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Chronic 33: No More Me!

Here we are, another week has passed and we all wonder what has happened in the frontlines of Kevin Chew. This issue of KC Chronic is dedicated to the cast and crew behind the music and bright lights. Chronic 33: Not About Me is for anyone who is sick of reading stories about me and my toilet week after week. So Happy Holy Daze and enjoy the gift of my humble appreciation.
Things YOU Can Do to Get More Snooze Time:

Brush your teeth while on the bowl

Sleep Naked so you don't have to undress in the morning

Piss in the shower while brushing your teeth

Put cereal in your coffee

Eat your vitamins at your desk

Wear a winter hat to work and do your hair at the office

How to Look Busy at Work:

Focus intensely on your computer screen

When doing paperwork, shake your head "No" and take deep breaths

Take a late lunch to make it look like a busy morning

Walk around the office holding a piece of paper pretending you need it signed (Pete's idea)

Actually do work...Yeah right, do they really expect someone to work an entire seven hours a day with no end in sight?

Holiday Signs that Mean Your Getting Old

All of a sudden, you hate Christmas because it becomes a pain in the ass

You have given in to the fact that New Year's Eve is overrated and will suck once again

Kids become more annoying than usual with their gay spirit

You get gifts that are no longer fun

You start making a Christmas Card List

Young relatives start asking for presents you don't think they deserve because you can't afford it

All versions of the Adam Sandler song suck

You give but don't receive much

Nothing you open surprises you

You can't wait for life to go back to "normal"

Why X-Mas Shopping Sucks...Bah Humbug!

Mall traffic ruins everything

There are crowds and lines for everything

Your fellow shoppers have a nasty attitude

When you think you are finally done shopping, you're not

Everyone moves like a turtle

HUMBLE MOMENT: When you think your material sucks because you can't write about yourself
Closer...This was a fun experiment but, sorry Jordan (It was his idea), a week without Kevin Chew can lead to serious side effects. Return of the King Kevin will be out next Friday.

Linked to Me

Me, Me, Me
No More Pooh!
The Dirty One
Johnnie 5 is Alive
