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Belle the Cat
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Happy Man the First
This is actually the first known HM comic.
The original is believed to be owned by a private collector of HM memorabilia.

A relatively recent addition to the collective Happy Man body of work, this was designed and commissioned by one of the original artists for a museum showing of a HM retrospective.

Nap Room
A piece that is an example of the renaissance of HM art. It also serves to represent a reflection of the society at the time – due to the extreme hours put in by workers of the United States in the early 21st century, companies, including the one the two HM artists worked for, instigated voluntary “quiet rooms” to give the overworked masses a chance to relax.

This piece alludes to the class structure and divisions that existed in the time Happy Man was created and thrived. It is also an interesting example of the dichotomy of HM – the two artists who fueled the movement had very different styles. HP is the artist who depicted HM at his lowest – smoking, drinking, doing drugs and other antisocial behavior.

The piece, called “Serve,” was an early entry and speaks much to the desperate vision of its artists. Many of these artworks were gifts presented from one artists to another, and the subjects ranged from optimistic dreams of gentlemen delivering salvation in the form of gifts and presents, to the dark underworld of unrestrained access to drugs, alcohol, Pepsi and garlic dipping sauce.

The Pyrate Princess
...has been resurected! Arg! This was from my old Anime Messhall site. For some reason there was blood dripping from her sword and a Pikachu at her feet.

All images copyright S. Morgan Bartash, Belle the Cat Production, unless otherwise stated.
Please do not alter, redistribute, or use without my permission!

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