughter effects madness, foaming of the mouth, and a general havoc-wreaking by the sufferer, as well as uncontrolled scratching and tearing of his or her own flesh. Unlike said POR, however; RLIF does not result in death and is treatable. In light of these facts, the UPSE has required that Lt. Chintz be moved to said CBD in the PM of CSS.

(double throat clearing)>
The CBD in ... uh, that is, on, PM ... in the CSS has been ordered to commandeer a full recovery of Lt. Chintz and you will be apprised of her progress from that quarter on a need-to-know basis. She will be returned to you following an official full recov. Any information you should require regarding this, er, situation can be secured through dialogue with the CBD in PM on the SCC, oh hell! CS... uh, S.

I am sorry, I repeat, sorry, to have to bring you this official news. This is Commander First ...uh...,...uh,...First...Commander...Shank of the UPS, er ...E , officially signing off.

— End transmission —

Published by Fools Motley Magazine, 2003. All rights are property of the author. Copying and distribution of this work is prohibited. Webpage designed by Sue Lange. Background provided by .

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Issue #1:

July 1, 2003

No Pay, No Pass

by H. David Blalock


The Recruit

by Janice Clark


Adventure or Bust

by Daniel Devine


Fairy Godmothers Anonymous

by Beth Long


The Case of the Devil's Box

by Daniel L. Needles


Letters to the Chintzes

by Susan Lange

