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A/N: Gomen!!!! But I FINALLY got a break from school! My teachers are insane! Leaving me a ton of homework everyday! ¬¬ and I'm not even in college yet! Damn! Well any ways thank you for putting up with sessha and I hope you enjoy the chapter…


"What have you done now?" asked Megumi seeing Yahiko and Sano burst into her office.

"Hurry!" rushed Yahiko as Sano took Megumi and hauled her over his shoulder.

"Ahh! What the hell do you think you're doing? I can walk you baka!" complained Megumi

"We knocked Kaoru out!" said Yahiko running out of the clinic again

"And Kenshin is pissed!"

"Kenshin is angry? What did you two do to Tanuki? Is she ok?"

"She's fine! But you know how Kenshin is!"

"But he got mad? At you two? You must have done something!" Megumi said again

"Well, here's the deal Kitsune-onna…"


Kenshin was still beside Kaoru with her hand in his. Smiling like an idiot to himself just looking at her.

"Why are you so beautiful?" he asked her sleeping figure. ((A/N: awwww! kawaii!!!!))

He sighed and smiled some more. They were currently in his room. He had planned to take her to her own room but he forgot about the fact that he had broke through the rice paper so he decided to take her to his futon were there was no draft.

"Ken-san!!" Megumi burst into the room


"What were you doing?" asked Megumi

Kenshin sweat dropped "ano… talking to Kaoru-dono…"

"But she's asleep…"

"Hai, I know…"

She gave Kenshin a weird look before attending to Kaoru. She lifted the cloth towel that was on her fore head and took a look at the bump-slash-cut. She raised an eyebrow 'What'd she get hit by? A laundry bucket?' she wondered to herself. Putting some disinfectant on she placed a small soft cloth over it and bandaged it.

"What were you telling her?"

"How beautiful she was…" Kenshin blushed

Megumi looked confused. "Why?"

"Because it's the truth…"

"I told you Kitsune! But nooooo! Nobody listens to Sano!" he said appearing in Kenshin's door frame.

Megumi got up, mad of course, and slammed, well slid the door shut in his face. Then she looked back at Kenshin, her eyes wide.

"You really can't lie??" she whispered

Kenshin shook his head. Megumi looked sceptical again. Kenshin sighed recognising that look and getting ready.

"If you really can't lie… you will have to tell me the truth…" Megumi said

"Well duh!............... Oro!"

Megumi looked even more shocked than Kenshin, then hit him over the head for his comment. Although… 'for a stupid question…' she thought to herself

"You love to cook… ne?" she began


"you like doing laundry…?"


"You like cleaning … stuff?


"You like to shop, you sow, you clean, you cook, you wear a pink gi, you look like a woman, you are gay??"

"Hai… hai… hai… hai… hai… hai… ........... Oro!!!"

"Are you??"

"No!!!! why must everyone ask that damn question?!"

"excuse me! Well then, what did you first think when you saw me?"

"is she a hore?"


"Oro!! Well what would a woman be doing in a mans house while they were betting!"

"You thought they had hired me?!?!?"

"orororo!! Hai!"

Megumi nailed Kenshin making a hole in the floor.

"Hmp… now then… what were your thoughts when Kaoru was jealous of me?"

"ano… 'I wish she would leave…' "

Megumi's eye twitched and Kenshin sweat dropped.

"Why the nice manners?" she asked again

"Sessha … doesn't know…" he admitted "redeeming himself maybe…"

"Did you ever find me attractive?"

"No… I had Kaoru de gozaru." ((A/N: aaaawwwwww! Again!))

"not even a little?"

"Well a little."

"Kaoru's cooking compared to mine…?"

"Like a grunt compared to a song."

Megumi puffed her chest out, her ego welling up. "what do you think about me as a doctor?"

"It's odd because you're a woman… oro!"

He crashed through the floor again. "That was for Kaoru and me…" she said coldly

"But your very good! One of the best I have ever seen! Che you didn't let me finish! That's also another thing! you jump too quickly to conclusions and you're somewhat aggressive, you think clearly, strait from point a to b, without hesitation, witty but you don't have much patience, your temper is awful and you don't let anybody see what you really have inside, and I'm sure it's nice but you're just too closed, maybe that's why Sano likes you… but Kaoru is much worse."

Megumi's eyes bulged. She wanted to hit him, but she was flattered by some things as well. She just sighed at the sweaty Kenshin.

"Sanosuke likes me??"

"Hai, I thought that you of all people would know."

"Why the hell doesn't he say anything?!"

"He's scared…"

"Of what?"

"Of you…"

Megumi scoffed and punched the floor "why the hell is he afraid of me?? Do I scare you?!"

"Hai..." Kenshin quivered

Megumi rolled her eyes. "Ok, why haven't you told Kaoru how you feel?"

"sessha is unworthy of such a gift as Kaoru's love…"

"But you already have it!"

"I don't deserve it."

"Have what?" said a third voice


"What do you have and don't deserve Kenshin?" Kaoru asked again

"Kenshin what on earth are you doing her! I told you she would be fine! Now just go and do something girlie like you always do!" said Megumi pushing him out of the room

Kaoru stared as Kenshin 'oro'ed. He sighed being kicked out of the room. 'I need a walk' he said running out of the dojo again. The minute he stepped out he went flying along with someone else.


He and this new person lay on the floor and a shadow appeared over them. 'Damn!' Kenshin knew that ki.

"Nice job Battousai…" he said.

"Oro! It's the ass hole!"

He raised an eyebrow.

A/N: tan tan tan!!! *dramatic music* who could it be?! You probably already know but still, I'm sorry for taking so long in posting up this chapter… ¬¬ and it isn't even that good! ¬¬ actually, it sucks! T-T what a horrible chapter!!! But oh well, promise to try and make the next chapter better… *dodges flying fruit and occasional knives*

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