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r e f l e c t i o n - takato
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Subject: I'm Still Alive
Date: April 19, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Ah man, it has been way too long since I have last updated. I am soo sorry! I am proud to say even though I haven't updated for awhile it doesn't mean we will close! I just have been busy with version 3.0! It will be up by mid-May hopefully. I will keep up dating from now on even though I am cramped with school work. I really need some staff members who can help me out so I added a Staff Openings page. Check it out if you are interested. I am sorry but there are a few requirements >_<. I just need some reliable staff I can rely on and can make this site go big! Thanks! Quantico logging off.......
Subject: Trigun for PS2
Date: April 2, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Happy belated April Fools! I wawsn't really in the April Fools spirit this year. Well the Trigun thing in not bogus! It's all true! The following is from Anime Pro
"Yea thats right you vash fans (including myself.. ^.^) The humanoid typhoon should be on his way to the Playstation2 sometime in July. RED Entertainment - popularly known as the producer of the "Sakura Wars" series, has been revealed to become a part of the Sega Group.
Sega has announced three titles in which RED Entertainment will be producing. One of those titles include "The Planet Gun Smoke - TRIGUN", based on the manga "Trigun" by Yasuhiro Nightow. The other two aren't that important..Here is a pic from the conference meeting held by RED ent. Click here.
Vash fans get ready! I might get that game myself. And also you may have noticed Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are down. And also I fixed the Forums link. Enjoy! Quantico logging off......
Subject: Enter the Forum
Date: March 27, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
By reading the title, you may think soe stuff has changed around the site but nothing has! But something even better! Well maybe not but we have our Forums up! I've spent awhile working on it and it's been finished for a while but I haven't gotten around to put it up. You can go there by clicking the Forums image above or by clicking here. Please start posting. I may give a prize to the person who first posts at least 700 posts. Please register and start posting!Quantico signing off......
Subject: Season 2 of Big O
Date: March 24, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
The following is from The Anime Dome:
"On the current status of a second planned season of the Big O TV series, last week several Japanese websites picked up on bits of information suggesting a possible run in the U.S. before Japan, these intial reports filtered down to English language websites and to this point stand unconfirmed. Information in an official capacity regarding The second Big O TV series may be forthcoming next week..."
Good news for Big O fans! But the bad news is you probably will have to wait awaile. They say it's supposed to be released in Winter of this year. Or was it next year? Well that's all I got for now. Quantico logging off....
Subject: Digimon Plot Holes Filled and Season 4 Information
Date: March 23, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Toei has finally given us some answers to the plot holes of Season 2. There is also some information on the villian of Season 4. I'll put that information up soon. There is a LONG list of information so I put it on a different page. You can see it here The Frontier info has a SPOILER WARNING, so read at yur own risk. And some of the Season 2 information is not so surprising but Taiora fans, beware! And Takari fans don't be to ticked off when you read this either. But of course she doesn't fall for Davis! Lol. Check it out!
I also added the Gennai Theory. Keep you posted. Quantico signing off......
Subject: Staff Wanted!
Date: March 20, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Anime Extreme needs some staff members! All I'm asking for are 2 news/section updater. Each staff member must be willing to work on 2 Anime sections: 1 already on AE and one that ishopefully to be up soon. Hopefully all of the applicants will not be wanting to work on the same sections because I'm trying to broaden the categories. Also each member must be experienced in HTML and other skills are optional. If you want to apply, email me at Silverbolt53@aol.com. I will be awaiting your applications. Quantico signing off....
Subject: LELOLA is Back!!
Date: March 20, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
That's right! The online Anime resource is up and running. Once again, Anime is at your fingertips! It actually re-opened on St. Patricks Day (March 17) but I only found out yesterday. Good luck Pan-Chan! You can see LELOLA at their new domain, LELOLA.net, here.
Also I put up the Deva, Digivolving, and Evolution Guide pages to the Digimon page. Check it out! And we have our first affiliate, The Digi Port. Check it out! Quantico logging off.......
Subject: Digimon Page Updated
Date: March 16, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Updated the Digimon page! The Season 2 and 3 biographies are up. All the Tamer bios are up but I still need to work on Yamaki and others. Short update. Check the pages out! Quantico logging off.
Subject: Happy Birthday Toonami!
Date: March 16, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Happy 5th B-Day Toonami!! It was actually yesterday so I should have posted it then but all the same! In honor of their birthday, Toonami, instead of showing their regular lineup at their regular time, showed Blue Submarine No. 6 from 4-6.5 on Friday and DBZ aat 6:30. Bet some of you are really ticked! I missed the first 1.5 hours of Blue Sub 6, so it didn't make too much sense. Grrr! Well now I know that Toonami's birthday is March 15, so I'll catch it next year.....hopefully.
And for some Digimon fans, the only Digimon page actually viewable now is the Parental Guide. All the other links just lead back to the main Digimon page. I'm going to have some
profiles up today so check back later.
"Great Action Animation Since 1996"-Toonami
Subject: No Anime on Nicktoons
Date: March 13, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Read the following from ASN:
"The recent announcement by Nickelodeon of the new Nicktoons Digital TV Network has prompted some net speculation regarding it's planned contents. On Friday, ANS spoke with a Nick representitive and confirmed anime programs are not currently in the plans for Nicktoons. Nickelodeon is aiming programming at children with featured animation from their stable of domestic toons such as Ren & Stimpy."
Oh well, that just sucks. Someday....someday we will have a new channel that shows Anime. But that day is most definitely not today. Lol. Well on the brightside I got the awards page up and running ^_^ Check it out! Quantico signing off....
Date: March 7, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Been busy and have been sick. ANN has some news for us. MTV and cartoons?!
"MTV Networks has announced the upcoming launch of Nicktoons TV, a Cartoon only TV station aimed at children. The digital cable station will feature Nickelodeon animation such as Ren & Stimpy and Jimmy Neutron.
At the moment there has been no mention of any Anime being aired on Nicktoons (there is no Anime in the Nickelodean library), however given the growing popularity of Anime in North America, there is a reasonable chance that MTV will look to Anime for a portion of the 24 hours of Animation that Nicktoons will feature every day."
Hope some Anime is going to be shown. Keep you posted. Quantico signing off....
Date: March 2, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Anime Extreme has a Site of the Month and our March winner is
Dragonball Z Black Star Fusion
Congratulations! You can also check out the SOTM page
Check them both out!
When I was surfing through channels and I came across an ABC Family ad. It said that X-Men, Spiderman, Medabots, and of course Power Rangers and Digimon will air weekdays. Exceellent! Gotta catch some more of the shows. Quantico signing off........
Subject: Tenchi is Here!
Date: February 28, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Happy last day of February!! Lol. Actually I have a friend of mine who's birthday is on a Leap Year so he is technically only 4 years old! Feel sorry for him.... *Hits head* Okay lets get back on topic. I have added the Tenchi section today! Some more to see....just not too much more. I don't have anything viewable on there yet but I am almost done with the Character Profiles. After that I need to finish up my episode summaries. Lots to do. Well gotta go! Quantico signing off......
Subject: ImageFolio is Coming....
Date: February 27, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Anime Extreme doesn't have any Images yet because they are going to be hosted on Image Folio. A friend of mine has offered hosting on his Image Folio so the galleries should be up soon. 'Til then I'm signing off.......
Subject: Theatrical Gundam Release
Date: February 27, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
A Gundam movie is probably going to be released in North America! Yippe! Heres what
"The topic of theatrical presentations came up in a recent discussion with Jerry Chu, "Escaflowne isn't the last movie we're doing this year," suggested the Bandai Rep. He wouldn't however divulge the exact details on which film was next and when it would be coming out, other than to say "Gundam."
Don't you just hate it when people don't give you all the fact?!! Well at least we know that a Gundam movie is coming but we don't know which one. *grubmbles* I'll keep you posted. Quantico signing off......
Subject: Digimon on ABC Family
Date: February 26, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Yup! Digimon is moving to ABC Family. Starting March 4 from 7-7:30 (I think) Digimon will air on ABC Family, followed by the Power Rangers series! *Groans* I'm going to miss it. I HATE SCHOOL!!! Oh well. On a brighter note, Foxkids will still show Digimon though. Season 1 and season 2 will air on ABC Family so that means Foxkids will finish up season 3. This is actually pretty old news but some people were confused so I thought I ought to clear it up for them. Quantico signing of.....
Subject: Medabots Battle Stadium
Date: February 25, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Second update of the day! I'm working on the Battle Stadium, trying to get it up and running. It was just so popular that people were still sending forms when I told them not too. So now I'm trying to get it up. And just a small thing. I'm still trying to think up a way to make live robattles. So if anyone has any ideas on how to please email me! And if anyone has an idea worthy of being used, you will recieve a special Medabot if you choose to sign up! Quantico signing off......
Subject: We're Back!!
Date: February 25, 2002
Posted by: Quantico
Anime Extreme is back!!! Finally after months and months of moving, AE is finally back!! Now we can continue our goal of being the #1 Anime site on the web! And for those of you who are wondering, i'm Xtreme from the old AE. Just a small name change. A lot is viewable now. Quantico signing off......