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Gotta Love em

Curious About the people behind Disengagement? Click here to find out the reason we made the siteAbout Us Learn more about Jason Brown - wether it be hes thoughts in general or the concepts of his music and lyricsInformation OK - So most of the lyrics are guessed...they are relativly close though in some casesLyrics Click here to join the club...its free and intitles you to all accsess of this site, and loads more cool shitJoin Leave Your mark on the website and tell us what you thinkGuestbook Converse with other fansMessageBoard If you're a member enter the competitions page and win cool stuff!Competitions Members only - it's free to join, so if you wanna come in here youl have toMembers Only Don't be in denail any longer buy some cool shitShop Hear the final chemistry of Jasons audioSounds Video clips and live showsVideo Check out the other cool sunk loto sitesLinks Lost? Start back at the begining thenHome Yeah its the view we got of teenysUgh - Teenys

"Our aim is basically to spread hard rock music in Australia because there is a lot of pop music out there. I just hate plastic music, it will be there for two weeks and then no one will remember it."
"We just did an interview where one guy tried to tell us the track Submission sounds like Oasis' Wonder wall. That's what he tried to tell us, and I just went, 'Yeah, that's what it is’ It was for one of the girlie magazine things.
"People are surprised when they hear the disc, and they haven't seen pictures or spoken to us."
"We all bought suits for Offshore. they had to be black, none of this "`Boy Nature" white suits with frills. This is Reservoir Dogs, full-on Mafia. No Bardot for us."
"I listen to anything that's good, you know. I don't restrict myself to anything except Top 40."
What do you think of teenies who pretend to like your music when all they like is your looks? "Well, they can just go out and read our story in Dolly and buy our cd