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Digivolving is the ability that allows Digimon to transform into a new stage. There are special Digivolution abilities. The Digivice is a device that helps speed up the Digigolving process.

Digivolving- This is normal Digivolving that allows you to go to Rookie, Champion, etc.

Warp Digivolving- Warp Digivolving is where the Digimon skips a few stages to reach a higher stage.

Armor Digivolving- Only special Digimon can Armor Digivolve. Armor Digivolving requires Digi-Eggs and when "Digi-Armor Energize" is said, the Digimon may succesfully Armor Digivolve.

DNA Digivolving- DNA Digivolving requires 2 Digimon. When the 2 Digimon genetically fuse together a DNA Digivolution has taken place.

Mega Digivolving- Mega Digivolving is where an Ultimate Digimon digivolves into their Mega stage.

Matrix Digivolution- Matrix Digivolving is another way to digivolve into Ultimate. Used in Season 3.

Bio-Merge- Bio-Merging is when the Tamer fuses with their Digimon, usually resulting in a Mega level Digimon.

Mode Change- A Digimon may have several modes such as Fighter, Crimson, Blast, etc. Most modes are helpful and most of the time changes the appearance of the Digimon

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