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Quotes From Exile, Page 2

Infinity says, 'I'll put on an exile puppet show'
Infinity gets a blueberry muffin from a tiny velvet purse.
Infinity gets a soft, plush teddy bear from the Trophy of the Triathlon Champion.
Infinity Muffin: I'm canta! I'm going to run around with Carrots in my ears.
Infinity Bear: I'm maddy! I'm gonna slay you. And Janna is mine btw.

Infinity gets a small, colorful jug from the Trophy of the Triathlon Champion.
Infinity Jug: I'm Laz. I <3 yo mamma.
Infinity bows deeply.

Hannah says, 'i'm 23, i like long walks on the beach and lasanga'
Cantankerous exclaims, 'well I could give you some mushrooms and summon you to the harbor!'

Mootwo : what should I wear on my arms?
Relkin : Some LADIES
Someone : your heart

Creole : night
Creole : dream of large women
Madrigal : luckily I have a photo of elrood beside my bed

[CLAN]: Lazirus says, 'mmm gaunts a great place to start lagging hardcore'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'maybe I should start spamming locate object'
[CLAN]: Jinislip says, 'for?'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'to lag out the mud'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'come on jini join in ^-^'

From the idea log:
Pepsiman (Oct 8) [ 101] make mobs and zones more girly

Moonguard gossips, 'I read the obituaries... if my name isn't there, I go to school'

Gora says, 'between aliases and script we have a most powerful beast in our hands'

Schism : Heh, I see no one's doing anything. :P
Bocan : Want me to do something?
Schism : No!

[CLAN]: Schism has met his end at Schism's Bean Bag Chair Emporium!

Vergo auctions, 'he stones to really dum!'

Cantankerous : If PA doesn't go blue it's only cause Hex didn't flash enough people for kerry votes

Kryptic auctions, 'WTB: Evil fembots with pension for evil!'
A God auctions, 'it's penchant, get an education'
Kryptic auctions, 'fine, WTB:Genetically engineered cyber-goats , or henchman with bad teeth'
A God auctions, 'look in the mirror, you wont have to spend money'

Turok gossips, 'here in norway the statistics say that 2 outta 3 orphans commits suicide '
Solgnir gossips 'if I lived in Norway, I'd commit suicide too'
Hextall gossips 'hell, I'd commit suicide myself if in norway'
Varanus gossips 'Amen, Solgnir.'
Sourn gossips 'Damn straight'
Madrigal gossips 'curse my slow typing today!'

Someone : Here are some symptoms of Stupid: You own a 5,000 dollar car with racing stripes on it.
Someone : 15000 rather :p
Killa : what if you own a 500$$ car with racing stripes?
Killa : well its not really racing stripes, i hit a paint can that fell out of a truck

Solgnir : norway would be awesome if you guys would invent a fish-powered car

Relkin : [TRIBE]: Revenge says, 'Kryptic tells you, 'are you allies with 10?''
tribeinfo 10
Members: ... Revenge ...
Relkin : Lazirus: GET A CLUE!

Rakshasa : Fear the Tribe 12, Clan 1, Clan 3, Soon to be Clan 2, Tribe 69, and Tribe 11 Alliance.
Solgnir : i'm allied to everyone

Elrood tells Janna, 'way I always did it was to kill people I know I can kill'
Elrood tells you, 'then a few times take a shot at people I can lose too'
Janna tells Elrood, 'yeah i try to do that'
Janna tells Elrood, 'then the nbl LETS WHIFF 10000 CIRCLES IN A ROW drive kicks in'
Elrood tells Janna, '(TM)'

Seryne tells Janna, 'When you feel that nobody loves you'
Seryne tells Janna, 'nobody cares for you'
Seryne tells Janna, 'and everyone is ignoring you'
Seryne tells Janna, 'you should start asking yourself.......'
Seryne tells Janna, 'AM I TOO SEXY?'

Cantankerous : Passing out while you try to kill yourself is like failing at failing

Janna tells Elrood, '"track jan" She seems VERY close.'
Elrood tells Janna, 'problems finding yourself?'
Janna tells Elrood, 'im too sneaky for my own good'
Elrood tells Janna, 'I agree'

Elrood : what do you call 25 guys watching the world series?
Elrood : the yankees!

Tydeus gossips 'jassaa ja, oppe paa denne tida trond ?'
Tydeus gossips 'ikke bra vettu'
Janna gossips 'he's drunk again...'

Tydeus : do you people smell alcohol or something ?
Infinity : yes. yes we do.

Kryptic : Eiros heroically rescues Nell!
Kryptic : thats shitty
Eiros : Kryptic heroically dies
Eiros : that rocks

Torin says, 'she is liberal'
Mangonel nods.
Janna ask, 'me?'
Solgnir says, 'she's 16'
Mangonel says, 'deth'
Torin says, 'lets beat her with sticks'
Janna says, 'yeah'
Solgnir says, 'she doesnt know any better :P'

Solgnir teases Janna mercilessly. She looks like she can hardly stand it.

Solgnir : Janna says, 'im gonan bust into college binge drinking and doing drugs'
Solgnir : ..
Janna : ... hi
Solgnir : You say, 'as long as you promise to tie me up first' Janna says, 'promise'
Solgnir : jamz, i'm going to prison tonight
Solgnir : stop giving me such easily quoteable material
Solgnir : wretched woman!

Ragnarok says, 'I couldn't cheat on someone...'
Torin says, 'yeah, would have to cpk you'

Janna agrees with everyone in the room.
Ragnarok nods.

Ragnarok says, 'I'd cpk me'
Ragnarok exclaims, 'Like I did yesterday!'
Janna asks, 'isnt that sad.. how its actually a threat?'

Lazirus reports: ... -80ac 94en
Infinity prophesizes death and destruction in Lazirus's immediate future.
Phoenixfire throttles Lazirus about the neck, until he passes out. THUNK!

Valygar auctions 'wtf treasure maps'
Valygar auctions 'wtb err'

[CLAN]: Chrysalis says, 'schism go pk lethe!'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'She be deed'
[CLAN]: Chrysalis says, 'You tell Lethe, 'woo''

Infinity tells Lethe, 'don't listen to him, he's a boo-boo head'
Lethe tells Infinity, 'thats been established'

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'in canada legal drinking age is 9'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'shake'
[CLAN]: Schism says, '5'

[CLAN]: Schism says, 'You get a big pile of gold coins from the corpse of a Palasian Child. There were 1,234 coins.'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'he sure has a big allowance'

Phoenixfire sings, 'something is wrong, with the sum of us, that i can't seem to erase, how can i be the only one, without a smile upon my face?'
Phoenixfire says, 'whoops'
Phoenixfire says, 'woke my dad up'
Infinity asks, 'with your singing?'

Infinity : no, just ap spanish
Infinity : mischan
Infinity : they're the same colors >_<
Infinity : mischan ... again
Infinity : er?
Infinity : curse it

Infinity asks, 'race quest?'
Madrigal nods at Infinity.
Madrigal says to Infinity, 'ready? go!'

Madrigal gets a scroll of teleport from the Trophy of the Triathlon Champion.
Madrigal recites a scroll of teleport.
Infinity slowly fades out of existence and is gone.

Janna says to Madrigal, 'she kills orphans'
Madrigal says to Janna, 'someone has to'
Janna says to Madrigal, 'lets eat babies!'

Adam gossips 'where i go to jhoion a clan?'
Kryptic gossips 'be nice to a clanleader'
Adam gossips 'how do i know if they r clan leader'
Cantankerous gossips 'Masashi and Ariall are the clan leaders'

Phoenixfire says, 'wait, california's not next to colorado and wyoming'

Phoenixfire says, 'syncrhronized resting'
Phoenixfire says, 'god lrod'
Phoenixfire says, 'good lord'
Varanus says to Phoenixfire, 'you are the SPELLING QUEEN'

Sylvia auctions 'wtb: quick trip to hell for Solgnir'
Solgnir auctions 'I already live in Georgia, isn't that close enough?'
Madrigal auctions, 'survey says: yes'

Oasis : who wanna pk
Janna : pick me!
Oasis : groan
Janna : long time no see :P

Relkin : Im watching you.
Relkin : ( o \ / o )

Revenge gossips 'but, soft! what light from yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Icepik is the sun.'
Icepik gossips 'O Revenge, Revenge! wherefore art thou Revenge? Deny thy leader and refuse thy clan;'
Icepik gossips 'Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a clan 1.'

Nightcrawler gossips, 'Atropos tells you, 'So I hears you're gonna come back to playin, freeze your god and give it a go.''
Nightcrawler gossips, 'Ill come back and play if Chloe comes back to play.'
Nightcrawler gossips, 'We will start clan 2 up again and whup on people.'
Nightcrawler gossips, 'so, all you gotta do is convince her.'
A God gossips, 'if I get mudmails, Im beating your worm ass'
Etrigan gossips, 'uh yeah I'll get right on that'

[CLAN]: A God says, 'ok, Im kiling him'
[CLAN]: Etrigan says, 'laugh'
[CLAN]: Nell says, 'hehe'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'he gonna wish he'd stayed in the airforce'
[CLAN]: A God says, 'so he'd have someone to protect him'

Infinity gives Janna an antique toy horse.
Janna asks, 'you been killing girls again?'
An aura of heavenly light appears above Infinity's head.
Janna points at Infinity and yell 'EVIL!'

Infinity says, 'just clearning phen in general'
Janna says, 'uh huh'
Infinity says, 'and... elves ^^;;;;;'

Janna sobs unconsolably, heartbroken.
Infinity blinks in disbelief.
Infinity bursts into tears.

Infinity says, 'I killed Haldir'
Infinity sobs on Janna’s shoulder.

Phoenixfire says, 'i dont wear them cuz i blow them up if i wear them normally'
Phoenixfire says, 'its like boom boom swish sparklythings uhohitsgone:-('

Rakshasa auctions 'an ancient tablet of emerald: Lev(30) Loc/Type(treasure) Value(5,250) Specs(Not Rentable)'
Rakshasa auctions 'The 8th depic, gives you uber cool crap, MB: 5 tokens'
Rakshasa auctions 'Even has a really long cool description for "look tablet"'
Iceguard auctions 'oddly enough, the 8th depic can always be found in Sul, unlike the other seven'

Cosair tells Janna, 'was this your stone shield?'
Janna tells Cosair, 'maybe?'
Cosair tells Janna, 'you inf or phoe'
Janna tells Cosair, 'whats teh dr?'
Cosair tells Janna, '6'
Janna tells Cosair, 'not mine'
Cosair tells Janna, 'i like a girl who knows her dr'
Cosair tells Janna, 'in a completely friendly i'm totally into guys way'

Janna tells Phoenixfire, 'meh. i might go back to dc in feb'
Phoenixfire tells Janna, 'oof'
Phoenixfire tells Janna, 'for what?'
Phoenixfire tells Janna, 'slavedriver training 101? :-)'

Janna sings, 'sweet home alabama'
Janna sings, 'something something skies so blue'

Torin says, 'where'
Oasis says, 'where the skies are so blue'
Torin says, 'the'

Janna snickers softly.
Torin says, 'he knows it by heart'
Torin says, 'because he is teh farmer :-('
Oasis says, 'we live in Alabama.'
Oasis says, 'I hear that damn song like 5 times a day'
Janna says, 'nothing else good about your state'

Janna ducks.
Oasis says to Janna, 'besides the fact that your not here'
Torin says, 'he lives in Idaho'
Torin says, 'thats like Alabama'

Senk tells Janna, 'Where the skies are so blue.'
Janna tells Senk, 'dont worry. the alabamaians already yelled at me :P'

Janna says, 'dont mess up the place'
Phoenixfire snorts derisively.

Phoenixfire gets a shiny red tomato from a tiny velvet purse.
Phoenixfire gets a shiny red tomato from a Magical Bag of Mischief.

The town crier gossips, 'Welcome Icepick, the newest Citizen of Exile!'

Madrigal : you know, every full moon I turn into a liberal and must drink the blood of the working class

Creole : what exactly is Midas' gift?, I've got it and a Common cold
Madrigal : What exactly is it?
Madrigal : a handful of lines of code. maybe 20.
Creole : ok, I've seen a few new cold/disease variations since I've returned, does some doctor in this land carry a book detailing them?
Madrigal : relkin does
Madrigal : but you have to cpk him for it. it also cures all the diseases, and has unlimited uses

Solgnir : well, every time you use google, you're subtly billed 0.05 by your ISP
Solgnir : unless you acquire a google platinum account
Kryptic : is that truth they bill you?
Solgnir : yeah man, ever wonder what that online 'tax' is all about?
Solgnir : it's the grand google conspiracy
Kryptic : wow

A baby venom plant moves in quickly and impedes your flight!

Hextall : [ Knight killed by the knight at Noble Circle ]
Hextall : How poetic

Creole tells the form, 'how do you spell shovel?'

Cantankerous sings, 'Shake it boy'
Cantankerous sings, 'Girl. I mean girl. Girl girl girl'

[CLAN]: Eiros says, '800 hp circle'
[CLAN]: Mangonel says, 'who'
[CLAN]: Torin says, 'handr'
[CLAN]: Eiros says, 'sorry 700 wrong key'
[CLAN]: Torin says, 'meh must have been a bad roll for me'

Ashly gossips 'does anyone on here know anything about Telnet?'
Janna gossips 'yeah it sucks'

Inferno tells Janna, 'beat me to it :/'

Torin tries to give [Janna] something, but [Janna] can't carry more weight.
Torin exclaims, 'you carry too much weight!'
Janna says, 'im fat :-('

Lazirus : poke Janna?
Chase : poke your own damn self!
Lazirus : sniff Chase :-(
Volito : I wouldnt... he's stinky!

Kryptic : anyone here really pollitical?
Cantankerous : Only about spelling, and I'm gonna retch if I stay!

[ Cantankerous has quit the game. ]
Janna : you scared him away :-(

Serialkilla : heyo maddy
Madrigal : hi, who are you?
Serialkilla : bobsuruncle
Madrigal : my uncle is named larry, thanks
Serialkilla : =p
Madrigal : actually wait
Madrigal : I do have an uncle bob
Madrigal : you win this time.

Kiwi grabs a magic 8-ball.
Kiwi says to a trunk, 'is janna a confused child?'
Janna exclaims, 'look who's confused now !'

Torin says, 'ask it if she has a thing for lazirus'
Kiwi says to a magic 8-ball, 'does janna have a thing for laz?'

Kiwi looks for knowledge in a magic 8-ball...
A magic 8-ball answers with: Most Likely.
Janna says, '.......................'
Kiwi says, 'holy'
Janna says, 'may you burn in 100000000000000000 hells'
Kiwi says, 'something u wanna tell us :P'

Madrigal says to a magic 8-ball, 'is torin gay?'
Madrigal looks for knowledge in a magic 8-ball...
A magic 8-ball answers with: My Reply Is No.
Madrigal frowns.
Torin says, 'works'
Madrigal says, 'broken'

The Overseer Quests, 'Madrigal [1] has killed Revenge at Level two of the Pit, Southwest corner!'

[CLAN]: Dre says, 'what does when you find a fountain and it says this to you mean?'
[CLAN]: Dre says, 'It tastes like ambrosia.'
[CLAN]: Ragnarok says, 'its a cool thing'
[CLAN]: Ragnarok says, 'you can fill your flask, but you have to do it at the right time'
[CLAN]: Ragnarok says, 'it lowers your age'
[CLAN]: Ragnarok says, 'if you fill your flask at the wrong time, it will melt it.'
[CLAN]: Dre has met his end at An Old Tunnel Carved Out of Stone!
[CLAN]: Ragnarok says, 'or kill you'

[CLAN]: Poe says, 'they talk funny, you can tell which ones are trinis'
[CLAN]: Poe says, 'Phoniex says, 'how de ass u does do dat an get away with it'

[CLAN]: Lazirus has entered the game.
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'git spelled, fag'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'What schism means by that is, "hello, it's nice to see you again, would you please spell up?"'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'agree infi'
[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'english is his second language'

Daccoon exclaims, 'woot, I am 191... its my birthday!'
Daccoon says, 'wanna have a wicked naked broom fighting cpk party on my 200 birthday'

[176/44 Rng Min][1048/239][ ] Madrigal (AFK)(Spirit)

[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'All those rules and restrictions, now you can
really cut loose.'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'Clothing is now OPTIONAL.'

[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'I feel like silvermoon'
[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'Bi-curious?'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'ok that too'
[CLAN]: Ashram says, 'not touching that'
[CLAN]: Elrood says, 'not touching the not touching THAT comment :P'

[CLAN]: Lianna says, 'hrm i miss janna already'
[CLAN]: Lianna says, 'no one making me do stuff when i log on'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'GO'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'RELIC'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'FOR ME'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'and yourself'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'but me first'

[CLAN]: Oasis says, 'i'm gonna murder someone'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'Will that someone be within 200 miles of you?'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'On another, unrelated note, where do you live?'
[CLAN]: Oasis says, 'next door'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'No fucking way Sam Sturm can outrun me.'
[CLAN]: Oasis says, 'your other neighbor'
[CLAN]: Oasis says, 'i see you, you're wearing a green shirt and high heels'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'Damn, I gotta call the cops.'

Phoenixfire tells Wayfairer, 'you can also ask the other clannies :p'
Phoenixfire tells Wayfairer, 'they're all pretty nice, just ... avoid whoever's drunk'
Wayfairer tells Phoenixfire, 'you mean there are ones who aren't??#$$%FJE'

[CLAN]: Miroku says, 'thats never been my philosiphy'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'which is why you can't spell "philosophy"'

[CLAN]: Somebody says, 'I swear you'll be retarded if you have to see tribe 12's channel more than 1 minute'
[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'cross-eyed retarded should be a
more oft used phrase'
[CLAN]: Somebody says, 'somewhere there are many villages missing an idiot....tribe 12 is like the dog pound for idiots...adopt one today'
[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'You'd need a helluva marketing team for that'n'
[CLAN]: Somebody says, 'I can get relkin!!! He has tv experience!!!'
[CLAN]: Rakshasa says, 'i heard relkin has dashing good looks as well'
[CLAN]: Cantankerous says, 'it's why he gets all the swash-buckling pirate roles'
[CLAN]: Somebody says, 'yes, if you dash past him, he looks good'

[CLAN]: Cantankerous says, 'phon you aorund to bring zerus?
[CLAN]: Cantankerous says, 'yay or nay, peasant'

[CLAN]: Infinity says, 'What's the motto of the United States Marine Corps?''
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'Semper Fi'
[CLAN]: Jinislip says, 'Semper Fidelis'
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'bleh, close enough for a Canadian'

[CLAN]: Chrysalis says, 'so who's gonna xp seth?'
[CLAN]: Frank says, 'I would, but my wifewill probably want to have sex with me tonight. she is drunk.. '
[CLAN]: Hannah says, 'that's the funniestthing i've ever heard'
[CLAN]: Frank says, 'hannah, you aren't married, and you aren't a guys... it's life!

Iceguard : and today's #1 irony winner..
Iceguard : "Phoenixfire is S-P-E-L-I-N-G."

Jeremy sings, 'Crack? Aisle three, next to the Sweet 'N Low.’

[CLAN]: Seth says, 'sigh, arguing with u all is like running into a wall'
[CLAN]: Phoenixfire says, 'talking to a wall'
[CLAN]: Phoenixfire says, 'not running'
[CLAN]: Seth says, 'oh'
[CLAN]: Seth says, 'same thing'

The speedy quickling appears to be moving a bit more slowly.

Nell gossips 'people only love me for my bash :P'
Kuei gossips 'i love ya =)'
Relkin gossips 'smooch'

[CLAN]: Phoniex says, 'kill that mass yet?'
The Joker gossips, 'Chrysalis has been beaten by the Gauntlet!'
[CLAN]: Chrysalis says, 'no'

Tydeus : send me a tell when im dead btw

Mootwo : club is the stabber!
Dmx : oh, my mistake!
Varanus : Must be pretty painful to get a club jabbed through your chest.
Sylvia : i'm sure there's a very logical reason why a club can stab

Rogue : hey elly whats your girlfriend's last name
Elrood : jpeg

Solberg exclaims, 'we're going to have a special guest host tonight!'
Alex Quebec, Trivia Host Extraordinaire arrives from a puff of smoke.

Solberg : holy crap
Solberg : my neighbor's trees are on fire

Dmx : not gonna end til you're wearing silver spectacles and an ikrah shield

Atropos says, 'DIE YOU STUPID TREE DIE!! *kick kick*'

Suburban says to an enslaved grey goblin, 'Gobble, gobble?'

Cantankerous : c'mon elly you got sumin you can sell
Cantankerous : how about that 11dr drath wrist
Etrigan : nah I'll keep that
Cantankerous : but I'm offerring cold
Cantankerous : hard
Cantankerous : cash
Etrigan : irl? :P
Cantankerous : That's rock money right there
Cantankerous : Sure, I'll cutchya a check, mail me that wrist
Etrigan : if you were sober I'd think about it!
Cantankerous : make it out to Elrood Von Stinkeyfeet

Cantankerous auctions, 'wtb a shirt that reads 'I <3 Trinis''

[CLAN]: Nell has killed Elrood in a NPK Battle!
[CLAN]: Nell says, 'You tell Elrood, 'happy birthday! want 20 more bday spankings? ;)''
[CLAN]: Nell says, 'Elrood tells you, 'I do!''

Solberg : can't you people keep your pants on till triathlon? :p
Varanus : We never had pants on in the first place.
Someone : and that's why you're on parole

Gotenks gossips, 'what is an american flag'

Varanus says, 'I'm failing Lunch'
Varanus says, 'I'm not eating :P''

[Janna] tells Oasis, 'clan 2 gonna do anything? eq or something?'
Oasis tells Janna , 'who knows'
Janna tells Oasis, 'ask :P'
Oasis tells Janna , 'suprisingly enough, they all responded "DETH TO JANNA"'

Solberg : night guys
Rogue : don't slam the door on your way out
Solberg : don't forget to get me those triathlon people, clan/tribe leaders
Elrood : hahahaha
Solberg : Rogue makes a strange sound but is suddenly very silent as you place an industrial-sized bottle of Uncle Solberg's Maple Syrup in his back.

Lazirus : You give 8,277,366 gold coins to Cantankerous.
Solberg : that's a lot of hush money

Cantankerous : Never bet against the Harlem Globetrotters

[CLAN]: Gabriel says, 'damn we need to make fun of someone on OUR clan board'
[CLAN]: Gerrerd says, 'dude clean the board! :p'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'your board is also monitored by relkin :P'
[CLAN]: Gerrerd says, '*blinks*'
[CLAN]: Gabriel says, 'freaking Adolf Relkin'

[CLAN]: Janna says, 'btw, cleata wants to join clan 4 now'
[CLAN]: Rogue says, 'yeah i knokw'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'join clan 4! its the new clan 2!'
[CLAN]: Rogue says, 'debating who to boot'

[CLAN]: Janna says, 'because we have more girls'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'OH so THATS why all of you guys are coming in'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'because we have all the girls of exile :P'
[CLAN]: Gabriel says, 'unmarried clan 4 girl, will you marry me?'
[CLAN]: Rogue says, 'ask silvermoon :P'

[CLAN]: Etrigan says, 'and I turn 21 on the 24th!'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'ellys old!'
[CLAN]: Etrigan says, 'contradictions!'
[CLAN]: Etrigan says, '* explodes *'

Etrigan tells Janna, 'I'm going in the other room.......if a quest happens, you IM me so my computer goes "BEEP" and I hear it and come back to quest :P'
Janna tells Etrigan, 'what if i dont want you to quest ^^'
Janna tells Etrigan, 'so i... accidnetly forget ^^'
Etrigan tells Janna, 'if you accidently forget and I see it, I'll use Elly for it instead'
Janna tells Etrigan, 'okay! will do :P'

Message 31 : Fri Sep 10 (Gabriel) :: Poor poor child
Janna says, 'ive never played any ff :P'
Janna says, 'ive never had a game system ever ^^'

You have been fully healed by Madrigal!
Reboot by Madrigal...
Come back in a minute or two.
Varanus : Is at the point of impending reboot?
(yes that was right after the announcement )

Solberg : Iceguard == !accountant
Iceguard : actually, I've taken a few courses :D
Solberg : here comes 2.enron
Madrigal : yeah, and I've taken courses in hebrew, does that make me jewish?

[CLAN]: Gerrerd has met his end at The Cloister!
[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'I should run out there and laugh at him.'
[CLAN]: Gerrerd says, 'bite me :p'
[CLAN]: Janna says, 'he was brought back to life :P'
[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'Still hilarious.'
[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'Maybe next time you should take a form of 20's to protect you.'
[CLAN]: Gerrerd says, 'bite me skc'
[CLAN]: Skcoddam says, 'Can I?'

You say, 'btw, silvy'
Janna says, 'shen is trini too'
Silvermoon says, 'omg'
Silvermoon tells Shenlong how much she loves him.
Silvermoon says to Shenlong, 'you're my favoritest clannie'

Shenlong snickers softly.

Silvermoon says, 'AFK for somehotk reasons'

Iceguard : kryptic
Kryptic : ummm
Iceguard : SHUT UP
Varanus : pot kettle black
Kryptic Eyebrow
Iceguard : you am stop stealing my expressions please thanks:D
Varanus : I'm so sorry, IG. Let's have makeup sex.
Iceguard : do I get to be on top this time?
Varanus : Sure, why not.
Iceguard : w00t
Schism slowly makes his way to the other side of the continent.

[CLAN]: Wickedlady says, 'hmm where is silv when you need her for girl talk'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'I can pretend!'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'well'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'hmm'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'hold on'
[CLAN]: Wickedlady says, 'uhoh'
[CLAN]: Varanus says, 'let's see if I can get the falsetto again'

Relkin : O M G
Silvermoon : holy crap
Varanus : ROMG
Schism : Is that possible?
Tydeus : yeah....
Tydeus : and im proud :-)
Relkin : I thought not
Relkin : But I was wrong!
Tydeus : but...
Tydeus : going out tomorrow :-)
Iceguard : and he'll probably get lost trying to find his way back.

Janna says, 'go nbls :P'
Janna says 'inconsistancy is our.. consistancy'

Frank prays, 'what is the :P people put after at the end of their gossips'
Reatar responds to Frank, 'similar to a person sticking his tounge out... as in a jovial comment'
Frank prays, 'do they have to go wee wee, is that it?'
Reatar responds to Frank, 'kind of like a na-na-na-na-na'

Janna says, 'i almsot said lollerz???? :D:D:D:D:D on gossip :P'

Janna tells the form, 'phoe its sad how your short spellup is about the same as my regular spellup'

Iceguard auctions 'wanted: a tv channel that's not talking about this gd hurricane'

Iceguard auctions, 'on a related note, ever notice how so many hurricanes are named after women?
Iceguard gossips, 'well, it makes sense'
Iceguard gossips, 'when they arrive they're wild and crazy, and when they leave they take your house and your car'

Kryptic : whats yahoo, free i suppose?

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