The Daily Screw
The Written Portion
Naughty Photos
Talking to the Wall
Insanity Brigade
Sausage Links

We mean no offence by this exciting and limited offer, and do apologize in advance for your whining about it. This is an exclusive, but public, club for those who are completely insane. The members search out to the best of their ability those who are not insane, then persuade them do be so. All you have to do is send me an e-mail telling why you want to join, and your qualifications. To apply send to this address: insanity_required@hotmail.comto…. apply. If accepted, you will get your very  own  Insanity Brigade Badge© and a share of Insanity  Required® stock. (That’s right stock. You thought a small, insignificant page like mine wouldn’t have any?  Well let me tell you  something, a little page called “Yahoo!” had some stock, and look where they are now! Don’t laugh, the dot COM rein isn’t over, oh no, not by a long shot.) So don’t wait, apply today. You will then get a notification e-mail back about the finances and how to pay them. The more you pay, the more insane you will be; and therefore, the happier you will be. And just to show our appreciation for your enrollment, we will send you a free bat to persuade the un-insane with more ease. The number and list below will keep track of how many have joined, and who they are. So let’s get out there and get crazy Insanity Brigade.


For those of you who missed it, here is the E-Mail Address needed to apply: insanity_required@hotmail.com




Hello. This site and most of its contents were made with Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Microsoft Picture It! 99, and Microsoft Word 2000. All information and references are probably the sole property of their originators. Not mine, not yours. Also, everything you see on this site was created by me unless stated otherwise. You will not steal, for if you do steal from me I will find you. You will regret it. Any regards, concerns, complaints, and hate-mail  of anything you see on this site should be sent to the e-mail address specified on the links page. Now, PISS OFF!