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Shire Meetings

Our bi-monthly business meetings are currently held at the Palmer-Munroe Community Center, on the corner of Jackson Bluff and Lipona roads, about one mile west of the FSU University Center at 7:30PM.  For more information or directions, click HERE for a map, or please contact our seneschal, Lady Mairi Ceilidh at  Our current meeting dates projected out for the next several months are listed below.


June 1st and 15th
July 6th and 20th
August 10th and 24th
September 7th and 21st
October 5th, 12th and 26th (subject to change)
November 9th and 23rd (subject to change)
December 14th (subject to change)

As soon as we get more dates set for the upcoming months, they'll be available right here and in Oldentales!