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There is an rich variety of activities going on in the Shire of Oldenfeld. These activities are divided into four catagories within the Society of Creative Anachronism: combat arts, the arts and sciences, service and organizational, and social and relational organizations. All four can be found going on in Oldenfeld. Activities which exist in the Society are listed under the catagory that best supports the activity.

One major group or unit from each of the four catagories is featured here as well. In truth, there is far more going on than I can put in the web page and ever hope to be finished. As with many web pages, keep coming back to see what's changed and what's new.

Combat Arts Arts and Sciences
List of Activities Lions of
List of Activities The Oldenfeld Ensemble
Service and Organizational Social and Relational
List of Activities Oldenfeld
List of Activities

Combat Arts Activities

Armouring Bow Making Chain Mail
Combat Archery Fencing Heavy Combat
Leather Working Metal Working Target Archery
Throwing Weapons Tool Making Weapon Smithing
Fighter Training Fighting Individual Combat
Equestrian Wars & Battles
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Arts and Sciences Activities

Astronomy Bardic Recitation Basketry
Brewing Calligraphy Candle Making
Cooking Costuming Dancing
Drama Dyeing Drama & Comedy
Embroidery Gardening Herbs
Illumination Instrumental Music Jewelery
Juggling Lace Making Lapidary
Masquing & Mime Music Composition Needlework
Painting Poetry Pottery
Sculpture Spinning Cartography
Tumbling Vintning Vocal Music
Weaving Wood Working
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Service and Organizational Activities

Heraldry Historian Medicine
Administration Security Water Bearing
Research Service School Demos
Officership Teaching Work With Children
Event Hosting Flyer Creation
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Social and Relational Activities

Brewing Cooking Gaming
Story Telling Revelry Recruiting
Public Relations Bartering
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