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"An excuse to get slammed on a weekday"

One day while at the beer store, the MFO along with MFO affiliate "The Fridge", decided to try a new beer because we're teenagers and we can't tell the difference between a forty of Colt 45 and a bottle of Dom Perignon.  In other words we're not very picky so we have designated every Thursday "New beer day" where we sample a beer that's not normally purchased.  Actually we don't just sample it, we drink a lot of it then laugh about going to school the next day.  Try it someday and send us a review of your own.  We'd suggest buying ones with either funny packages, names or unusually high amounts of alcohol.  Here are our reviews of some obscure beers:

P.S. The MFO loves you so don't drink and drive.  If anything piss in bottles and throw them at buses while shouting: "Piss bus! Piss Bus!". vf

Hello, I'm your MFO Virtual Bartender. I have taken the holographic form as a swanky bartender from the 70's because this suit and bowtie are fucking sweet. Whats that sir? You'd like a Sex on the Beach? Sorry you little bitch, but we don't cater to your wanting to have a vagina. We only serve beer here. Once I'm done shoving this napkin up my sleeve I'll show you a magic trick. What's that sir? You'd like to try a new beer? Well I have a wide selection, choose one and hope it doesn't taste like dick!

note: MFO Virtual Bartender 3.0beta only caters to men so if you are a woman substitute the words "Sir" with "Ma'am" and "Vagina" with "drunken orgy by the ocean"

Stroh's Bohemian

Wellington Iron Duke

Steamwhistle Pilsner

Charrington Toby

Brava Mexican Style

Dos Equis Amber

Asahi Super Dry