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Oldenfeld Events

In Oldenfeld we make a valiant effort to stay busy, and allow people the opportunity to be as actively involved in shire activity as they want to be. Several regularly scheduled gatherings occur in Oldenfeld to promote Shire activities and promote individual ability to be increasingly active and significant in the world of SCA.

The next big local event is Lion's Tourney on the weekend of May 5th through 7th. A page with directions to Camp Indian Springs is available for those who need them. There are also plenty of local activity and events elsewhere in Trimaris well worth one's attention before Lions Tournet rolls around, so be sure to take a look at the Oldenfeld Calendar to see what else is happening.

Speaking of local activities, some recent additions to the regularly scheduled activities are the monthly meeting of the Cooks Guild and a monthly, scheduled opportunity to learn period dance. The Company of Saint Jude, an organization dedicated to the running and promotion of authentic period-style lysts, heraldry, and chivalry, is a kingdom wide organization based in Oldenfeld which conducted the Pas d'arms and Bear Pit Tourney for the recently held Oldenfeld Anniversary Event, and will be involved in the tournament for the upcoming Lion's Tourney as well. The Brewers & Tunners Guild started late in 1999 and will be meeting on a regular basis, meeting times to be determined. Watch the calender for specific times and dates.

11am till ????
FSU Campus, between pool and Belami building
We fight in the rain, but not in a thunderstorm! Major holidays and kingdom and shire events may take presidence. Contact us if you are doubtful or don't know your way around FSU. Practice includes heavy weapons, fencing, and archery.
Cooks Guild 1st Monday of month 7pm - 10pm
Various members homes, call for details
One of the newest additions to the bustling modern middle ages community of Oldenfeld is the recent inception of the Cooks Guild. Period recipes will be planned, cooked, sampled, etc. to prepare for event feasts as well as for the pleasure of those participating in the guild. Call for more details.
Heraldry Night 2nd & 4th
of month
7pm - 9pm
Home of Rebecca Scott
Wether you are interested in name registration, ironing out the details of your device, or just enjoy heraldry in general, Heraldry night is the place you want to be. Contact Lillias Stiubhardt, Hedgewitch mka Rebecca Scott, Shire Herald, for directions or with any other questions.
Armouring Tuesday
(or as needed)
7pm - 9'ish
Home of Eddie & Michelle Costello
Lots of help is available for those willing to learn! A recent acquisition of "resources" via our prior shire historian Richard Berry has us rich in the raw materials from which armour is made. The shop is located at the home of Eddie and Michelle Costello. Contact us for directions.
Arts & Sciences
Tuesdays after business mtgs. 7:30 - 10pm (twice monthly)
Home of Romas Sparkis
The main crafts being covered on Tuesdays at Art/Sci night are sewing & garb making and Calligraphy & Illumination. The creative types you will find when joining us for one of these nights have made it quite clear, however, they will be happy to help anyone with anything Art/Sci related that you might like some help with. The Shire Library is also available on these nights, along with the other research library in the house."
7pm - 10pm
Home of Romas Sparkis
Music rehearsal includes time set aside for both instrumental and vocal practice. the Oldenfeld Ensemble welcome anyone interested in playing, singing, or learning to play or sing to come out and participate.
7:30pm - 8:30ish
Palmer-Munroe Community Center Meetings are planned for the first and third Thursday of each month. This will be adjusted to accomodate holidays, local SCA events, or other activities which may conflict or require extra planning. See Meetings page for exact dates and directions.
once a month
7:30 - 9pm
Palmer-Munroe Community Center On a non business meeting Thursday, once a month, members of the Shire of Oldenfeld will meet to learn and participate in period dance styles. Newcomers and those with two left feet are welcome! See Meetings page for directions to the facility. Contact a shire representative for exact dates.