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— Imaged letter —

Mom and Dad Chintz
112 Elm Street
Reading, PA
Quator 12 ?8

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chintz,

I have been sooooo lucky to have been assigned your daughter as my roomie! I have been living at the center for twelve hanths now and have had so many roomies that I can't even remember them all. They've all been really terrif even the ones that wouldn't speak to me but none have been as much fun as your Vicky. She's a real tiger!!!!! Let me tell you!! I always have fun when she is around. She jumps around her cage and makes the funniest sounds with her head on the bars. She gets herself so worked up that she peas (sp?) on herself but don't worry she doesn't have to sit in it for long 'cuz they make the boys come and clean up everyday! Her therapists say that when she is grabbing for me she's trying to bite me but I know deep down inside she loves me and as soon as she stops tearing off her clothes and skin she can come out of her cage and we can be like real best friends! I can't wait until the day when we can actually walk down to the caf together for lunch like two pals. They say that someday she might even be able to go without the strate jacket. I can't wait!!!! Right now tho' I am content to give her her puray (sp?) through the bars while the attendance hold her back. On her bad days, they make her eat alone and I have to go down to the caf and when I come back she has usually made the most beutiful art works on the wall with her potato bits and such. I'm sure that because she can't speak her food art is her way of sharing her thouhts (sp?) with me. I saw a video movie about that once. This guy landed on a planet and nobody spoke english there so he drew pitchers in the dirt on the floor to tell the people on the planet where he was from but they didn't understand him and they thouht he was a which doctor or something and put him in a cage with a monster. I think Vicky is going thru the same thing altho' sometimes she shares her food with me instead of putting it on the wall if she's hidden any away from the attendance when they take her tray and she will throw it to me when I come into the room. Because of her fever she is unable to control her arm movements and instead of handing me the food nicely it ends up on the back of my hair but I don't mind 'cuz its the thouht that counts and the fact that she wanted me to have it at all is soooo very sweet! I just wish that she wouldn't wait until my back is turned so I will know when its coming! But oh well! Anyhoo I wanted to let you know that Vicky is in very good hands with me and Dr. Skrink. And hopefully she will help me with my own Overt Saccarine Response Syndrome (OSRS) (Mr. Granig helped me spell that) that I am struggling with. I don't really know what that is but everybody says I have it so I must have it! By the way may Vicky come to visit me after she is well? I live in the Gluco Quadrant of the Entantiomer System. Please let her come! Please! Please! Please! We'll have lots of fun and wear my clothes and stuff. And I might have a beau up my sleeve for her that she might want to meet!! Please! Please! Please!!!!!!!

Sincerely yours,

Your Daughter's Roomie, Debbie Brown

Published by Fools Motley Magazine, 2003. All rights are property of the author. Copying and distribution of this work is prohibited. Webpage designed by Sue Lange. Background provided by .

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Issue #1:

July 1, 2003

No Pay, No Pass

by H. David Blalock


The Recruit

by Janice Clark


Adventure or Bust

by Daniel Devine


Fairy Godmothers Anonymous

by Beth Long


The Case of the Devil's Box

by Daniel L. Needles


Letters to the Chintzes

by Susan Lange

