







A Sean Kramer film.



Master Script










Microsoft Word version




Sean Kramer





12829 Shady Oak Boulevard

Garfield Heights, Ohio



FAde In:   

1.   Ext                  Therapists parking lot                                                      day     1.

riler has to see a psychologist for his anger problem

Rob Riler is pulling into a crumbling office building and he is irritated and does not want to go.




I can’t take all of these problems.  Maybe seeing this shrink will help me get better.

Rob gets out of the car and realizes that the therapists office is in a bad area, and is located next to a fast cash and whitecastle.




What the hell kind of place is this?  You’ve got the white castle… then you have the fast cash.  And a anger specialist. Makes sense.

2.   int                   Therapists oFFICE                                                   day     2.


Riler enters the office building waiting room.




This place smells like old bananas and gym socks.

He looks in one corner and sees old gym socks and he gags.  He then hits the service bell.


(distant voice coming behind office door)


Rob?!  Come on in.

Riler enters the therapists office.  The doctor has glasses, a band-aid under his eye, and an old shirt on.


(somewhat cheerful, yet sarcastic)


I’ve been looking forward to talking to you Rob.

Dr. Anger then adds his special sideways eye stare neurotic impulse



(definitely does not want to be here)


Yeah, ditto.



That shirt looks familiar

dr. anger


This old thing.  I’ve had this one for awhile.  It’s vintage.

Dr. Anger does the sideways stare.



(awkward pause)


Look.  I’m only here because I have to be here. I’ve got a lot of problems that just built up and I exploded.


dr. anger


Well, that’s what I am here for.  You got a little something I like to call… an anger problem. We’ll talk this through and you’ll be singing before you know it.

Dr. Anger does the sideways stare.  Rob sits back and his chair and is visibly retracing his mind.


(looking back and getting irritated as thinking)


Well, not one thing has went right for me lately.  My wife kicked me out of the house, I got fired from my job, and I went crazy at the college bookstore.   I’ve got nothing left.

dr. anger



Let’s just work our way through what happened one at a time.  Tell me about what happened with your wife.

Dr. Anger does his sideways stare and Riler unnecessarily fake smiles.


3. int                      riler’s home                                                 day     3.

His home is visibly an angry place. riler’s wife is throwing around things and tells him to leave.



I can’t stand you.  This is the last straw.  Get out of the house.  I can’t take your anger problem anymore.

Cut to Riler on the receiving end, staring off into space.



We used to be happy.  Really we did.  She just gets on my nerves now.  Its her damn fault though.


4. int                      riler’s home OFFICE                                    day     4.


Riler is looking through the mail and placing bills in envelopes.



It all started with the bill situation.  You see, I would set up all the bills and then my wife

Show the wife putting checks in envelopes


Balances the checkbook and writes checks out to our bills.

Close up of her inserting the checks over the address window in the envelopes


She really screwed up though.  You see, if you cover up the address window the mail man can’t help you.

Cut to getting late letters in the mail, and then blowing up at his wife.


What the hell are these?  All our bills got sent back to us.

Yeah, each one of them sent us a late fee.



Oh, my bad.

She feels bad, but smiles because Riler is over-reacting.


Your bad?  You’re damn right your bad.  This bad cost us almost 300 dollars.  I don’t make that much money as a bathroom attendant.




Watch your attitude.  It was a mistake.


Watch this.

Riler picks up a figurine and smashes it against the wall.



That wasn’t a mistake.



That precious moment meant a lot to me.  I hate you Rob.


5. int                      riler’s home                                                 day     5.

Riler was bundling away clothes to give to the poor and his wife caught that he didn’t wash them.


Then there was the time I was getting rid of my old clothes.


What are you doing?



I’m putting clothes together for the poor.



You’re going to wash those, right?



No.  I don’t have time to.

Riler drops a set of clothes he was putting away in a bowl of cheese dip because he wasn’t looking.



That’s horrible.  The poor people who can’t afford these clothes.  You think they have a washer.  No.  They’re going around smelling like old cheese now.

Riler visibly does not care.


I don’t care.  I don’t care about you or these people.  I hope they smell like rotten cheese.

Cut back to the same scene (3) of his wife kicking him out.

Riler’s wife starts throwing his clothes and other personal belongings out the door.


I can’t stand you.  This is the last straw.  Get out of the house.  I can’t take your anger problem anymore.


6. ext                    outside of riler’s home                                                     day     6.

dissolve to riler and his bags on the front porch




(sighs)…So she kicked me out.


7. int                      therapist office                                                      day     7.



dr. anger

So how did that make you feel?

Impulsive side stare. Riler cringes back at him)


      (Visibly irritated)

It made me feel bad.  What do you mean?  This already is not helping.  You’re making me angrier.


Dr. anger

So keep going.  You were fired from your job, huh.  Tell me about what happened there.



      (VO takes a breath)
So I’m..


8. int                      hotel bathroom                                          day     8.

Riler and denny are in the bathroom talking to one another.

Denny is on the toilet eating a meatball sandwich and Riler is standing next to the sink with his supplies.


…a bathroom attendant, right?


Dr. anger




Seriously, I am. It wasn’t that great of a job.



You know what they need in these bathrooms?

Riler looks at him.  Denny takes a bite of his sandwich and a meatball falls on the floor.


Internet hook-ups.  Coffee shops did that and they went great.  Hook-ups in the stalls.  Yeah, cyber bathrooms- that would be great.


The main draw of a restaurant is not the bathroom.  I don’t think the managers want them to spend the majority of the time in the stalls.

Riler is visibly irritated.  Denny picks up the meatball and puts it back on the sandwich and eats it.  Riler sees it and his face is disgusted.


I’m going to gag.



So what’s that sign on the urinal all about.

Show sign that says “please flush the urinal or leave a tip.”



DISSOLVE to a time earlier in the bathroom with Denny not there.


Yeah, this guy would always come in and he wouldn’t flush the toilet.

Guy shown at urinal.  Then leaves.  Riler tries to stop him.


You didn’t wash your hands.  And flush the urinal when you are done.

The guy just shakes his head and goes ahead.



DISSOLVE to another earlier time with a situation with the urinal guy.  This time Riler stopped him by shoot him with a squirt gun that had soap in it.


Where you going?  You should wash your hands you know.


He squirts the guys right in the head.

urinal guy

What the hell you doing?



It’s just soap water.  I’m your friendly bathroom attendant.  And if you want to impress your big date, let me wash your hands.  They’ll smell so fresh she can’t wait.

The man awkwardly comes over and Riler gives him his fake smile.  Riler then continues to wash his hands.  Denny’s face is disgusted and the guy leaves disgusted.


See that wasn’t so bad.

DISSOLVE back to the present time and the same guy comes in to use the urinal.  He notices the sign and a series of close ups of faces are shown as it is inferred that he is urinating on the sign.  The guy then leaves without washing his hands.


That guy totally urinated on your sign.

Riler is shocked.


He did.  I wish I could tell Spugly to make this stop from happening but I know he doesn’t care.

Denny is confused


Who’s Spugly.



The big guy, our manager.  Spuggs.  I call him Spugly because he always has parsley on his teeth.



Oh yeah.  That’s disgusting.  He’s always talking to guests like that.



Yeah he read some Redbook about something called the parsley diet.  He thinks he’s losing all this weight with it.



                  (VO irritated)
My friend Denny is a character.  Speaking of which, he should be the one seeing a counselor.


9. int                      grocery store u-scan                                                       day     9.


As Riler is talking about Denny it shows him waiting for line at the grocery store to self scan his groceries at the U-scan.


                  (VO irritated)
 That guy has a lot more problems than me.  He should be the one here.

Denny is shown frustrated waiting in line. In front of him at the check outs are some lady trying to scan the avocado (not understanding how it works) some old guy who doesn’t understand how computers work, a credit card that isn’t working, and someone who forgot an item.


                  (VO irritated)
I am tired of waiting.  Who’s going to win.  I’m going with the guy that time forgot.  This is like watching a handicapped horse race.


10. int                    Therapist office                                                      day     10.


The therapist is trying to get back on track.


dr. anger

So, anyways, what happened with the job.



Back to that.



11. int                    dining room                                                              day     11.


The urinal guy goes up to Spugly and tells him what is going on.


                  (VO irritated)
Yeah, so this guy tells on me.

Spuggs is talking to an employee and the urinal guy stops him and asks him if he could have a chat.

urinal guy

Pardon me, are you the manager?

Spuggs turns around, smiles with the parsly in his teeth.  The urinal guy takes a reaction shot of disgust from all the parsley on Spuggs’ teeth.


Yes I am. How may I help you?!

Spuggs makes an impulsive nose squint and the guy gets more worked up.

urinal guy

You have to do something about your bathroom attendant.  I think I’m going to stop coming here just because of how awkward he makes me feel.



What do you mean?


urinal guy

I’d rather stain my pants than use your restroom.

Spuggs does another nose squint.


The guy forced me to wash my hands, tried to force me to flush the toilet, and then shot me with a squirt gun with soap.



Is that right.


urinal guy

And on top of it, he’s smiling the whole time.

The guy gets more worked up, and Spuggs parsley smiles and nose squints.


Well, I’m very sorry about this sir.



That’s not all.  He’s always trying to give me and people dating advice.  Like I’m going to listen to a guy who’s a bathroom attendant.  I’m sure he’s a real success with the ladies.  The closest he ever got to a breast is when he bought a chicken fillet at Wendy’s.




Well, you’re not the first complaint of this kind. Someone complained last week that he was picking lint off their shirt. He’s gone.  Thank you for letting me know what is going on.


Urinal guy

No. thank you.


12. int                    Spuggs’ office                                                         day     12.


Riler comes into Spuggs office to get fired.


So I was walking in the office, and I got a sick feeling in my stomach.

Spuggs smiles with parsley


It was definitely the parsley on his teeth making me sick.

Spuggs nose squints.


I’m not beating around the bush.  You’re fired.  Take your dollar store toiletaries and go.

Riler gets upset.


What did I do?  I am a good bathroom attendant.  I even wash people’s hands for them.

Spuggs nose squints


That’s just the problem, I’ve had complaints about you washing peoples hands.  That’s not the only thing either.  You put a sign in to flush and are squirting people with soap filled water…  And don’t make me bring up the lint incident.



                  (All riled up)
I was helping the guy.

Spuggs eyes narrow.


Help me out, and never come back again.


13. int                    therapist office                                                      day     13.



dr. anger

So that’s how you got fired.  This is good you get to talk to somebody.



For who, I don’t feel any better.


dr. Anger

Go on, what happened at the bookstore?



14. int                    bookstore                                                                day     14.


      The college bookstore has some students in it-  part of which are the ones that “hang out” there.  It if full of over-priced textbooks, stale candy, self help books, and clothing.  People are in line paying for things at the cashier. Rob Riler walks into the scene with his friend, Denny, and a lunchbox in his hand.  He has to get a textbook so he can copy all of the pages. The bookstore has its regulars with Gilbert with a gerbil in his pocket talking to his nerd friends.



I hate going to that bookstore.  The books are overpriced, the candy is stale, and I always have problems at the check out.

Riler and Denny are walking looking for a book.


145 bucks for a book.  Come on now.  Like I’ll even read it.  I know how to beat the system though.



                  (looks like he will add something insightful)

I don’t think I ever read a book.

Riler makes a crooked smile and then looks at Denny.





      (shakes his head as he responds)
Not even Curious George?

Denny scratches his eyeball.


      (casually responds)

Denny scratches his eyeball.


      (confused and searching)
Dr. Seuss?

Denny is still scratching his eyeball.


Not enough pictures..



Not even Where’s Waldo?

Denny starts scratching his eye again.



Couldn’t find him.  Besides, not enough pop-ups.


Pan over to Gilbert trying to impress girls with the hamster he smuggled in. He’s trying to impress girls with it.


Gilbert Janks.  That kid was always hanging out at the bookstore.  He always thought he could pick up chicks there.  I wonder what that kid is doing right now.

15. int                    gilbert’s house                                                       day     15.


Start with a horrible nerdy picture on the wall and the camera moves up the stairs with pictures all looking the same.  We go to Gilbert’s bedroom where he is staring at the wall.  His brother, Hank comes in to tell him he got a girl to come over


Hey I got that Jilly girl to come over.  And that girls likes everybody.

Gilbert smiles and lets out a slow nasal gasp.


That’s great.

Doorbell rings and Jilly comes in and up to Gilbert’s room.


Hey,you want to see my photo collection.

Jilly really doesn’t.  She wants to make out.


That would be great Gilbert.

Gilbert shows her a horrible collection of pictures all looking the same and then offers to do a robot dance for her.


You want to see my robot dance.  I’ve been working on it forever.



Sort of.

Gilbert does a shaky robot dance and Hank barges in.  He asks Gilbert if he wants to go to the store.


Gilbert! You want to go to the store.



I am out of orange soda.  Do you mind Jilly.



Whatever.  Maybe your dad will come home early.

16. int                    grocery store                                                        day     16.


Ambient noises of the U-scan sounds are heard and it shows Denny is still waiting in line and mumbling to himself as it close ups on the avocado lady.

Avocado Lady

How’a come this ‘ting not scanning

She keeps putting it through and there is no sound.  It then shows Denny pulling on his hair.


Hey lady, what are you doing?

She looks at him puzzled

avocado lady

This ‘ting not scanning.



Well for one thing, there is no UPC code on those things. I think that’s like a health violation.  Second, you see that chart right in front of your eyes


Avocado lady




You find it on that list there, and type the number.

Then focuses on Denny irritated in line.


Yeah… real difficult. (trails off) Where do these people come from.

17. int                    grocery store parking lot                                 day     17.


Hank and Gilbert arrive the store.  Hank tells Gilbert to stay seated in the backseat.  They got food on the way and Gilbert is eating it.  Gilbert climbs to the front once he leaves and acts like he is driving.


I’ll do whatever I feel like.

Gilbert takes a bite of food and puts his hands on the wheel.


18. int                    therapist office                                                      day     18.


Dr. Anger

Getting back to the incident.



Oh, yeah.


19. int                    bookstore                                                                day     19.


Riler and Denny and walking to get the book.  Riler finds the microbiology book.


Riler is getting visibly irritated.  Not because Denny hasn’t read a book, but because he keeps scratching his eyeball. They continue to walk to line. Denny continues to scratch his eyeball.


Would you stop doing that.



Doing what?

They get in line and are waiting.


Scratching your eyeball.  It’s annoying me.

Purchases the book.


Oh, I think its like a nervous tick.  I don’t know why I started doing it.

They start walking toward the exit.


What do you have to be nervous about.

Riler then gets interrupted by the security guard who is Dr. Anger.

Dr. Anger (as guard)

Excuse me.  Did you purchase that lunch box.

Riler doesn’t understand, but is getting irritated.


Yeah, like 3 years ago.

Riler starts moving toward the exit, but the guard won’t let him.

dr. anger

I’m going to have to confiscate the box.

Riler pushes the guard back.  Denny smiles.


No, you’re not.  I have my lunch in there.

Riler opens it up.




Dr. anger

How do I know you just didn’t put that lunch in there?



You’d know if you were doing your job.


dr. anger

Don’t get lippy with me boy.  I’m gonna have to take you down to my booth and write you up.



Look rent-a-cop, I’m having a bad day.  You’re going to have to rent another cop if you expect to be moving me anywhere.

Dr. Anger goes to grab Riler’s arm and Riler thinks he’s going to hit him.  Riler then cocks his arm back and hits Dr. Anger in the eye.  The guard immediately goes down.  Riler and Denny look at each other and realize what he just did.  Everyone stops what they are doing and stares.  Riler and Denny start running, but a couple of other guards tackle Riler and drag him off.  Denny runs away.


20. int                    court                                                                         day     20.

Riler is handed his punishment of having to see an anger specialist.


You hit an enforcement officer, which is a serious offense.

Show Rilers face smirking.


Since you don’t have a previous record, I’m not going to put it on your record.  However, you do have to see an anger specialist for at least one session, until they tell me you are better.



Thank you.


21. int                    therapist office                                                      day     21.


Riler finds out the therapist is a quack.

dr. anger

So how does it feel to talk about what’s going wrong. 



All right I guess.  Am I going to need to go to more sessions.


dr. anger

I think a few more would be good.

Riler looks angry.


Hey, where did you get that shirt.


Dr. anger

At the shirt store.  You know.



Yeah I do know.  I know it used to be mine.  That stain.  Does it smell like cheese.  It should.  I dropped it in cheese and didn’t wash it.  Now I recognize you.  How come there is no diploma on the wall.


dr. anger

Because… I don’t have one.



You are worthless.  What kind of sham is this.  You’re the rent-a-cop.  I’m going to punch out your other eye.


Dr. anger


Please...  Look… I knew the judge and I thought it would be a good revenge to give you bad advice for anger management and make money for it in the process.



Didn’t you think that I’d figure out who you are you quack?


dr. anger

Do I look like a smart guy?

Riler’s face looks at him in disagreement.


All right then.  I won’t charge you, and I think I know a way for you to feel better.  Make revenge onto your old job.



      (calming down)
Well, I was planning on meeting Denny to eat there.


Dr. Anger

      (Very nicely and eager)
Well maybe I could help you out  with the revenge.



      (Cooled down)
I would like to get that place back.  It sounds like a good idea.  I want to punch Spuggly in his parsley’ed teeth.


dr. anger

Let’s cool it down with the punching things.  Let’s just ruin some of their business.



All right.

Dr. Anger picks up his ratty coat and they leave together




22. int                    grocery store parking lot                                 day     22.


Gilbert acts like he is driving the car while eating his food while it is parked.



Vroooooooom… Don’t make me accelerate.  I’ve got turbo boosters, a power up and a banana peel. You’re toast. 


Turns the wheel sharply to the left with a fry in his mouth.


He then notices there is dog in the passenger seat of the car to his left.  The dog is intently watching him- not because he looks like an idiot, but because he has food.  The dog is staring.


(smiles with a nasal gasp)
I bet that dog wants some food.

Takes a big bite of the fry in front of the window.  The dog then goes nuts.


23. int                    grocery store                                                        day     23.


Focus is on Hank on the background walking in the store, and then changes to Denny getting angrier and waiting.  Then move to a close up of the old guy in the U-scan line.  The old man does not know that it is touch screen and he keeps trying to hit buttons for the credit card.  There is also Hank behind Denny that he is wearing a fur coat.

Old guy 1

      (Visibly frustrated)
Golly, where is that keyboard. I just used it the other day and its not here.

Move back to Denny getting frustrated.  Then audibly hear..


What do you think

Change focus to Man #1 in line


about guys who wear fur coats?

Change focus to Denny’s reaction shot and look over.  He interrupts


They shouldn’t.

Change focus to show Man #1 with an ashamed look.

24. int                    grocery store parking lot                     day     24.

Gilbert antagonizes the dog more.

Gilbert smashes a fry up against the window and starts laughing nasally.  The dog then goes crazy running around the car next to him


      (Dying of laughter)
That stupid dog thinks he is going to get the food.

It shows the dog at the window licking its lips.  He then gets out of the car and starts making stupid faces at the dog.


(muffled barks)



      (Laughs hysterically)




25. int                    grocery store                                                        day     25.

Denny gets a spot at  the U-scan.

Denny is at the scanner and starts scanning a bunch of junk food.  He then pick up a tomato and then looks at the list to find its ringing number.  His finger rolls down the fruit category and he notices that it is not there.  Denny then calls the clerks working the U-Scan over.


      (Bothered and point to the list)
I can’t seem to find tomatoes.

Clerk walks over and then looks at the list.


      (Perturbed and smirking)
There it is, right under vegetables.

Denny lights up with fire


What do you mean it’s under vegetables.
Any idiot knows that the tomato is a fruit.



      (Surprised and short)
Excuse me.



      (Starts a furious rant)
You’d think that a grocery store
      (Yells next line)
The hallmark of produce goods
      (Stops yelling, but still furious)
would know how to correctly categorize a tomato.

Looks deep into the eyes of the clerk with pure loathing.


      (Slower as if a threat)
What kind of place do you run here.

The clerk doesn’t know what just happened.


I just work the U-scan. 
Look twitch, go freak out on somebody else.


26. int                    grocery store parking lot                                 day     26.

Gilbert and denny- the confrontation

Gilbert antagonizes the dog more by licking a fry right in front of the window where the dog is.  His cheeks are smashed against the window.  The dog’s muffled barking gets louder.  Denny then comes out and finds what he is doing and then threatens Gilbert.




      (FURIOUS and yelling)
What the hell are you doing

Gilbert notices its Denny’s car and he runs in the car and starts looking for the keys.


This guys going to kill me
      (nasal gasp)
Golly, I don’t have the keys.

Denny is approaching closer and throws his groceries down.


      (muffled because behind the window)
What is wrong with you Poindexter?!
      (louder, but still muffled)
Roll down your window right now.

Gilbert rolls down the window.


      (very apologetic)
Dude… I’m sorry.  I’m sorry.

Gilbert shies away and only looks at him at the corner of his eye.


      (Calms down a bit, but still yelling)
You’re not worth it.

denny then shakes his head and walks to his car.  He opens up the car door finds the dog has urinated all over his car from the excitement.  THen show a close up shot of the dog smiling.  Denny gets out of the car and closes the door and storms over to hank’s car.

and is ready to hit Gilbert.  Hank then stops it from happening and then offers to take him out to dinner.




      (Beyond furious)
Get out of your car right now.  I’m going to punch your goober face in.  My dog urinated all over my car because of you!

The window is still open and Gilbert frantically tries to roll it up.


      (to himself)
Oh my god.

Gilbert doesn’t get the window up in time and Denny starts yanking Gilbert’s arm out the window.


Get out.


Yanks two more times.


Get out.

Gilbert then opens the door with his free hand and then falls out of the car.


(Calm and scary)
Not so funny now… is it?



      (searching and then shoots back)
Its your stupid dogs fault anyways.  He thought he was actually going to get the food…  Dumb dog.



Is that right wise guy?
      (Yells out)
It’s go time.



      (Very nerdy)
Its you who’s going.  I’ve been practicing my moves from Star Wars… and you will vanish.

They both run in at each other.  Just as they get within feet away from hitting each other Hank is heard in the background.


Stop!  Stop!  Cut that out right now.

Both Gilbert and Denny stop and don’t know what to do.


Look, he doesn’t know what he’s doing.  My brother’s a little slow.  Can we settle this without fighting?



Your brother made my dog urinate all over the car.



Look man, do you think beating up a antisocial nerd who’s best friend is a gerbil will make you feel better?

Denny shakes his head and lets out a sigh.



Let me buy you a drink.



I need one.  This has been a horrible day.  In fact, I’m meeting my friend at a restaurant.  I guess you guys can just come along.  Just follow me there.

The get into their respective cars.


27. int                    dining room                                                              day     27.

the meeting

Denny and Dr. Anger are talking about get rich quick ideas.  In this instance they are talking about butt rap songs.  Hank, Denny and Gilbert enter and Hank sees Riler the smiler- he hates this guy.


It’s the smiler.  I hate this guy.  I’m not sitting with this guy.



Why did you bring this bozo here?



Because I’m a real customer.



Look moron, you got me fired.



Ooh, poor baby.

Denny gives Hank a stare of death. Hank cools down.


      (apologetic yet sarcastic)
I guess that was uncalled for.  I’ll buy you a drink.

Dr. Anger greets Denny.


Hey, Denny.  I heard some things about you.  We were just talking about money making ideas.



Yeah, aren’t you the security guard?  Does this idea involve getting a better job?

Dr. Anger visibly looks upset and says nothing.


      (changing pace)
Yeah, I’ve got some ideas, too.






      (excited and neurotic)
Cyber bathrooms!  Bathrooms with internet hookups in the stall.

Anger and Riler shake their heads.


Yeah, you can take a 2 while checking what’s new.  That’s actually the slogan.



      (nasal gasp)
That’s stupid.



So where’s the money?



      (cuts in)
There isn’t any.

Denny looks frustrated


So what’s your idea, smart guy?



So you know all those rap songs- they’re like instant money.






All you do is loop a couple of drum tracks, add stupid sound effects and rap about big butts.




Oh, yeah.  Big Butts!



See what I mean.



Yeah, the only time you can make fun of big butts are in rap songs.



It’s like a big girl anthem.



Big butts united.



Riler, this is the dumbest idea you’ve had since you tried to copyright the word “the.”



And if it weren’t for those bastards at the U.S. copyright office I would have made millions.




The waiter comes over to the table.


How’s everybody doing?!



About damn time.



Excuse me?



Sorry about my friend there.  I used to work here.  Is Spuggs here tonight?



      (looks at him seriously)
You don’t know?



Know what?



Spuggs died.

Riler and Denny are surprised and speechless


Yeah, that parsley diet killed him.  I guess the news said this new diet has killed more people than the water craze of ’87.



Woah.  That’s crazy.



I like parsley,  I don’t know why.

Table gets silent.


Anyways, what can I get you to drink?



Piña colada, extra whipped cream.

Everyone gets silent and looks away from him like they don’t know him.


What?!  They’re delicious.  Besides, Hank’s treating me.  Can I also get some hot wings for an appetizer.

DISSOLVE to a big plop of whipped cream on the pina, close up.  Waiter brings it to the table.


That’s a girl drink.  Where’s your purse, Jenny?



Shut up!  At least I don’t make complete strangers dogs piss in their car.



Oh, come on.  It was funny.



Actually, it wasn’t.



Let’s not get out of hand here.  I want to talk about revenge.



Revenge… on what?!



The hotel…



Why would I revenge the hotel?



That’s the beauty of revenge.  It doesn’t always matter who you do it to- others people’s misery just makes you feel better.  (laughs)



      (laughs while talking)
Yeah just the other day I took out all of the toilet paper and paper products out of the restroom.



That must of have been a pleasant surprise.



Anyways, since this place fired Riler and he is down on his luck, let’s get it back.



      (does the smile)
How will we do that?



We’ll just create a scene and make all their business leave.



Speaking of creating a scene, I’m going to make a huge one if I don’t get my wings.



Calm down man.




Here we go.



      (looks around both ways and yells)
That’s it, I’m going to get my wings myself.

Denny walks into the kitchen


      (to Riler)

Your friend is crazy.

28. int                    Holiday inn kitchen                                     day     28.

Denny and the kitchen

The scene is unscripted.  Basically, Denny surprises the cooking line by coming back there and creating a scene without them knowing ahead of time.  He  demands to get his wings.


      (A sampling of possible lines to prepare)

Where the hell are my wings?

No, I’m not going to calm down.

I’ll come back here if I feel like it.

What do you mean you didn’t get an order?

I want you to make them right now.

I don’t care if you’re not the fry cook.

You don’t look like a manager. 


Since when did you guys start staffing with Wal-mart rejects.

29. int                    dining room                                                              day     29.

chaos erupts

Since Denny goes back to the kitchen Riler starts to erupt and he and Dr. Anger get Hank and Gilbert to create a huge scene.  Other people are eating right by the table.


I hate this place.  Let’s do what we do best.



I don’t know if this place is good for robot dancing.



No, you idiot-  Cause misery.  Riler you get the computer system, I’ll piss off all the kids. 


Riler gets up and goes over to a computer.


Gilbert, irritate the older ladies and Hank.. I don’t know-

Close up of Anger’s eyes


Create chaos.

Dr. Anger goes over the next table and steals kid #1’s crayons.


Yeah, take that.  Coloring isn’t so easy without crayons.

The kid starts crying.

mother 1

What the hell are you doing?



Making your child cry. (laughs) hahahahaha.

The gerbil in Gilbert’s pocket gets scared and runs out of it.  He starts chasing after it and women start screaming from the gerbil on the floor.


Get back here…  Get back.


Lady one

This place has rats.

Gilbert continues following the gerbil past lady one and it passes a second lady.

Lady two

(Screams out loud)

Cut to Riler unplugging the computer system.  The waitstaff starts complaining in the back and the table’s waiter can be seen in the back.  Children can be heard crying in the background and women are screaming.


What the hell is going on.  The whole computer system is down.

Hank is still sitting at the table and is unsure of what to do.  He looks to one side and sees some lady holding on her purse disgusted and to his other and sees a child crying.  He shakes his head, gets up, furrows his brow, and just goes up to people obnoxiously yelling.  He goes up to a man in the closest table who is unreactive as of yet and then he screams right in his face.




Old man gets startled.  And falls back into his seat.

old man 2

What the hell?!  I just got a new pacemaker.


Hank then goes up to child 1 and screams in its face.



The child starts crying even louder.

Mother 1

That’s it.  I’m leaving.  I can’t believe what has happened to society.

People start leaving the restaurant and Dr. Anger can be seen stomping on all the crayons that he had stolen.  The children are calling out for their crayons as they are leaving.

manager 2

      (to Riler and Anger)

Get out of here. What’s wrong with you people?

The manager then walks up to the front of the restaurant trying to get customers to come back into the restaurant.

manager 2

      (calling out apologetically)
I don’t know what has happened.  Please come back.

Turns to the side and talks to him/herself.


I just got this job.  I’m going to get fired.

Then show Riler’s face smiling.


30. ext                   Outside of dining room                                          day     30.

Conclusive vengeance

As Riler does a voice over, it shows the last few customers leaving the restaurant, shaking their heads.  The new manager can be seen putting a sign up on the door that says “temporarily closed for business”.

Mother 2

I knew we should have went to McDonald’s.


child 2

I hate this place.  It smells.

As they are leaving the audio can barely be heard and the manager is coming out of the door and trying to talk to them as the mother and child are walking away.  The manager walks back to the door hanging his/her head and then posts up a sign on a piece of paper stating, “temporarily closed for business.”  As it just focuses on the door, Riler is speaking.


That was one of the greatest days of my life.  Sure, it didn’t solve anything.  It didn’t get my wife back or even my job. In fact, all I got out of it was a couple of misdemeanor convictions.  But they were worth it.  I felt alive.  Lets face it, life as a bathroom attendant is horrible.  I probably didn’t even notice it, but I eventually smelled like one of those urinal cakes.  This only meant for new beginnings.  So maybe ruining some of the business at my old job wasn’t a great idea.  Sometimes, when you’re down on your luck, though, the only thing that can get you out… is passing the misery along.


FAde Out:

The End

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Kramertime is written and originally produced by Sean Kramer.  He retains © copyright to all of the creative content provided.  Of course, that would be open to interpretation, assuming it were creative.  Anyhow, I hope you enjoy a slice of my sick little mind.



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