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Kasp. vs. DB(1), Game #2

 GM Garry Kasparov vs. Deep Blue 
 The First Match, (1996) 

 Game # 2

  GM Garry Kasparov (2730) - Deep Blue (2625)  
ACM match (Game # 2),
 Philadelphia, PA   (U.S.A.) 
 Sunday;  February 11th, 1996. 

1.Nf3 d5; 2.d4 e6; 3.g3 c5; 4.Bg2 Nc6; 5.0-0 Nf6; 6.c4 dxc4; 7.Ne5 Bd7;
8.Na3 cxd4; 9.Naxc4 Bc5; 10.Qb3 0-0; 11.Qxb7 Nxe5; 12.Nxe5 Rb8; 
13.Qf3 Bd6; 14.Nc6 Bxc6; 15.Qxc6 e5; 16.Rb1 Rb6; 17.Qa4 Qb8; 
18.Bg5 Be7; 19.b4 Bxb4; 20.Bxf6 gxf6; 21.Qd7 Qc8; 22.Qxa7 Rb8; 
23.Qa4 Bc3; 24.Rxb8 Qxb8; 25.Be4 Qc7; 26.Qa6 Kg7; 27.Qd3 Rb8; 
28.Bxh7 Rb2; 29.Be4 Rxa2; 30.h4 Qc8; 31.Qf3 Ra1; 32.Rxa1 Bxa1;  
33.Qh5 Qh8; 34.Qg4+ Kf8; 35.Qc8+ Kg7; 36.Qg4+ Kf8; 37.Bd5 Ke7; 
38.Bc6 Kf8; 39.Bd5 Ke7; 40.Qf3 Bc3; 41.Bc4 Qc8; 42.Qd5 Qe6; 
43.Qb5 Qd7; 44.Qc5+ Qd6;  45.Qa7+ Qd7; 46.Qa8 Qc7; 47.Qa3+ Qd6; 
48.Qa2 f5; 49.Bxf7 e4; 50.Bh5 Qf6;  51.Qa3+ Kd7; 52.Qa7+ Kd8; 
53.Qb8+ Kd7; 54.Be8+ Ke7; 55.Bb5 Bd2; 56.Qc7+ Kf8;  57.Bc4 Bc3; 
58.Kg2 Be1; 59.Kf1 Bc3; 60.f4 exf3 e.p; 61.exf3 Bd2; 62.f4 Ke8;  
63.Qc8+ Ke7; 64.Qc5+ Kd8; 65.Bd3 Be3; 66.Qxf5 Qc6; 67.Qf8+ Kc7; 
68.Qe7+ Kc8; 69.Bf5+ Kb8; 70.Qd8+ Kb7; 71.Qd7+ Qxd7; 
72.Bxd7 Kc7; 73.Bb5,  
The Deep Blue Team Resigns.  

 1 - 0 

   A note about the accuracy of these moves.   

MANY databases have the wrong move score for this game. (One starts off with 1.d4.) 
And although many of them transpose back to the actual game, I found TWO whose game 
score was simply incorrect!!! The above score was arrived at by  "inputting"  the moves - one at a time, by hand - directly into the computer program,  Chessbase 8.0.  And then I meticulously went through and checked every single move twice against the book by Keene and Jacobs. 

I am reasonably certain that these moves are 100% accurate. {A.J.G.}  

   Click  HERE   to see this game with no annotations, but on a js re-play board.   
(You don't need a chess set.) 

   Click  HERE   to see this game with my annotations, BUT!! ... this is text-only.   

   Post-Game Press Conference & Interview with Kasparov  

Kasparov on Game # 2.

Kasparov's post-game comments were interesting, albeit somewhat braggadocios. 
(Or so it seems from re-reading the  '
USA-Today'  comments.)

"I simply outplayed it," he said at one point. 

"The program did not understand the nature of that whole game." - Kasparov. 

"I played a conservative opening where the long-term strategy is more important than immediate tactics. I tested the computer subtly, giving it chances to act like a machine and trade short-term advantages for long-term weaknesses ... Against a very strong human the result might have been a draw. But I simply understood the essence of the endgame in a way that the computer never could. It's computational power was not enough to overcome my experience and intuitive appreciation of where the pieces should go." 

 - GM Garry Kasparov - - - shortly after the game. 

   Click  HERE  to go to the page that covers game number three (#3) of this match.   

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This page was last updated on 01/19/05 .

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