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Curious About the people behind Disengagement? Click here to find out the reason we made the siteAbout Us Learn more about Jason Brown - wether it be hes thoughts in general or the concepts of his music and lyricsInformation OK - So most of the lyrics are guessed...they are relativly close though in some casesLyrics Click here to join the club...its free and intitles you to all accsess of this site, and loads more cool shitJoin Leave Your mark on the website and tell us what you thinkGuestbook Converse with other fansMessageBoard If you're a member enter the competitions page and win cool stuff!Competitions Members only - it's free to join, so if you wanna come in here youl have toMembers Only Don't be in denail any longer buy some cool shitShop Hear the final chemistry of Jasons audioSounds Video clips and live showsVideo Check out the other cool sunk loto sitesLinks Lost? Start back at the begining thenHome Yeah its the view we got of teenysUgh - Teenys

Webmasters: Alex and Bel
Ok, I know what some of you are probably thinking right now. Two girls getting together to do a site about one member of a band. Teenies in love with him. Not a chance. That's exactly the opposite of what we are trying to achieve with this. We wanted a site that would tell people about Jason, his talent, ability and commitment etc. We are both fans of Sunk Loto and are totally sick of the teenies ruining them. We love the music and can appreciate the music rather than lusting after the band members making the music. Nowadays I see more girls at Sunk Loto concerts just there to lust after Jason, than people there because they love his voice. This is exactly what we are trying to stop, or even just make people aware of. To talk about the music alone on a site rather than pointless
facts about looks or whatever. That is precisely why we have no pictures section - if you hear the music enough youl understand why. We like to focus purely on Jase's music.The images you see on the entry page of the site tell us about many of Jasons theorys, even if we have misinterprited them. One of the things we need to see to think so purely is scenes as in the background a peaceful earth - now obviously that couldnt happen...but just to belive that some devine parts of earth are still untouched calms ones mind.