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Pretty close - but its up to you if you wanna sign with the right/wrong words hahaha

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Vinegar Stroke, Porcelain Buddah, Lift, Submission, Blunt, Shiver, Make You Feel, Sunken Eyes, Cured, empty days (with animals), 11, Human Ashtray, Primitive, BPL, Goodbye tonight, SFA ...

Vinegar Stroke
Put it down for another vinegar stroke yeah, Another two way line You tried to stab me in the back you know But I just spit in your eye Your mother tries to read me the lies yall,But I don't understand yeah, You had to make her cry and you're gone
Yeah oh
I'm cold to myself
Taken it to far this time ya piece of shit
You try to tell me how much you missed her You want to tell me you rapping ya A 1,2,3, I wanna be just like you I wish I could I wish I could

Porcelain Buddah
Double vision, Trippin on my words Can't shake it off face to the floor Undisguised things that I've never seen before I go down like a deck of fallen cards Like a deck of cards
Freezin', Shakin', Flyin' Oh, relapsing mind Don't spit it out Don't be afraid You'll pull it off
Contorted, distorted It's livin' through me We're livin in a land Of hipocracy Nowhere to run No place to hide My unscarred face Hides my blackened darker side Yeah
Repeat Chorus

No compromise for your control driven nature You shit on me cause you know you can’t take it Another bad lie Another bad feeling Love the feeling - when your feeling sour
You contradict yourself in every second sentence It goes around like a radius circle Another bad lie, Another bad feeling Love the feeling - when your feeling sour
Look in my eyes
Pretend And its time that you knew That I loved you Could you try to pretend?
You always got your head down in the gutter
But you’re try'n to live it down So don’t splutter Prime the vein Don’t restrain 'Cause sharp broken steel can hurt very much
Lift your head up cause you're better than that Lift your head up cause you're better than that Lift your head up cause you're better than that Lift your head up....... No compromise
It's all good It’s all good from here
It's all good It's all good

Your face. is sweet Like mine is cold We'll be devine, and fly I wish I could
I want to feel the same I wish I could I want to feel the same I wish I could.
In space, I sleep Alone and sore But me so blind, I'll try I wish I could
Repeat Chorus
It's all the same It's all the same It's all the same
Your face discreet Like mine is cold. We'll be divine And fly I wish I could
Repeat Chorus

Another finger to be pointed Another voice to be herd Another finger to be pointed for An eye for an eye
And your presence is annoying And you lyric will burn You can never decide For life or suicide
Save yourself from this world Save yourself from this world Save yourself from this world
I'm a prick I'm a looser I'm a low life chooser I live in the undertow Yeah I move the wrong manoeuvre
I wish you could see What's inside my brain I wish you could see What's inside my brain

Everything around me is a negative surrounding
Inside I am drowning away from the land
Everybodys speaking but I am not recieving
the the message of portrayl
into my head
I put the reason to my life
Hoping I can see the light
My heart beats inside
See my hand shake and twist
I'm afraid
Ocean of tranquility
Flowing like a sinistry
I throw myself into the stream its all enough
take a peice of moon tonight
would anybody realise
I worked to how it feels inside
I feel sick

Make You Feel
We've ruined the planet that was once devine
from the dawn of evolution to the end of time
step back and put your finger on the crowd
for the murder of a race.
And thats the way I feel, the way I feel, yeah
Yeah what we done we got to be ashamed of
societys now bits a money and lies
you better watch what you wish from here cos the money and the power can set you blind
The money and the power's gonna set you blind x8

Sunken eyes
They watch the sky with paper eyes
where animals are doomed
I feel lifted with your drug to take
so fill me up till im dead
sunken eyes when its all in sight of pain
hours go by here we stay just at the end
im feeling sick so comfort me
im running out of breathe
ive seen nothing saw everything
feels like im in space
and my heart is sinking low
could you imagine what it would be like to be blind
reconception of a different world and mind
do we want to a world to be one of a kind
fuck conformacy and free ourselves

Last night I talked to you
A waste of my time
But now i know
Im not welcome anymore
She cured my soul with love and cured the cancer
I can't fight you
shes yours sublime i dont
you know the answers
ive had enough of you
so save the lessons
so go cancer go cancer your sublime to fight
I cant fight you
I'l fight you

Empty Day (with animals)
Started life with infants eyes
and your unscathed nothing
the way to act and the way to love and the way to be like others
Just let your mind wonder
You'll thank the day that you know
Story of my life
Feels like suicide
All at once we talk, trying to hear more
Two years gone
and your mind has sunk
into feeling numb like a cancer
You know that he's cut his throat
and will anybody ever know?
Think there nothing left to ignore
there so much left in store

Sick of the fuck ups and all the shit that lingers around on your conscience in an everyday parasite that itch up your skin every night until they scratch the pigment away upon of all the that shit that hangs around till I desensitize myself. I cannot tolerate a single moment of electricity...stay with, stay with me

Human Ashtray
I've got nothing left
It's plain to see
You wanted me for the best in every way
you said my
Heart is sour
It doesn't matter now cos I will die
Without reason
But I blame it all on you
Now that form is dead
Now that form is dead
You got a new communication
And it's bothering me
And you did a phsyco plan till you self defeat
Cos I got no time, can you hold the line
And i just goesin a circle then il go away to die
nothing is for you

Oh back up back up you fool
and let me take you to a time
your state of paranoia's at the end advertised
no, we dont have time for you.
youre hurting someone that doesnt think they need you
Your the primitive
that fell inside that grew
so slow - that grew
so slow - before you kill yourself
Before you kill yourself

When they preach to us we learn
this time there'll be nothing
advertising life they show
to join the party
For every sound there is a curfew
In this life you have to try and be yourself
The only thing they have to say
is follow me and do this
smiling faces all a mask
for lonely