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Exile Quotes; Page 3

Cantankerous tells the form, 'go kill some mobs when you relic'

Infinity says, 'horribly misspellef'

[CLAN]: Lazirus says, ':( phoe.....Skirts are cool!'
[CLAN]: Phoenixfire says, 'laz go wear a skirt and see how much you like it!'

Madrigal : rigor mortis isn't a disease

Phoenixfire tells Janna, 'do i have a sign that says "free cpks" taped on my back?'
Janna tells Phoenixfire, '...who told you'

Wankster : and ive tryd standin ground with your melee
Wankster : doesnt really work
Wankster : kinda like tryin to get a facial from a lion

Scarlet : ugh what's up with all the porn pop ups
Wankster : i suggest you get a sperm blocker
Eiros : wait, did you really just say that?
Madrigal : but then you'd miss the best part of the internet!

Rakshasa : hextall im callin you out to a lollypop duel
Rakshasa : first person who can get to the center of a tootzie pop WINZ
Tydeus : dude
Tydeus : that is just wrong
Tydeus : do that test on a gf or something
Tydeus : not with another guy

[CLAN]: Incubus says, 'i wish i was an ill so i could locate stuff'

Silvermoon sings, 'Hey, is this thing on?'
Vehn sings, 'if you're singing, hopefully not :P'

Lealover gossips, 'You people may be fine MUDers..But remember..Windows has a built in calculator :)'

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'Something went very wrong...'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'Haha but you can't tell cause ur linkless!! HAHA'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, '... I'm not crazy.'

Silverbolt gossips 'does exile have a dancehall? i want to get my groove on'

[CLAN]: Mnoilion says, 'I usta have a killer heart'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'he's a heart throb'

Talis, the Master Trainer pierces Sakhis Razorclaw whose suddenly lifeless body falls to the ground!
Sakhis Razorclaw is dead!
Your blood freezes as you hear Sakhis Razorclaw's death cry.

A sudden cold wind conjured from nowhere freezes Lazirus!
A sudden fireball conjured from nowhere thaws Lazirus!

Bobsuruncle says to Lazirus, 'you got balls sayin that =p'
Lazirus says, 'yes I do....2 big balls'
Infinity says, 'we can fix that'

Infinity gets a Flesh Displacer from the Trophy of the Triathlon Champion.

Lazirus says, 'someone tell him to RTFM :P'
Madrigal tells Lazirus that he needs to RTFM.

Rabindrath: I'm an American, not stupid
Infinity: What's the difference?

Rakshasa tells the form, 'sec'
Rakshasa tells the form, 'need to yerr'

Xantar gossips, 'Daemargiik is using: < worn on hands> leather leggings'

Cherry tells the form, 'brb putting on socks'

[TRIBE]: Killa says, 'if you can beat me up i'll give you all my eq and s/d'
[TRIBE]: Oasis says, 'thats not worth it'

Cantankerous sings, 'Fini and Cantankerous sitting in a tree'
Cantankerous sings, 'M-U-D-D-I-N-G'

Kingkozak prays, 'excuse me gods who to i get food water an'
Janna responds to Kingkozak, '?'
Kingkozak prays, 'thank u '

Lazirus sings, 'Maddy Maddy hes our man, if he can't do it Hextall can!'

Infinity will bake muffins for any god or immortal who runs a racequest ^^;;
Hextall : muffins make you sterile
Infinity : cookies then.
Infinity : besides, do you really want more kids? *peer*

Skcoddam tells Janna, 'Don't be a desert hater! Hug a cactus today!'

Shazaam : I think the LOL is a virus or something...I started using it on AIM conversations...I guess after a million people LOL at you all day, you start using it or something
Shazaam : i mean, they LOL at everything...everything I say can' POSSIBLY be that amusing
Atropos : lol i wear socks lol

The captain is standing here, steering the ship. (floating) (Blue Aura)
...he is groping around blindly!

Lazirus : hrm... ran outa mvs :/

Mootwo : anyone want to do a 3 on 1?
Janna : dispel magic and have trips ready

Wankster : gratz janna
Hextall : Don't gratz her! She cheats!
Janna : i do not :(
Janna : how did i cheat? :(
Hextall : I'll think of somethin

Hextall has forced you to 'stop cheatin!'.

Janna tells Phoenixfire, 'whats time on boat?'
Phoenixfire tells Janna, '12 min'
Phoenixfire tells Janna, 'go ping acorns at squirrels while you're waiting or something'
Janna tells Phoenixfire, '... you cruel animal abuser'

Eiros : its these women...
Eiros : getting all saucy since their 'movemement'
Janna : yeah. we want you to pull out the chairs AND your wallet

Kate gossips, 'anyone see a lizard named dopey?'
Kate gossips, 'it has narcalepsy and falls asleep on xp runs'

[CLAN]: Sereda says, 'npk part of harbor'
[CLAN]: Sereda says, 'mischan'
[CLAN]: Rafe says, 'I saw you the other day! Breaking the 5th commandment! Congress passes these things for a reason, Lois!'

[CLAN]: Frank says, 'Doesn't the H next to your name stand for home?’

Creole gossips 'happy new year!'
Madrigal gossips 'I've been in it for an hour now, and let me tell you - turn back, don't let it catch you. Fly west, young sir.'

Creole : that'd only be a temporary fix
Madrigal : I say, international dateline be damned

Torin says, 'I'm part British, Irish, Norwegian, Italy'
Torin says, 'uh'

Auryn : Janna won't stop poking me!
Madrigal : janna, go to your room
Madrigal : and if I hear one more peep out of EITHER of you, you're both grounded until kingdom come!
Auryn : ... peep
Madrigal : [ (GC) Auryn frozen by Madrigal. ]

Silvermoon says, 'rogue went to go screw his people'

Auryn disarms Janna and sends Spine Seeker flying.
Auryn steals Spine Seeker from Janna.
Janna exclaims, 'im gonna tell chloe!'
Auryn gulps nervously.

Auryn gives Janna Spine Seeker.

[CLAN]: Rambo says, 'I got new underwear today!'

Sinister : stab me sucka
Madrigal : [ Sinister killed by Madrigal at Center of Town Square ]

Sinister prays, 'I have died thus, please send me into the hell I desire!'
Shazaam responds to Sinister, 'Your wish is my command'

Janna says to Phoenixfire, "leaaaaaave oneeeeeeeeeeee"
Janna says, 'go to 5'

Phoenixfire rolls on the floor, laughing hysterically.
Phoenixfire says, 'and do what? :P'
Janna says, 'laugh and say I HAVE BACK UP '

A God gossips, 'an ancient relic of unknown origin - carried by an ogre'
Cantankerous gossips, 'I do not have any relics!'
A God gossips, 'I didnt gossip a giant crab :p'

Bobsuruncle gossips 'are all these lag outs a server related thing or is it just my computer?'
A God gossips, 'wombat infestation'
Bobsuruncle gossips 'nahh...koalas on the telegraph poles'

[CLAN]: Frank says, 'every time i think i understand, someone pk's me'

The magic missile sent by Ark causes Xultra, the master cleric to stagger and collapse in a lifeless heap!

Lightfeather : howd you know i have a pizzaface?

Rath : im a fan of "biznitches" myself

Kochanski : I've had toothpaste put in my hair... mentadent.

Skcoddam : We stay up late into the night braiding each other's pit hair.

[CLAN]: Rafe says, 'ugh..I think I put my thong on backwards.'

Madrigal : I wonder if you went to the doctor and said you owed one of your testicles in a gambling debt... would they remove it for you?

Ragnor : I wear my tutu when I want to feel extra-pretty

Ragnor : nothing says loving like the tight fit of a blowhole

Hextall tells Fatbob, 'yeah... we got a lotta craptastic zones :P'

Hextall : actually I'm not quite sure how wiping works here :P

Rambo : I wish I were dead.

[CLAN]: Ashram says, 'damned fatty for my lack of mojo!'.

[CLAN]: Rogue says, 'i wub it to death and i wanna fuck it like the mother it is'.

Dmx tells Auryn, 'ask more questions about pot so some of us slower folks can get some right'

Chloe says, 'so now Im gonna make hitler look like barbie'

Lanfear : I could go help Ssjgoku, but there's two problems: 1. I don't know where he lives and 2. I don't have any liquid nitrogen to pour down his throat

Archon : just because caribou are counted in canadian population numbers doesn't make them people

Your trip knocks the Hive Mother to her death.

Lanfear : canada is the UK's bratty spoiled lil sister.

Varanus says, 'ROMG I EXIST'
Janna says, 'lies'
Janna says, 'no you dont'

The Overseer Quests, 'the corpse of Varanus [1] has killed Ryme at Tunnels of the Damned!'
Varanus : Sadly, I am more successful in death.

Overlordtwo tells the form, 'mana dead'
Infinity tells the form, 'Just sit there and look pretty'

The Joker Quests, 'Come tag me at * ROOM DELETED * !'

Vehn : what are stats on a Cantankerous?
Iceguard : +100 to intoxication
Jinislip : -50000 to sex appeal?

[CLAN]: Infinity says, '"Omg it's an ooze." *stands there and waits for it to attack* "Omg it hurts!" *runs away*'

Phoenixfire says, 'chances of snowing increases the more days we dont get snow this week apparentrly'
Phoenixfire says, 'so we're probably snowing on sunday :)'
Infinity asks, 'You're snowing?'

Phoenixfire snows.

Janna -- hits your trap or your money back -- is here, struggling to escape from a trap.

[CLAN]: Mnoilion says, 'you want me to xp your alt :P'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'uhhh, yeah'

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'I need some orange juice or something'
[CLAN]: Rambo has entered the game.
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'cause I, unlike other,s get my superhuman strength from natural vitamins and minerals!'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'hey rambo'
[CLAN]: Rambo says, 'Hello.'

Nell introduces Infinity to the back of her hand!
Nell tells Infinity, 'omg'
Nell tells Infinity, 'I'm on telnet sorry!!

Lazirus : why would we wanna invade norway? =P
Elrood : for zera's porn

[CLAN]: Incubus says, 'dotn ever trt to type when uve drank aclohol'
[CLAN]: Incubus says, 'arth doesbt even know im on with his char :P'
[CLAN]: Incubus says, 'hes out cold:P'
[CLAN]: Incubus says, 'omg who am i on with'

[CLAN]: Frank says, 'i think my EQ DETs more when we talk about sex'

Madrigal : I GOT IN
Cantankerous : she was one tough nut to crack eh

Madrigal : I'm going to grad school!
Madrigal : I have a future!
Cantankerous : Let's not kid ourselves

Elrood : ok janna worded, ragna left walking, and maddy did his god exit
Elrood : somebody tele me so I can complete the cycle of "different ways of leaving this room"
Elrood : WOO

Janna : whoa. thats the first time ellys been in rakar since..
Elrood : it's been a while :P
Janna : uhm... a really long time
Elrood : I could stay here and scare the hell outta Skc

Surly prays, 'Can you please tell Cantankerous to stop mailing me all his crap?'
Madrigal responds to Surly, 'i'll just delete the wanker'
Surly prays, 'woop delete Wankster'

Phoenixfire auctions 'wtb: gts and mana stones'
Cenedra auctions '8 gts, mb YOUR SOUL'
Janna auctions 'she doesnt have one'
Phoenixfire auctions 'yes i do!'
Phoenixfire auctions 'i just sold it already :/'

Cantankerous auctions 'wtb, my sacrament rings and manacles'
Silvermoon auctions ' trunk..'
Janna auctions 'wtb gts'
Cantankerous auctions 'no damnit, my monk eq back!'

Silvermoon sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm eieio! On his farm he had a Janna eieio! Here a janna there a janna everywhere a janna janna!'
Janna sings, 'i dont like this farmer'
Silvermoon sings, 'he's producing massive amounts of YOU'
Solgnir sings, 'he grows jannas and makes them fat:-))'
Solgnir sings, 'for SLAUGHTER'

Silvermoon sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm, eieio! And on his farm he had an Elrood eieio! An Elrood here and Elrood there, here an elrood there anelrood everywhere an elrood elrood!'
Solgnir sings, '"oog"'
Elrood sings, 'boy ills would HATE that farm'
Solgnir sings, 'as would everyone else you big jerk'

Silvermoon sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm eieio! And on his farm he had a Rogue eieio! A Rogue Rogue here, a rogue rogue there, here a rogue there a rogue verywhere a rogue rogue'
Solgnir sings, 'rogue's already fat enough for slaughter and he makes this really cool [AFK] sound'
Solgnir : double burnnnnnnnn
Rogue sings, 'i'd respond cept i'm afk'

Silvermoon sings, 'Old McDonald had a farm eieio! And on his farm he had a Cantankerous eieio! A Cantankerous here a cantankerous there here a Cantankerous there a cantankerous everywhere a Cantankerous Cantankerous!'
Janna sings, 'cantankerous takes too long to say'
Silvermoon sings, 'yea that was tough'
Cantankerous sings, 'calling me fat :-('
Silvermoon sings, 'laugh'
Janna sings, 'more like big-boned'

Silvermoon sings, 'hrmph Elly's a monkey'
Cantankerous : He certainly smells like one
Cantankerous : I have an idea for a new Ranger skill
Cantankerous : Bathing

Phoenixfire still hasnt read enders game.
Madrigal gets a scroll of teleport from the Trophy of the Triathlon Champion.
Madrigal recites a scroll of teleport.
Phoenixfire slowly fades out of existence and is gone.

Janna tells Elrood, 'romg you're not social'
Elrood tells Janna, 'ssssssshhhhhhhh'
Janna tells Elrood, 'R-0-M-G I SAW YOU MOVING AROUND CAYMUS'
Elrood tells Janna, 'LIES! I"M LEAVING!'
Janna tells Elrood, 'now thats more like it'

[ Elrood has quit the game. ]

Nightcrawler : seven has existed for 19 months
Nightcrawler : he has killed 250k mobs
Nightcrawler : he kills on avg, 13000 mobs a month
Nightcrawler : or 440 mobs a day
Nightcrawler : he has no life.

Kronis says, 'blasted icepik, i dunno why i give him anything'
Madrigal says to Kronis, 'it's an occupational hazard of knowing icepik :p'

[CLAN]: Mnoilion says, 'why does the adolescent girl charge :p'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'she has a crush on you'

Relkin : Kill the n00bz kthx AFK-47

Relkin : I've earned more than Elrood!
Elrood : keep me out of this
Relkin : Damn you!

Dmx : maybe you have Dmx subbed as Demion or something
Infinity : oh hey, you're right. how did that get there?

Lazirus : thats right ooog ooog ooog uh...smash

Savour : Anyone live in Florida or South Carolina? :P
Hextall : Does anybody really *live* in florida?

Hextall : What's GA state slogan? Something about peaches, or hangings or somethin

Solgnir : We put the "fun" in fundamentalist christianity
Hextall : My plan is to get fat enough where the grim reaper can't reach my neck

Hannah says, 'I cooked some pretzels'
Hannah says, 'the outcome looks questionable'

Sourn : You can't outlaw brooms, man

Jinislip auctions 'he'll even throw in this free "thank you for shoping lazirus" bag with it! (a 19.99) value'
Schism auctions 'An UNBELIEVABLE deal!'

Varanus tells Infinity, 'I'm like... whaaa? and then like... oh... right... yeah... but then I'm like... whaa?'

Hextall : But not with the super spatula! That thing can flip pancakes, boy howdy!
Infinity : Flipping pancakes is an art that should not be left to some cheap mechanics

Rakshasa tells the form, 'its safer in cpk :P'

Varanus : Just sign up as Coconut McBeefy of Idaho. No one'll care.
[CLAN]: Silvermoon says, 'sub me as coconut mcbeefy'
[CLAN]: Coconut McBeefy says, 'hi I'm Coconut McBeefy, I'm from Idaho'
[CLAN]: Coconut McBeefy says, 'does it say I'm coconut mcbeefy?!'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'Yes!'
[CLAN]: Coconut McBeefy says, 'sweet'

Varanus tell Infinity, 'DO YOU HAVE HOMEWORK!'
Infinity tells Varanus, 'cpk'
Varanus tell Infinity, 'HOMEWORK > CPK'
Varanus tell Infinity, 'OMG THEY BRAINWASHED ME'
Varanus tell Infinity, 'help :('

[CLAN]: Montolio says, 'wheee'
[CLAN]: Montolio says, 'i was the first to log in!'
CLAN]: Montolio says, 'i saw a who with 'only' me'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'what a sad mud that would've been :/''

[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'twinkly has a BOYFRIEND'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'I do?!'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'er'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'boy, girls rule'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'looking at porn, iaw!'

Killa : anyone else wanna go rounds?
Cantankerous : What sort of 'rounds'
Killa : i was thinking shots?
Cantankerous : No thanks, I don't drink
Killa : wow could you lie alittle more?

Rakshasa : this telnet nonesense needs to cease

The town crier gossips 'Welcome Antigone, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
The town crier gossips 'Welcome Leda, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
The town crier gossips 'Welcome Psyche, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
The town crier gossips 'Welcome Sophocles, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
The town crier gossips 'Welcome Theseus, the newest Citizen of Exile!'
The town crier gossips 'Welcome Medea, the newest Citizen of Exile!'

Nirot tells the form, 'acantha = nazi :('
Acantha tell the form, 'no :('
Lethe tells the form, 'acantha = slave driver'
Acantha tell the form, 'exactly'

Infinity tells Janna, 'JAaaaaannaaaaaaaaaaa'
Infinity tells Janna, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
Infinity tells Janna, 'aa'

Angusog : I shall train my child to CPK by the age of 2

Cantankerous : I'll save you Blue!
Cantankerous : well I woulda, if it weren't for all this darned liqour

Hextall : We are lookin for Blue's clue's cause it's really fun

Cantankerous : Hex got me drunk and tried to make me vote republican
Hextall : Reverse psychology. I knew you'd rebel against a strong father figure like me

Shichiaikan unlicks volito and grovels at his feet...
Cantankerous : How does one unlick another one
Solgnir : sandpaper?

prepare for crash
Shichiaikan : heh... You know Hextall is online when....
Elrood puts on his helmet
Hextall : pah! this mud hardly ever crashes... cept on god commands
Hextall : gods can crash the muds in so many fun ways

crash maybe averted!

Rakshasa : Yo tyler, how do i find the confusion lord :p

Madrigal : [ Acheron summons Nell to The Breeding Chamber Foyer. ]
Madrigal : don't forget the barry white!
Acheron : we're swingers baby
Nell : we're going to have lovely kobold children
Madrigal : creepy

Volito : sleeping is so over-rated!
Volito : beds are really only good for one thing
Relkin : bwahaha
Volito : jumping up and down!
Volito : scold Relkin

A sturgeon starts following the Joker.

Janna : pk anyone?
Icepik : what kinda PK?
Janna : one where i'll steal only your head

Cantankerous says to Rapscallion, 'if I weren't social I'd kill you'

Ezekiel auctions 'who is The janitor?'
Madrigal auctions 'iceguard'

From the idea log:
Hextall (Oct 24) [ 28] Flag for certain players so their ideas dont' get saved to disk, so I dont' have to clean up shitty ideas like the last one

Iceguard (Oct 28) [20201] delete the lol social already
Madrigal (Oct 28) [21354] delete iceguard already

Oasis (Dec 30) [ 199] Make phrases like : lol, 1337, and oic punishable by Sitebanning.

Ashram (Jan 31) [ 101] Madrigal needs to be smacked :(

Fatbob (Feb 8) [ 951] BODY SLAM! OOG!
Elrood (Feb 8) [ 958] BODY SLAM! OOG!
Flea (Feb 8) [20398] BODY SLAM! OOG!

Lanfear (Feb 13) [ 8670] another kind of random portal 1 per boot which takes you to a gauntlet like area with big dangers and rewards
Hextall (Feb 13) [ 72] Like when the boat hits priate island! Arrrrrr!

Iceguard (Feb 19) [20201] rename the alignment "Evil, almost Neutral" to "the Diet Coke of Evil"

Sinister (Jul 20) [ 708] Take mute away from Madrigal :(

Elrood (Aug 5) [ 958] for mobs and players in cpk, a rng has a chance to "crIt hit" his disarm skill, which when landed actually transfers the disarmed weapon to the rangers inventory
Lanfear (Aug 5) [ 932] madrigal remember to disable elrood's idea command

Cantankerous : Mar H'oth tells you he loves you and gives you a slow, kinky rub down

Volito : and Relkin misses the point entirely
Volito : sigh
Relkin : No I dont :P
Volito : I give up :)
Relkin : Your giving up YOUR time to add stuff for US
Relkin : and then *I* bug you to go further
Relkin : So I don't blame u for getting irritated
Elrood : way to ruin exile Relkin
Elrood : back to doom 3

Hextall : windows is too damn hard

Ragnarok sings, 'whhhhy don't we get drunk....and screwwwwwwww'
Madrigal sings, 'because I'd regreeeeeet it tomoorrrrrrrooooooooow'

Killa sings, 'you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, please dont take my sunshine away!'
Suddenly, a total solar eclipse occurs.
Killa : thats something that just suddenly happens huh?
Hextall : big bird

Someone : Lanfear (Jan 15) [ 139] after surpassing the 1,000 relic mark, the Curator should know your name and greet you when you enter.
Someone : hmm
Ragnarok : thats a cool idea.
Hextall : And the ferry ticket taker remembers people who've ever attacked him and comes and kicks you off his pier
Ragnarok : who /hasn't/ attacked the ticket taker :P

[Ranger]: Mootwo says, 'You wield In the Event of Emergency, Break Opponent.

[Ranger]: Elrood says, 'ills with melee are like 9 year olds with guns'
[Ranger]: Elrood says, 'sometimes effective, but wildely unpredictable, plus they wet themselves'

[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'Warning: Anything you say and do may be recorded for future reference, blackmail, or amusement.'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'yeah so this is rash is brutal'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'oh no!'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'I didn't see the warning!'

[CLAN]: A God says, 'elly'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'why does ohio still exist?'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'I dunno'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'I tried to kill it'

[CLAN]: A God says, 'I see nothing to hope for in the next four years except that they pass quickly'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'I can't point to anything - ANYTHING - that I think the bush administration will capably handle'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'there's nothing!'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'nothing to hold onto!'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'hold me elly!'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'holding'

Quotes: Current 1 2 3

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