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LilRoo Belle the Cat
The Company
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What is Belle the Cat*?

Belle the Cat is a production company based in Lakewood, Ohio. Its main focus is the organization and marketing of the written works of Director and founder S. Morgan Bartash.

Belle the Cat was created in 2002.

Office stats:

Size: 7'x7'
Remodle started: January 2003
Inspiration: My "bags of potential" - I divided many of my most promising collections of research and partially finished works into bags and toted them around to coffeshops, work etc. I realized that I had to get them into some semblance other than plastic grocery bags so set about planning a filing system which led to the need for a good working space.
Before: Chief Wahoo trim, white walls, long wobbly shelf along one wall, tiny but densely heavy desk, two old bent up file cabinets. Photo
Middle stage: Painted the wall melon, repositioned furniture, painted file cabinet with chalkboard paint, new chair. Photo
Plans: Ikea desk or build one - fit into corner of the room. Buy hanging file racks. Build cabinets for wall and get rid of wobbly shelf. I want it to look somewhat like this.
Total cost: $400+
UPDATE!:Check out this photo of what I finally ended up with! June 2004. Total amount includes $100 for desk, $100 for file cabinet. $9 new lamp.
Computer upgrade: HP Laptop from Ebay for $750. External floppy disk drive. Scanner from Ebay for $20.

* From Aesop:

At the general council of mice, it was proposed that a bell be attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat so that they should always know when she was about. But who is to bell the Cat? The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke.

Moral: Many a plan has just one flaw: no one has the courage to try it.

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