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* * * A WISH FOR YOU * * *

One day when my prayers are answered

And all of my wishes come true

You will awaken to find the world a new place

Is reaching out to you

The sunshine will serve to remind you

There is great warmth in God's love

And the raindrops falling on an angry earth

Are a cleansing from above

The branches of the trees do wave

Bidding you a prosperous 'Good Day'

The birds will sing your favorite tune

And make you happy all the way

There is joy in every rainbow

And in flowers with essence sweet

Even the waves that lap at the shores

Are the oceans bowing at your feet

The twinkling stars are smiling for you

Shining their light on your nighttime place

The breezes you feel are the angels

As they caress your gentle face

Sometimes life's road is angry

Sometimes it doesnt care

Yet when you look through the eyes of God

There is comfort everywhere

COPYRIGHT1999 by Lonewolf

My Dad - A Legacy of Love

The Spirit of PopPop

Lonewolf and the Ladyhawk


Heartaches Are Healed by the Sea


A New Heart

Happy Heart


