The Daily Screw
The Written Portion
Naughty Photos
Talking to the Wall
Insanity Brigade
Sausage Links

Thought it was going to be porn or something like that didn’t you? Well that my friends is something called faulty advertising, and you fell for it. This is actually the media section of the site. So as long as you’re here check out the pictures, graphs, sounds, and buffoonery; located randomly all over this page. Don’t like what I got? Then suggest, or better yet, send your own stuff to this address: insanity_required@hotmail.com and it will be posted if I like it. Don’t hesitate! Participate! If you felt that previous chant was unnecessary, I’ll remove it if I get a bunch of sweet stuff to post on here.

Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (Uh...)

This has got to be the best deal anywhere!

Source: The Dude





Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (The Thing)

This is my dream, not my personal life.

Source: The Dude



Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (NOT you)

I ought to be a millionaire by now then... 

Source: The Dude




Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (BEHOLD!)

It's amazing how a picture so small can influence big changes.

Source: I don't know (Tell me)


Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (Drunk With An Ugly Passion)

Isn't this closure?

Source: The Dude



Posted: 08/12/03

Submitted by: Mitch (Touch my hand)

I live to drive this, all at forty miles per hour.

Source: The Dude





Posted: 07/23/03

 Submitted By: Mitch (A fuzzy guy)

Look at the awe inspiring beauty of my rendition of what would happen if I had a baby with a chimp.


Posted: 07/23/03

 Submitted By: Mitch (I say, always be paranoid)

This is a dumb picture I made of a snowboarder going down in flames. I'll get some of my better pictures and others up when I get this section the way I want.


Hello. This site and most of its contents were made with Microsoft FrontPage 2000, Microsoft Picture It! 99, and Microsoft Word 2000. All information and references are probably the sole property of their originators. Not mine, not yours. Also, everything you see on this site was created by me unless stated otherwise. You will not steal, for if you do steal from me I will find you. You will regret it. Any regards, concerns, complaints, and hate-mail  of anything you see on this site should be sent to the e-mail address specified on the links page. Now, PISS OFF!