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Belle the Cat
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Above:Bristol, the cutest kitten in the world. Photo taken by my sister (her cat.)

The first goat girl. This is Sydney, an Alpine goat that lives at the Zoo where I work (I don't work with her anymore.) This photo was taken before she became a hermaphrodite and grew a beard.

Indy was only a short time for this world; he lived with my sister and made very strange noises. He liked walking on a leash.

Jackie Chan
This is Jackie AKA Big Jack AKA How How (due to the noise he makes.)He is a good cat.

Veeeeerrryy little Roo! He is much bigger now. Polaroid.

Hobbes is a big loud orange cat. He almost was in the play The Foreigner at Viterbo college but he was too loud. Taken at my parent's house.

All images copyright S. Morgan Bartash, Belle the Cat Production, unless otherwise stated.
Please do not alter, redistribute, or use without my permission!

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