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Quotes From Exile; Page 1

Quotes: Current 1 2 3

Solberg responds to Solgnir, 'c4n sum1 plz res me? plz plz i r n00b :('

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'I was afraid I'd done something wrong ^^;;'
[CLAN]: Solberg says, 'heh'
[CLAN]: Solberg says, 'if you'd done something wrong, it would've been more like'
[CLAN]: Solberg says, 'btw, Infinity'
[CLAN]: Solberg says, 'I need you to COME SEE ME RIGHT NOW OR I'LL CUT YOU'

Varanus : There's enough of us that remember that!
Infinity : what?
Varanus : I don't remember :(

Solberg's Smackin' Gloves leap out and slap Cantankerous in the face! Ouch, that had to hurt!
Solberg's Smackin' Gloves rub themselves together gleefully.

Quotes from Rogue and Wickedlady's wedding

Aria gossips, 'omg! I have too much stuff! :p'
The town crier gossips, 'Aria has just become a member of Blood Merchants of Taqwa!'

Sparkz gossips, 'miroku shut up, lol'

Lianna gossips 'someone stop zo from leveling'
Chrysalis gossips 'on it'
Zophiel gossips 'someone stop lianna from reliciing!'
Lianna gossips 'uh no!'

Solberg gossips, 'oh well. can't mute myself
Angusog gossips ':p' yes you can!!!'
Solberg gossips 'maybe I'll just mute you instead'
Solberg gossips '[ Solberg Muted by Angusog. Duration: 1000 ]'
Solberg gossips '[ (GC) Angusog frozen by Solberg. ]'
Solberg gossips 'Solberg wins!'

Phoenixfire says to Janna, 'i am not a cereal'

Varanus exclaims, 'I prefer women with their clothes on 60% of the time!'

Varanus gossips ''Twas God.'
Iorek gossips 'why does it somtime say somone when the whisper'
Phoenixfire gossips 'cuz they might be invised'
Iorek gossips 'oh'
Varanus gossips 'I'm still going to say that it's God.'
Phoenixfire gossips 'he believes that the voice he hears randomly is god speaking to him, don't mind him'

Varanus says to you, 'she shook up the orange juice but forgot the cap was off'

Janna says, 'IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN'
Varanus says to Janna, 'no you don't
Varanus says to Janna, 'you need a heart, you bossy, mean slavedriver'

The Thraxyhound of the Solbervilles is exhausted. It curls up in Janna's inventory for a while to catch a few Z's.
The Thraxyhound of the Solbervilles can't find any more trails in this area. It Janna's side, growling protectively.

Wickedlady says, 'its janna's personal body guard'The Thraxyhound of the Solbervilles takes a vicious swipe at the Duergar Lord of Confusion, ripping into his spleen with a gleeful howl!
The Thraxyhound of the Solbervilles gets a murderous look in its bloodshot eyes. Reminds you of 'Cujo'. Very touching.
The Thraxyhound of the Solbervilles takes a swipe at Atropos with its diseased claws, infecting him!

clanwho 2
19 characters displayed.
Elrood : NC you around? we finally got everybody on for your going away party
Elrood : it's only like a year late

The ethereal Helm of Atropos intones, "Warning -- your Solbergian item may be infected with spyware!"

Jewel : Hi Vol :-)
Someone : blink
Someone : a goody twoshoes monk
Jewel : lol
Reatar : thought we got rid of all of those
Nightcrawler : yeah
Nightcrawler : me too

The town crier sings, 'and 'nother one, and 'nother one, and 'nother one bites the dust'

Angusog : some people use google.. Volito uses Exile... why search yourself when 40 trained monkeys can do it for you?

Angusog : Camaro tells you, 'will you shoot me with a shot gun so i know what it feels like'
Angusog : I think that qualifies as odd request of the day

Janna : The Curator appears to be uninterested in bartering.
Janna : i love that
Hextall : NO! REJ!
Hextall : It's a trick!
Janna : a bit slow hex :P
Hextall : REJ!

The town crier gossips 'good night room.'
The town crier gossips 'good night moon.'
The town crier gossips, 'good night bunny rabbit and good night spoon.'

Janna : this sucks
Janna : phoniex, phoenixfire, phoenixflare
Janna : let the mischans begin
Hurkyl : Well, one of them is a horrible typo.

Zelda tells [Jala], 'You're chinese?'
[Jala] tells Zelda, 'Yeah'
Zelda tells [Jala], 'This may sound stupid but are you white?'
[Jala] tells Zelda, 'yes'
Zelda tells [Jala], 'Are you Asian?'

Wankster : omfg!
Wankster : thats not cool :D
Wankster : 1t) curse -60 to Hitroll, makes you cursed
Janna : do you have negative hr now?
Madrigal : he has -22hr

Phoenixfire auctions, 'wtb: a janitor!'

Solberg says, 'I hate the thought of metal entering any part of my body for any reason :p'
Madrigal says, 'mmm shrapnel'
Solberg says, 'I mean, do you let people shoot bullets at you for fun? :p'

Magicalsoda says, 'im gonna go all mage like in a sex'
Magicalsoda says, 'sec'

Skcoddam holds up a sign captioned, "A ranger read, that'll be the day."
Skcoddam holds up a sign captioned, "Its probably a coloring book."

Galo : thats a funny name

Shazaam : silence!
Ariall : hahahaaaa, shazaam sayin silence
Ariall : o, the irony
Solgnir : hahahahaha, ariall not being afk
Shazaam : yea wtf i was about to say

The Curator stares at Zerus and utters the words, 'yufovirr'.
White light from no particular source suddenly fills the room, then vanishes.
Wickedlady says, 'and we all thought the curator was boring'
The Curator mutters something under his breath.
Zerus says to the Curator, 'punk'

A mummified cat sings, 'who let the dogs out? who? who? who?'

A Solbergian Sword sings, 'There once was a Ranger named Dmx...' but can't seem to come up with a good rhyme for 'Dmx'.
A Solbergian Sword makes a satisfying 'zzzzzot!' sound as it electrocutes a passing mosquito.
A Solbergian Sword screams at its owner to stop being such a numbskull!
A Solbergian Sword rolls its nonexistent eyes at how long that took.
A Solbergian Sword croons to Dmx, 'She bangs, she bangs, oh baby! When she moves, she moves, I go crazy!'

Iceguard : sigh, $$480 down the tube on books
Iceguard : <3 college
Hextall : wow.. you willingly shelled out $480 to be indoctrinated by the left wing university conspiracy!
Hextall : sweet!

Jewel : bout dang time you heroed girl
Silvermoon : me? :P
Kain : you know??!
Jewel : thought my kids would be in college before you did :P

Phoenixfire says, 'you nbls are just like i'll stack on a crazy amount of dr and see if hr works'

Eiros gossips 'zophie you should ocme play with me'
Zophiel gossips 'I would, but your already married =P'

Nightcrawler : id rather gouge out my eyes
Nightcrawler : than run a rq. :p

Quest Type: Free For All
Quest Zone: Quest Zone: The Infernal Abyss
Time (ticks) Left to Join: 998
Minimum Level: 123 Maximum Level: 180

[CLAN]: Devrent says, 'I'm only in this clan to hang out with the chicks of Exile'
[CLAN]: Devrent says, 'hehe'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'clan 4 = rogue's harem'
[CLAN]: Devrent says, 'nod, I was one of his first ho's'

[CLAN]: Devrent says, 'Poe is offering me 2 moxes for my entire set of eq from both my hero chars'
[CLAN]: Devrent says, '1 mox that doesn't look like shit gets you my whole eq collection, all my tokens, everything. Be tempted. =P'

[CLAN]: Eiros says, 'peeing is so much more fun when you're drunk :)'

Faux says, 'I told Madrigal to clean up his body parts after he's done playing with them'
Faux says, 'and that just sounded wrong and dirty :P'

Skcoddam holds up a sign captioned, "He's sloppy in his body disposal."

Madrigal says, 'i'm korean'
Solberg says to Madrigal, 'there you go again, confusing "korean" with "screwed up in the head"'

Madrigal - the best things in life are she - is standing here.

Prince Faisal sings, 'purple rain, purple rain'

Madrigal : it's times like this that i remember what my pappy used to say
Madrigal : "what did he say?"
Madrigal : what the hell are you doing in the bathroom all day and night, give someone else a chance!

[ Boo (lev 1) has self-deleted. ]
Madrigal : boo :-(

Solberg : back
Solberg : and I missed all the choice Hex-isms too :-(
Madrigal : there's no wit in hexism
Solberg : but there is an upside-down W and an I
Solberg : and the 'x' looks like a 't' if you rotate it 45 degrees
Solberg : so there!

Relkin auctions 'I would like to offer a one time bid of my soul'
Solberg auctions 'your soul has no value once you've sold it, silly :p'
Solberg auctions 'how am I supposed to get it back from Lucifer?'
Relkin auctions 'Oh yeah, forgot about last time'

Abc gossips 'Elvis is too dead... I see his grave site on the internet'
The town crier gossips, 'Welcome Elvis, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
Madrigal gossips, 'looks like he's just gone to a better place... Exile!'
Solberg gossips, '"Dear Solberg - Elvis has just logged in and used your name as the player who recommended he come here."'
Solberg gossips, 'thanks, the King!'

Elvis prays, 'that's MISTER the king to you, buster'
Solberg gossips, 'slist elvis: 10 - summon hound dog'
Solberg gossips, 'slist jerry_lee_lewis: 33 - great balls of fire ?'

Madrigal gossips, 'he must get the "sleep with cousin" skill at 40'

[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'I'm away.'
[CLAN]: Torin says, 'afk a few'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'afk for a while'
[CLAN]: Legend says, 'I think I'll go afk'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'thats the clan 4 spirit'

Lianna tells the form, 'wow heros have to eat?'

Icepik : reatar, i challenge you to a CPK duel.
2 hours later.. .
[ CPK : Icepik killed by Reatar at On a Narrow Plank ]'

Oasis : If i traded it all, if I gave it all away for one thing.. just one thing..
Oasis : woo for mistells!
Shazaam : you need to stop serenading icepik dude
Shazaam : that's just wrong
Oasis : The scooter lives
Oasis : who wants to pk
Shazaam : yes, hi, nice to see you
Icepik : me
Shazaam : rofl
Oasis : Speak of the devil

Janna says to Rogue, 'wasnt that smart though?'
Janna says, 'agree with me'
Janna says, 'i need self esteem'
Rogue says, 'yes ma'am'

Janna cheers wildly!
Rogue kneels down and worships Janna.
Rogue grovels in the dirt before Janna.

Janna says, 'okay'
Janna says, 'not that much'

Janna covers her eyes with her hands.
Rogue brings the goat.

Rogue says, 'oh, no sacrifice? :('

Cantankerous sings, 'Nobody loves me'
Cantankerous sings, 'Everybody hates me'
Lealover sings, 'You should go eat worms.'

grep Home who -i janna
Home: Center of Town Square
Janna gossips 'feel free to visit my gohome. open house today'
Phoenixfire gossips 'open house everyday too?'
Janna gossips 'yep. im just that nice'

Cantankerous : blah blah I'm Etrigan blah blah
Etrigan : blah blah!

Auryn : You say to a reflection of yourself, 'Hey there handsome.'

Janna auctions 'you're annoying though'
Mesa auctions '*WHimper*'
Janna auctions ';P'
Angusog auctions 'and mesa learns his first lesson ... women can bring pain :P'

Iceguard : wtf i hate this char
Hextall : That makes it unanimous!

Phoenixfire asks, 'isn't trident toothpaste or something like that?'

Sparkz : im bad at all grammer, im more of a history person

Madrigal : oasis is white trash, you'll have to forgive him
Oasis : pft
Oasis : this coming from the cow
Madrigal : at least i know who my father is!
Madrigal : farmer mcgregor!

Madrigal tries to backstab A God, but changes his mind.
The air is loaded when A God angrily wards off a piercing attack from Madrigal.
Madrigal looks afraid of the consequences as he tries fruitlessly to blast A God.

(sendazar was a lev 3 cit who joined a kom quest.)
Madrigal : if sendazar wins this, I'm buying him an exile shield
Angusog : he'll win while they kill each other :P

The Overseer Quests, 'Relkin managed to kill himself!'
The Overseer Quests, 'Sendazar has defeated the last opponent and is proclaimed King of the Mountain, earning 5 Quest Points!'
The Overseer Quests, 'The King of the Mountain Quest has just ended!'

Angusog : ROFL

Angusog : Sendazar has nominated Cantankerous as his champion
Relkin : See if I do anything for that chump again.

[CLAN]: Leader Relkin says, 'Ladies, your now on television, please keep your hands and arms inside the screen at all times.'

Cantankerous : We have enough around to get a game of hold 'em going?
Cantankerous : C'mon now, Fisty I saw that trust fund
Fistandlus : You carry 30,698 coins and have 100,238 in the bank.
Fistandlus *flex*
Fistandlus : I don't do card games, sorry
Cantankerous : nod, I understand
Cantankerous : I was afraid once too

Hurkyl holds up a sign captioned, "Oh boy, getting snogged by a cow..."
Hurkyl holds up a sign captioned, "How.. uh.. romantic."

Iceguard : I hate this keyboard at work :/
Janna : shouldnt you be . uh. working?
Iceguard : sure, once a customer arrives
Angusog : Janna... if we all followed that rule, none of us gods would be logged on :P

The Overseer Quests, 'Valithan has killed Relkin at The Southern Path!'

Iceguard : damn valithan smokes the people's champion and logs off
Iceguard : glorious victory

Icepik : what about cpk'ing me!
Madrigal : there's no sport in that
Madrigal : everyone and their mama has cpk'd you

Angusog : figured you needed it more than me... it's been how long since you last saw a woman naked? 18 years or so?

Elrood : would anyone like to pk
Cantankerous : God, we were all enjoying our peace and quiet and then here comes Elly, blah blah I'm Elrood blah blah
Elrood : I'm gonna say that sometime

Inferno's shockwave hits Inferno painfully in the chest.

[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'I don't threaten, I kill babies'

[CLAN]: Janna says, 'muffinny'

[CLAN]: Asuraka says, 'i like it :P'
[CLAN]: Asuraka says, 'its good but it sucks'

[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'fini's kind of a real person, she just doesn't know stuff a real person does'

Madrigal : don't blame me nym sucks!
Madrigal : actually, I suppose you could blame me for not fixing it yet
Infinity : it's all your fault madrigal! How do you live with yourself?
Madrigal : lots of alcohol

Phoenixfire's face flushes with the fire of the Phoenix!

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'it just took me 4 tries to spell help right'

Xnetforce gossips 'what is the biggest container besides a portable hole?'
Cantankerous gossips 'Iceguard's mouth'
Xnetforce gossips 'is that hard to get?'
Cantankerous gossips 'Whenever he's on I'm sure he'd be happy to share'

Schism exclaims, 'Word! To your .. no wait... Recall!'

Zeratul : what is enders game ?
Madrigal : begone!

[ Closing link to: Zeratul. ]

You tell Tooth, 'well, if you can imagine the feeling of grass on your bare feet, or snowflakes on your face...'
You tell Tooth, 'that's about how hard we ills usually hit'
Tooth tells you, 'how hard is that forceful'

Infinity preforms cpk on Seera.
You say, 'erm'
You say, 'cpr*'

Seera auctions 'how do you auction?'
Ein auctions 'auction [item name] [item stats] minimum bid'
Seera auctions 'gem studded ring 105/105hp 144/144m 169/169mv 72ac 4hr 4dr 6,629xp'

[CLAN]: Magicalsoda says, 'what is a better lie to make to an enemy who asks what align sometin is...cons good or saying its eviutral'

Nemesis sings, 'Remember after the fire, after all the rainnnn, I will be the flameeeeeeeeeeeeeee'
Senk sings, 'Flamer'

[ Stragen (lev 0) has self-deleted. ]
Renee : he got far

Ain't no party like an Exile party cuz an Exile party don't stop.

The Joker gossips, 'Schism has been beaten by the Gauntlet!'
The Joker gossips, 'TAKE THAT!'

[CLAN]: Supremity Madrigal says, 'You must be the queen of rude from the country of rude'
[CLAN]: Supremity Madrigal says, 'I need to actually say that to someone sometime'

[CLAN]: Schism says, 'You swoop down through the ceiling, pick Infinity up and swing out. All the ninjas fall to pieces.'

[CLAN]: Magicalsoda says, 'im a low budget hero'

Fatbob To err is human, to whine about it is Exilian is standing here. (floating) (Blue Aura)

Iceguard : kindly reinsert your foot back into your mouth now kthx :D
Jala : I'm not that flexible :(
Infinity : I don't have feet :(

Cantankerous sings, 'Relics on roses and furies on kittens'
Cantankerous sings, 'brown, paper seekers tied up in ribbon'

Iceguard : can i somehow get my old level 23 warrior unpurged :p
Infinity : with a lot of soap and hot water

The Joker gossips, 'Elrood has been beaten by the Gauntlet!'
A swirling mass of energy gossips, 'loser'

Ona prays, 'I commend you for doing such a good job on the game'
Solberg responds to Ona, 'I'll make sure the guilty parties are punished severely'
A God responds to Ona, 'don't mind him, he had an unfortunate accident with a doorframe and hasn't been the same since'

[CLAN]: Jala says, 'You've got some strange quotes, fini'
[CLAN]: Jala says, 'some of them are amusing'
[CLAN]: Jala says, 'some are bloody confusing.'

[CLAN]: Nemesis says, 'wtf, this troll name is smith or something!'
[CLAN]: Nemesis says, 'more just keep running in the battle!'

Elrood : we always practice safe hex

Solberg : and boo nbls! as punishment everybody loses 10 permanent dr
Solberg : just kidding :p

Ragnarok auctions, 'A Solbergian Augmentation-ish Thingymajig glows weirdly and makes some gazoobity-zoot noises.'

[CLAN]: Cobomasta says, 'butter is the new ice creak'
[CLAN]: Cobomasta says, 'cream'

14 : Sun Nov 23 :: Fatbob :: Be there or be a quadrilateral

Kylee sings, 'Die Die Die my Darling ...Don't utter a single word'

Jenk sings, 'I've seen a lot of women who haven't had much luck, I've seen you looking like you've been run down by a truck'

Jenk sings, 'That ain't nice to say sometimes, I guess I'm really hard but I'm gonna put buckshots in your pants if you step into my yard'

The Joker Quests, 'Come tag me at Center of Town Square !'

Boomer gossips 'how do u check how good your gear is?'
Valen gossips, 'if you're hp is higher then rafe it's prolly ok'

Fatbob : Hextall is a shining example of wit, take a look at this quote for example. 02/20/02 - Hextall : LUNCHY-MYUNCHY!

Fatbob : or, who could forget 03/03/02 - Hextall : Somebody needs to tell dread that muscle shirts don't come with muscles

[ a cow MUTED for spamming a public channel ]

Cantankerous : Hextall pales visibly as dinner draws near.

Asuraka : can you please shut your mouth Articuno
Ragnor : Articuno, talk some more. Asuraka likes the sound of your voice, he's just confused by the feelings

Fatbob : Since we're on the subject of ducks... 08/20/02 - Asuraka : i have mafia ducks at my house

Lanfear : A glowing yellow potion won't fit in a portable hole.

Myopian says to you, 'why is the sky blue..?'
Jala says to Myopian, 'because some dude ran out of purple paint'

Ragnor : Rab is a stick used on children in anger?

Elrood : my friend found a toad and stood over it for like 20 minutes yelling "Hop! Hop my minion!"

Abc tells you, 'i dont get how to plat badmitten, the only board games i play is chess monoply, and yatzee'
You tell Abc, 'that's backgammon'

You tell the form, 'someone beacon something'

Benson : medical breakthrough: best way to shake a cold is to go afk for 3 hours.

This is a bridge description Hextall forgot to write. -- Angusog
This isn't a bridge. Angusog is a crack-head. -- Hextall

Applemeister tells you, 'it owns here, we live for the single purpose of cpking anything that moves'

Poe auctions, 'wtb: a neck'

[CLAN]: Supremity Chloe says, 'god, I'd rather be dragged through hell wearing gasoline britches than to wake up NC...but here goes'.

Galo : shut up and both of yah hop

Seven gossips, 'go to Heaven for the climate. Go to Hell for the company.'

Fatbob can't figure out why he is lying here, dead.

Fatbob sings, 'what rolls down stairs, in singles or pairs, rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? it's log log log!'

Rabindrath sings, 'woke up this mornin with a wine glass in my hand, whose wine? what wine? where the hell did i dine?'

Sebastian : Bigruss tells you, 'thats alot of money'
Sebastian : i don't get why he's such a moron sometimes
Schism : Sometimes?
Ashram : sometimes?
Sin : somtimes?
Sebastian : rofl

Message 27 : Sun May 18 (Seven) :: Happy Birthday, Seven !
I'm old & wise now.... well, old anyway :)

Your blow to a seagull's throat kills it.

A giant scorpion sings, 'here i am, ROCK you like a hurricane'

A monkey sings, 'deeeeeeo, deeeeo, daylight come, man, me wanna go home'
A monkey sings, 'come, mr. tally-man, tally me bananas'

A fallen warrior gossips, 'Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!'

Hextall sings, 'Three servers for the admins under the influence of rye,'
Hextall sings, 'seven routers for the network techs in their halls of stone'
Hextall sings, 'Nine workstations for mortal lusers doomed to die'
Hextall sings, 'One NT box from the dark lord on his throne'

Skcoddam auctions 'Yes! You can use this to backstab with!'
Skcoddam auctions 'Give a nice hello to your friend today by putting this shiny new sword in his back!'

Tekken exclaims, 'What happened to all the applesauce!? ...eer i mean hiddens.'

Abcdef tells the form, 'Cherry, Your mama is so fat she needs the ryans belt to hold her pants up!'

Madrigal : I love how in shark attack movies, the sharks always know to go after the little kids, the skinny dipping women, or the drunk teenagers
Ragnor : hey, Rogue always goes after the little kids too, I take the skinny dipping women, and Ashram... well he gets the drunk teenagers

Kain tells you, 'i've had one of those before btw, not fun =('
You tell Kain, 'a stalker or an irl friend?'

Lanfear : skcoddy is my fav ranger of all time, the most silent style of them all. Nobody else has chucked pine cones AND spoons at me

The ogre thief sings, 'breaking the law, breaking the law!'
The prisoner sings, 'I fought the law and the law won'

Skcoddam : Can tied to a string is my provider.

[CLAN]: Hannah says, 'speaking of...where is Xantar?'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'in hell.'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'where he should be.'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'why do you ask?'

Jala says, 'Dude, we sat around for 5 minutes trying to teach her the concept of how to buy a ration'

You tell the form, 'does someone else want to lead? I'm so behind on sleep I think it lapped me,'

Bloodpool : i think it was hex..snuck out and tried to burn down canada

Auryn : Celsius? Who uses that garbage?

Xjoshx prays, 'how do u get out of death traps?'

Infinity needs a hug.
Apoc assumes an offensive fighting posture.

The Joker makes fun of your typo.

Skcoddam sings, 'Righting wrong and singing songs. Being mighty all day long. He's Joxer, he's Joxer the mighty!'

Caelan : You make an Assassination attempt! A swirling mass of energy makes a strange sound but is suddenly blah blah

Relkin auctions 'I didnt charge him anything. Not my area'
Relkin auctions 'My area is taking all your eq!'

You hug him.
Relkin disappears suddenly.

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'what do you mean? you thought he'd never leave? yeah I know what you mean.'

The Prophet of Truth sings, 'I can see clearly now the rain is gone'

Cantankerous : Hex is sitting next to me with a gun to my head :/

Pookie prays, 'im sorry but i got killed by the storm? sorry for bothering'
Elrood : Isabel got him?

You say, 'it's just like a puppy'
A Solbergian Contraption meep-meeps merrily!

Cantankerous tells the form, 'an ivory white alb: Lev(40) Loc/Type(body) Hit Points(76) Mana(46) Wisdom(4) Armor Class(-11) Class Restrictions(Cleric Only, Monk Only) Dura(100) Con(100)'
Percivere tells the form, 'holy god.'

Flea : whoa, i'm on wiz!
The wiz channel has been temporarily turned off by a god.

[CLAN]: Faustus says, 'u see what happens when i try to be funny.. they all laugh at me and not with me'

[CLAN]: Nemesis says, 'so this evening I took nyquil.. then soemone made the point that it wasn't night yet since it was only like 6pm.'
[CLAN]: Nemesis says, 'so I took dayquil also.'

Skcoddam : It'd be cool if when you duck a throat punch, you get punched in the face instead.

[Referring to Marines] Azlomon says, 'yeah, you're bald and shout "sir" a lot'

Jala auctions, 'heh. I sac'd my first relic. "Hey what's this hidden thing? It's scary! Lets sac it! 14 xp! WOOHOO!! ^_^'

Jeremy sings, 'Lets sing the stompy Ryan song!'

[CLAN]: Percivere says, 'i get on for all of five seconds and the link crashes.'
[ Closing link to: Percivere. ]

[CLAN]: Janna says, 'oh. im in rakar. i was very confused for a second'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, '*comf janna* it's like if you sleep in a bunk bed and you wake up and hit your head on the bunk above'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'EXACTLY'

Quotes: Current 1 2 3

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