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Open Since: 25, February 02
Version: 2.0
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Yolei Inoue's Biography

Name: Cody Hida
Digimon: Armadillomon and digivolutions
Digi-Eggs: Knowledge, Reliability
D-3: Orange
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Comments: The youngest but the wisest, Cody Hida is a sensitive, curious kid. He lives in the same building as TK and Yolei. Cody practices the art of Kendo, a fighting style with sticks and a mask like fencing. Cody's Digimon is the southern-accented, Armadillomon with his Diamond Shell. He digivolves into Ankylomon and he uses the Megaton Press. He armor digivolves into the Digmon who uses Gold Rush and Submarimon who fires Oxygen Torpedoes, along with DNA Digivolving with Angemon to form Shakkoumon, who shoots the famous Kachina Bombs!

Cody is an emotional boy who lost his father. His father was friends with the evil Oikawa before he died and this brought Oikawa memories when he saw Cody. He's always worried about TK and his attitude towards evil and is sometimes afraid of him, but soon learns of his past experiences with his Digimon and the forces of evil. Cody grows up to be a lawyer and it sure fits him right since he is a very reasonable and yet concerned kid.

Cody Hida
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