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Never Been Kissed Multimedia

*Please note: All of the following sound clips are made by myself. Feel free to listen to these (hope you enjoy them!) but please do not use them on anther web page without my permission. A lot of hard work goes into these multimedia files. Thanks for your understanding and enjoy!=)*

If you don't have Real Player, please download it here to view the trailer and to listen to sound clips

NBK Trailer

Click here to download the Never Been Kissed movie trailer

NBK Sounds

  • "moment.rm" - Josie talks about that "moment" when you kiss someone
  • "specialed.rm" - Guy asks Josie if she's in special ed.
  • "point.rm" - Sam mistakes Anita for the sex-ed teacher.
  • "burning.rm" - Anita tells Josie that her burning sensation is "totally normal".

    Drew Barrymore talks about NBK

  • "highschool.rm" - Drew talks about how high school is so universal and such a raw time.
  • "favdrew.rm" - Drew talks says that Josie was her favorite character to play.

    NBK Backgrounds

    Courtesy of Pluto's Desktop: Free Wallpapers & Banners

    wallpaper 01 wallpaper 02

    Home * Why Josie Geller? * NBK Information * Pictures * Quotes * Multimedia * NBK Soundtrack Sound Clips * Drew Barrymore on NBK * Josie's Prom Speech * Read Josie's Touching Article * Tribute to Josie * Josie's Song
    Sam & Josie's Love Story In Pictures * Prom Screen Captures * Sam & Josie's Love Songs * Write to Drew * About Me *